
Sage of Hearts C-13

Disclaimer: I certainly don't own Naruto, Disney or any of its affliated properties. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this now would I?

"The connection of our hearts…" : Speech (Bold for yelling ,Bijuu, or massive creatures)

'The connection of our hearts…' : Thought

Forests outside the Charming kingdom, early morning…

"Looks like a good haul today – spring sure drives the local game around here into a breeding frenzy!" Naruto said as he gently pulled at Major's reins, the horse whinnying in agreement (he had tried his luck with Snow's and Grimhilde's mares but had no luck – he was an older gentleman and they were younger ladies. Spirit surprisingly took no interest in them – preferring to gallop freely in the surrounding estate and forest, occasionally returning to Naruto when the man called for him).

With the start of the New Year and the beginning of spring, the snow of winter had just finished melting and the kingdom was returning to its normal bustling self. The hibernating or migratory animals had also returned or awakened to start their various mating rituals so the forest was bursting with wild game. This was very good for Naruto – normal hunters wouldn't provoke or hunt the horny beasts lest they attack them but Naruto was no hapless hunter. In fact, this made hunting easier for him – he didn't have to track down the animals as they made enough of a ruckus that he could go find them and dispatch them with a well placed arrow or dagger to their eyes, killing them instantly (the butcher and tanner paid more for unblemished hides so he had to be precise with his critical hits).

Today, the hunt was bountiful-the local inn had put up a request for venison and the tannery wanted a bear pelt for the Prince's ball that would be held in a fortnight (the young prince needed a princely cloak and nothing was more regal than a bearskin cloak – it spoke of power and respect, as was expected for even attempting to hunt the powerful beasts for their hides). Naruto had taken the requests the previous night and went out to hunt at the crack of dawn – by the time the sun had risen properly, he had already bagged four stags, a single black bear and seven pheasants (not really required but the birds made for some fine cuisine – he was sure that Grimhilde, Snow and Ella would love to have them for dinner). Now he was taking the carcasses back in a cart(that he made himself) that was being pulled along by Major – he was an old horse but that was nothing a nice helping of chakra couldn't fix. Major was now a hardier horse and no longer looked so gangly – Spirit was a smaller (and younger) horse so pulling a cart/carriage would be more difficult for him.


"Yes,yes Major, I hear you. Once we get to the inn, you can go back to the chateau and take a break. I can carry the bear carcass to the tanner myself." Naruto said, reaching over to rub Major's neck as the horse let out a hot breath in relief (his coachman was nice but also a little strange – he wanted to lug a 300 kilogram beast all by himself?!).

After half an hour, Naruto and Major had entered the town, which was nicely decorated in honor of the Prince's ball. Some people speculated that the King wanted his son to find a bride, which was why the ball was being planned out this early in the year. The ladies of the chateau certainly seemed to believe it at least, with Ella even checking the mail every morning in the hope that she would find an invitation for the family.

The heavy cart that Major was pulling to the inn was a sight to see, as the passerby simply gawked at the sheer quantity of flesh that was being hauled. Upon their arrival, the innkeeper and butcher were waiting at the door, having already deduced from the massive crowd forming in front of the establishment that their star hunter had returned from his hunt.

"Ah, Naruto my good ser – you make this old man proud of the younger generation once again! These fie beasts will make sure no one goes wanting in my inn for at least three weeks!" The innkeeper(named Maurice) said as the butcher (named Edward) excitedly ran over to the stag carcasses, running his fingers over their haunches in delight.

"Maurice, I don't know how you got this man to take requests for this humble inn but keep doing it – not even the royal gamekeepers could bring down these beasts without marring their flesh and hides! Just look at the precision of the ocular penetration! These animals didn't even know they were being hunted before they dropped dead so their meat is still supple and pliant!" He said as Naruto chuckled at his enthusiasm before turning to Maurice to collect his payment (30 gold coins, for those curious).

"Alright gentlemen, thank you for your business. Now I have to take the bear carcass to Gregor before he gets impatient!" Naruto said as he hoisted the body on his shoulders before calmly walking over to the tanner, whose shop was about two streets away across the town square.

His journey was uneventful (he didn't notice the gaggle of girls following him) and when he got to the tanner, he found Gregor waiting impatiently at the door, tapping his feet incessantly.

"Here is the bear you requested Gregor – you should learn to relax a little more! You know I always keep my promises!" Naruto said as he dumped the bear carcass at the back of the store.

