
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Blackbeard Now


There was a sound of popping the barrel, and then, under Van Oka's disbelief, Luffy thought again.

The bullet flew away against Luffy's cheek, and the air flowed Luffy's bangs gently.

"How is this going?"

Van Oka didn't understand, it was enough to dodge his own sniper at a long distance, but in such a close situation, how fast was Luffy's reaction speed to dodge.

"Don't you understand? It seems that Blackbeard hasn't mentioned the existence of Haki to you."

After all these years on the Whitebeard ship, Luffy didn't believe Blackbeard would be without Master Haki.

Thinking about it, he didn't expect to encounter an enemy like Luffy so soon.


Fan Oka tilted his head in confusion, but now is not the time to be curious about these things, let's think about how to escape this disaster first.

Fan Oka's mind quickly flashed many thoughts, but they were all overturned one by one.

With the speed that Luffy had shown before, trying to escape with his own strength was a bit of a dream.

I hope the captain can rush over as soon as possible, otherwise his destiny may stop here.

Thinking of this, Fan Oka raised the sniper rifle in his hand again, trying to delay the time as much as possible.

However, when he tried to shoot, Luffy was no longer in sight.

"So fast!"

Before he could think about it, Fan Oka stepped forward and ran.

It's not a wise choice to stay where you are, and maybe you can use the surrounding buildings to stop Luffy when you run.


Unlike the gunshot just now, this time it was the sound of a fist hitting the body.

Fan Oka, who had just stepped up, found that his body had flown out uncontrollably before he could react to what was going on.

At the same time, a sharp pain came from the abdomen and rushed straight to the brain, and a mouthful of blood could not help spewing out of the mouth.

In those eyes, which were slightly squinted because of the twisted face, Luffy's steaming red figure appeared again.

Just when Van Oka was about to face his own death, Luffy, who appeared again, didn't do it right away.

"∼ bang"

Van Oka only felt that he had slammed into a relatively soft wall, and then, the captain's familiar voice came from his ears.

"Straw Hat Luffy, didn't expect us to meet like this."

Blackbeard Teach, who caught Van Oka, stared at Luffy opposite the two with an ugly expression.

Originally, I was thinking of catching this rookie pirate who had just set out to sea and offered a reward of 90 million Bailey to seek the position of Shichibukai.

But he didn't expect that the other party was also targeting him. Blackbeard didn't remember that he offended the other party, and the two of them had never met.

Hearing the explosion before, Blackbeard rushed over at the fastest speed. Unexpectedly, it was a step too late, and Poison Q was out of breath.

As for Badgers, who arrived at the same time as him, he asked him to deal with the swordsman who was obviously waiting for him and others.

If he hadn't sensed where Fan Oka was, maybe even Fan Oka would have been killed by the opponent.

However, it is estimated that Badgers will not be able to please him, and Lafayette just happens to be absent, so it seems that he has to solve it quickly on his own side.

"Blackbeard, Marshall-D-Teach, ready to stay here?"

Although he couldn't kill Van Oka, if he could get rid of Blackbeard, Van Oka was just an existence that could be killed easily.

"I'm curious, there should be no conflict between us, right?"

Obviously Blackbeard is quite confident in himself, no, it can even be said to be arrogant, and he has no intention of attacking first.

Luffy also didn't attack directly, and when he knew that the opponent was a Dark Fruit person, he was not suitable for melee attacks.

"If I'm curious, I'm curious why you want to get Dark Fruit so much, and even kill your partner you've been with for so long.

Since there is no plan to take action first, it is also a good choice to carry out a wave of language offensive.


Blackbeard, who was asked by Luffy, was suddenly silent, obviously not expecting Luffy to even know such a thing.

There shouldn't be many people who know about his own affairs at the moment.

But a rookie pirate like Luffy knows it, which is really unbelievable.

"What's the matter, what's wrong with what you've done?"

Blackbeard didn't answer, but that didn't mean Luffy would let him go.

If you can provoke him verbally, then the possibility that you can kill him will undoubtedly increase.

Anger can bring a moment of power, but it can also make people lose the ability to think.

"If you want to know, just try it yourself!"

Clearly losing interest in continuing, Blackbeard looked sullenly at Luffy.

A dark power slowly emerged from his hand, and then, black smoke continued to emerge from that power.

Seeing Blackbeard getting ready to take action, Luffy Observation Haki unfolds to Ultimate, after all, what happened to Ace in the original book is really impressive.

Although at present, even without Rubber Fruit, he still has good combat power, but with the blessing of Rubber Fruit, his combat power has doubled by an unknown number of times.

Currently facing Blackbeard, Luffy is not sure he can hurt him without relying on Rubber Fruit.

After all, he is an old Yinbi who can endure for so many years. Even if he is arrogant, he still cannot relax his vigilance.

Blackbeard took the lead, black smoke began to rise from all over his body, his palms were completely blackened, and then he stretched forward, his hands clasped into claws, facing Luffy's direction.

".~Dark Water!"

In front of Blackbeard's outstretched black atomized palm, a black Uzumaki formed and kept spinning.

An attractive force came from the black misted palm.

Luffy felt that something in his body was being drawn away by that force (Li Qianzhao), and even his body had a tendency to be attracted to it.

He could actually make the Devil Fruit power in his body react even in the air.

It was indeed the power of Devil Fruit, and the aura was very similar to the reborn Devil Fruit that Luffy felt before.

Although he was a little surprised by Blackbeard's dark water, he wasn't worried about it.

After all, Devil Fruit's power will not fail until it is touched.

"Third gear – Xixiang!"

Stabilizing the body that involuntarily wanted to lean forward, Luffy clenched his right fist sharply, his entire right hand swelled into a fist, and then quickly swung it out.

Transparent air beams shot in the direction of Blackbeard.


"Ah!" 5

Obviously, Luffy didn't expect Luffy to hit Blackbeard with a long-distance air column, and he suffered this gram abruptly.

Then, a shrill scream came from Blackbeard's mouth.