

While Malvick fell unconscious, in the Divine Realms' Destiny Palace, there was a commotion.

Lead on by the gods, the Goddess of Destiny had no choice but to use her power to locate the treasure for the gods. Well if she really wants to, she could choose not, but she was curious about the treasure as well.

Using her powers inappropriately is something that she does like to do as it is against her usually reserve personality. Because even if one where to get the treasure, so what? It's not like the treasures' powers are yours to begin with, so to her she believes that one should be powerful themselves than relay on items.

For example, her father, the God of War Anza is a powerful god at the level of Major God rank. He as lots of treasures at his disposal that he could give to his daughter to protect her with, but she doesn't seem to want to rely on him at all, much to his disappointment.

Signing, the Goddess of Destiny used her power, the power of destiny to search for the treasure. The Power of Destiny or the Law of Destiny is a unique law that very powerful if one used it correctly. One could escape from other laws but it's impossible to escape the law of destiny if one is an alive or dead.

Just like the line she used when she ascended to the rank of god, 'if there is life and death, there shall be faith and if there is faith, there will be destiny!'

She used her powers and lights of all the color of the rainbow appeared in front of her. This is her main ability, Destiny Mirror. When she uses this ability, nothing can escape from her sight if they are her target of the ability. Even a god can't escape from her sight, unless they are far more powerful than her.

As she sat there, she suddenly senses the presence of danger from the mirror, like an instinct. she teleported from where she was sitting in an instant.

"Hurry and create a barrier, my magic is going to explode!!" different from her usual elegant and mature demeanor, terror and fear could be seen on the goddess face as she shouted at the gods as they stand there not knowing what's going on.

The gods soon reacted as they heared shouting her at them. Seeing the expression on the goddess's face, it didn't take long for them to know that something was wrong.

In the entire Divine Realm, the amount of times she had made such an expression could be counted on one hand. So, all the gods did as she said and create a barrier around the destiny mirror.

As for the said goddess? She was thinking of why he magics went out of control. She had done the magic right, she had made no mistakes at all. It should be able to locate the treasure if she used her mirror. Treasure? That's it! How could I find a treasure of such a powerful rank with my Minor God power? I'm such a fool!!

As the gods used their powers to isolate the goddess magic, the mirror exploded rattling the entire Destiny Palace. The surroundings of the palace were in complete ruins.

*Poi! *

A subtle grunt was heared as the goddess covered her eyes with her beautiful hands. The noise was low, but how could these gods not hear it? All of them turned to the source and there they saw the Goddess of Destiny covering her eyes and trembling in pain. After all, this is not only a body pain, but one that hits directly at her core, her law!

"Are you alright Anise?" A female warlike goddess said as she hurriedly arrived in front of the Goddess of Destiny. She saw that there was golden blood dropping from the goddess eyes. She signed in relief seeing the wound, it's only a flesh wound, she thought.

"I'm fine, just the backlash of destruction of my magic, I should be able to recover within five decades at the very least." Anise replied calmly as he removed her hands from her eyes. In the place of her eyes where deep bloodied holes that glistens with golden blood.

If a mortal where to see this, they would be sucking in cold air as how chilling the sight was.

All the gods knew that when one's magic was destroy, even if one was a million miles away, they would still suffer damage. In some extreme cases the caster would not even survive, let alone suffer damaged.

"it's good you are alright, so…" the goddess was embarrassed to continue her words, but she did anyway. The treasure was way too important to her, although she might offend Goddess of Destiny, so be it. What does a Minor God compare to a Sage? Nothing!!

"I could not see the treasure let alone locate it. We have forgotten something very important here; the treasure is a Sage Level Treasure, so how could I find it?" A flash of anger appears in the eyes of Goddess of Destiny as the goddess still ask her for information when she already know the answer.

"I would like all of you to leave as I need to recuperate." The Goddess of Destiny's' tone was still calm and unhurried as she spoke. She was trying her hardest not to lash out at them now!

