
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Farewell

The next day, when Luffy woke up, Vivi had long since disappeared, leaving only the bright red on the sheets.

When Luffy and the others got up, Cobra was ready to promise Luffy's Bailey, and prepared enough sailing supplies.

However, when handing these things over to Luffy, Cobra stared at Luffy stubbornly.

Apparently, Cobra, as a father, still saw what happened to his daughter and Luffy.

Cobra, who looked at Luffy, didn't speak for a while, but in the end it just turned into a helpless sigh.

The pirates saved the country, and my daughter fell in love with the pirates.

If the daughter is just a commoner girl, or just an ordinary noble lady, then there is no big problem even if she goes to sea with the other party.

However, her daughter is the princess of Alabasta, and even if she just wants to admit her heart, she cannot express it publicly.

"There's no need to put on such an ugly face."

Luffy's words made Cobra look up slightly, those slightly vicissitudes of eyes staring at Luffy deeply, quietly waiting for Luffy's next words.

"It won't be more than three months and I'll be going back to Alabasta."

Whether or not Summit War happens, Luffy has decided that the Straw Hat Pirates will go on a two-year training.

Two years is enough for Luffy to do a lot.

"Hopefully Vivi583 didn't see the wrong person."

Luffy was not asked why he said he would be back in three months, nor was he asked for any guarantees from Luffy.

Cobra just said that, then turned around and left.

Luffy was silent for a while, then turned to leave the palace.

The friends are already waiting outside.

Seeing Luffy coming out, everyone didn't speak, just waiting for Luffy's order to leave.

Luffy glanced at Nami who was standing in front, then raised his arms and shouted at the crowd:

"Straw Hat Pirates, ready to go!


The group agreed, and then took the supplies and Bailey prepared by Cobra and began to set out for the Merry.

Looking at the direction of the palace again, the light blue figure did not appear.

Luffy turned back and strode away with everyone.

By the time everyone arrived near the Merry, Marine was already waiting there.

Not to capture Luffy and the others, but to deliver Bailey to Luffy.

The Marine left in a hurry after leaving three suitcases, obviously afraid of Luffy and the others.

(beae) Although he is just a delivery person, who knows if the other party will kill him suddenly, it is better to leave quickly.

The sheep's head turned, and just as the Merry began to drive slowly, a figure appeared on the hilltop not far away.

Watching the Merry go away, Vivi waved slowly towards the backs of the ship.

On the Merry, if Luffy felt something, he turned his head and waved goodbye to the shadowy figure.

"Ah! So many Baileys!"

After pointing in the direction, Nami immediately opened the three suitcases that Marine had sent.

Just looking at it, Nami's eyes turned into the shape of Bailey, and there was no sadness when he parted with Vivi before.

"Well, the money is just a small amount of money, our next stop is the Sky Island I said earlier.

Luffy turned his head, and his originally annoyed mood improved a little after seeing the beautiful figure.

At this time, seeing Nami's appearance again, he finally couldn't help laughing.


Hearing Luffy's words, Nami, who was immersed in Bailey's ocean, regained his senses.

Those bright eyes stared straight at Luffy, and there seemed to be something flashing in the moist eyes.

"Oh? Sky Island? Captain Luffy even knows about Sky Island?""

Unlike others, Robin has seen information about Sky Island in the literature.

For the existence of Sky Island, Robin does not think it is a fictional thing.

But now that I heard from Luffy, Robin was a little surprised.

Last night, Robin had read the historical text of Alabasta's existence, led by Ikalem.

Now that Luffy has revealed the existence of Sky Island, which is difficult for others to know, Robin is more and more curious about Luffy.

"Sky Island? What is that?

When Luffy talked about Sky Island before, there were only Nami, Zoro and Usopp on board, and even Sanji had never heard of it.

"You'll know it when you wait, so keep looking forward to it now! 35

For everyone's curiosity, Luffy has no plans to answer, mainly because Luffy himself doesn't know how to describe it.

Just say an island in the sky, doesn't that mean you didn't say anything?

Seeing that Luffy didn't elaborate, the other people on the Merry who hadn't heard Luffy mention it looked at Robin, the only one who knew about it.

"Since Captain Luffy said to keep expectations, I'm not arrogant."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Robin didn't feel any shyness, just covered his mouth with a chuckle, and replied with a slightly dark belly.


Instead of discussing Sky Island, Luffy brought up Haki again.

"But before going to Sky Island, let me introduce you to Haki again. The finished product

Luffy paused, then continued:

"At the moment, except for me and Zoro, no one else on the boat can know Haki, which is very disadvantageous in the Grand Line, where Demon fruit power is running all over the place.

"Armament Haki, in addition to being able to catch entities of the Logia Demon fruit power, can significantly increase a person's attack and defense.95

"In the battle of the top powerhouses, the quality and quantity of Haki determine the outcome of the battle to a certain extent.

Luffy talked a lot, but it didn't have any practical use, just introduced the role of Haki.

But this time, Luffy said it in more detail. After all, Marianu's ability may not require her to learn Haki herself.

In Luffy's view, as long as Marianu understands this power enough, she may be able to use her ability to awaken those who have not awakened Haki through hints.

However, Luffy still focused on Observation Haki. After all, the use of Armament Haki requires a certain physical foundation.

Even if Marianu really mastered this ability, it is currently estimated that only Sanji can awaken Armament Haki.

Gal-Tino may also be possible, after all, the age is there, and the influence of age on the physical quality of ordinary people in this world is quite large.

As for the others, don't think about it for now.

But what Luffy didn't expect was that after leaving Alabasta this time, everyone's physical problems were quickly resolved.

And including Luffy himself, the physique has also ushered in a great improvement.