"We will leave, we won't disturb you any longer." The goddess knows she is in the wrong, so she decides to leave before she cause the anger of the goddess of destiny to erupt any further.

All the gods bowed and apologize before leaving the goddess alone in the palace. They all felt stupid for coming here to ask for help. How is it easy to locate the treasure? This might be one of the reason those Major and Primordial Gods have not made an appearance, even they can't find it let alone a puny Minor God.

Watching all the gods leave, the Goddess of Destiny signed and mutter," this must be destiny." In fact, all though she has gotten injured, she was not mad but instead happy as she had comprehended a bit more of the Law of Destiny.

Unlike other gods who are powerful, the Goddess of Destiny's strength is not even as strong as an Ancient Practitioner in actual combat. So, although she is a Minor God, she not really respected among the gods and the only reason she could ascend to the Divine Realm was because of her father. Even though she happy for that, she knows that she is always in danger if she can't create a religion soon as she would disappear without the aid of faith. This is one of the burdens of being a god.

Now that she had comprehended more of the Law of Destiny, she believe that she could have the power of Major God, even if she did not actually reach that level.

She happy walked into her chamber ready cultivate her law.


Somewhere else, in the southern parts of the Divine Realm, a war could be two opposing armies, one of gods and the other devils, they march towards each other ferociously as the skies darkened and thunder roar. It was obvious of how terrifying the war was!

The soldiers of the northern armies, where made up completely of gods. These gods radiated various aura, from gold, blue, brown, etc. A single wave of a god's weapon or armors causes mountains to collapse and rivers to run dry!

Opposite the army of gods, were the fierce deadly devils that were all wearing different armors or weapons, but the thing they have in common was that the color of their armors and weapons where all ominous black. It was so black that as soon as the sun rays approached them, they where all absorb, turning the area of the devil army pitch black! it was like a patch of darkness trying to overthrow the sun!

In the northern army, a huge golden tent could be seen at the back of the marching northern army. All around the tent are gods on all sides guarding it with their spears facing upwards. With their 5 meters tall bodies and fierce gaze, they looked like demonic statues that guard the gateway of hell!

Inside of the tent, numerous people could be seen around a big round table, the table was decorated by with many papers scattered all over it, disorderly.

The people around the table, well, gods around the table were all wearing various armors of all kinds of different designs. Some had full plate armor that cover their entire bodies, some with just a piece that cover a specific part of their bodies, such as shoulder, knees, arms, etc.

At the head of the round table was a ten-meter-tall muscular god. This god was dressed in an almost full body black armor with only his head was in the open. The entire armor was pitch black in color. On the outsides of the armor, one can see fine traces of gold running along the joints, making it look like a work of art.

The gods head was full of pitch black hair that seem to be a smog of darkness. His face was well defined and handsome, especially his eyes that seem to come from the abyss itself. Overall, he looked like a twenty-five-year-old general that has a lot of charisma as all the soldiers were looking at him with reverence in their eyes.

As they were deciding what tactic to use to defeat the southern armies, a messenger came in and whisper something into the general's ear.

"What, my daughter had her blood spilled?!!!" Anger could be seen on the general's face as he listens to his soldier's words. At first, he thought that he was getting a report from one of his commanding officers, but who would have known that he would receive such a news?

"Which god has gotten a death wish?!!" A crazed expression appeared on the gods face as he stares at his man wanting to know which god's balls have grown bigger since he had been gone. Any one, and all that dares to touch his precious daughter, even if he's was a Primordial God, he would still kill them even at the cost of his, for he's the God of War Anza!

"Why I'm I am asking you, I should ask my daughter instead. Round up the soldiers, we are going to war!!" Anza said as he shouted at the gods around him. His face was full of bloodlust as he was itching to slaughter the gods who step too far out of line!

Hearing the general's words, the soldiers in the tent couldn't help but roll their eyes while thinking in their head, 'Aren't we already at war? Now we are even going to another one?' although some of them 'complained', they were happy as well.

Daughter complex?

Soul_Rivercreators' thoughts