"Relax he says – d-do you know how much pressure the king is putting on me right now?! He expects this bear pelt processed in four days! Four days!!! How in the name of all that is holy can one expect the hide to cure that fast?!" Gregor said as he hyperventilated a little, his eyes dancing with a mad light.

"Easy,easy there old fella. I can just ask Grimhilde for a leather dipping solution and se can whip one up for ya – no need to go crazy on me here!" Naruto said as he gripped Gregor's shoulders firmly to reassure him.

Regaining his composure, Gregor then huffed at the man before grunting out a thanks before shooing him off.

"Alright – you go do that. Now leave my shop! You're holding up the road with all the floozies you bring around with you!" He said as Naruto looked behind him to see a group of girls running away in mortification.

Chuckling sheepishly, he then returned to the inn, where he knew Snow was performing today. She was singing a local shanty song when he arrived, and when she was done, she received many encores and praise. He watched her talk with her fans while leaning on the door frame, a lazy smile finding itself on his face as he noticed her deal with her admirers.

Snow, as if noticing his gaze, suddenly looked in his direction. Recognizing her beloved, she immediately ran over to him, even leaping into his arms when she got close enough so she could snuggle her face into his chest.

"Whoa there Snow! I know you missed me but you don't have to jump at me like that – at least make sure you're not wearing a dress when you do that…" Naruto said as he noticed the flushed faces of the inn patrons upon seeing Snow's flawless legs for a split second.

"Hmmph. You aren't a maiden in love Naruto – you can't understand what propels the hearts of us ladies. Surely, you understand that I can't restrain myself around you my love~…" Snow said as she batted her lashes at him coquettishly, grinning when she saw a blush form on his cheeks as he gently stroked hers.

"Ah. So Grimhilde has taught you how to weaponize your cuteness. Have some mercy on me dear – your wiles can be a little much in the morning you know? Let's save this for when we're in private." Naruto said as Snow hummed in content as she rested her head on his shoulder as the two of them began their leisurely walk back to the chateau.

"So Naruto, have you made preparations to go to the ball? I think all of the chateau's inhabitants will be invited to go I think?"

"Nah, not really. My clone has been helping Ella out with that stuff – you know the drill. I help her with her chores and Grimhilde and you help out with the dressmaking."

"Oh? Is Ella still set on wooing the Prince? I guess we can help her meet her dream man at least…"

Meanwhile, with Mouse Naruto (Mouruto) and Ella

"Alright – Jaq and Gus go with Ella while I stay here and make sure Lucifer doesn't do anything weird." Mouruto said as the two mice nodded at him and followed Ella as she prepared food for Lucifer and the Tremaines.

"Sure, sure! We'll help out Cinderelly – won't we Gus?"

"Y-yeah! Help-help Cinderelly!"

After the two stooges left, Mouruto then grinned before cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

"Alright – let's see what dear old Lucifer is up to…"


When Mouruto got to the kitchen, he came just in time to see Lucifer about to scratch Bruno, his claws already fully extended to take a swipe out of the old dog's back.

"Oh I don't think so – you leave Bruno alone you fat cat!" Mouruto said as he ran over to Lucifer and gave him a leaping donkey kick to the arse. Despite his now diminutive stature, Mouruto was just as strong as his human counterpart, which meant that Lucifer was launched out of the kitchen like a furry pinball, yowling in pain all the way.


"Yeah it's no problem there Bruno – I don't like that fat punk anymore than you do and it's fun to see how far I can punt him every day. He never seems to learn either so it makes it more fun for me anyway."

While Mouruto and Bruno were chatting, Ella came into the kitchen with a strange facial expression. She was holding Lucifer in her arms, who had two red steaming footprints on his arse that looked suspiciously like a mouse's paws. She looked like she was torn between laughing her guts out and maintaining a stern expression to scold Mouruto (she knew it was Naruto – who else would have the guts to do such crazy things?).

"Naruto – why do you do this? Lucifer is a hateful beast but even he doesn't deserve *snrk* this kind of humiliation…" Ella said as Bruno fell over laughing when he saw Lucifer's steaming bum while Mouruto simply gave her a closed-eye grin, rubbing his nose proudly as he did so.

"Well it's a funny story-you see Lucifer here was trying to maul old Bruno here and I couldn't sit and watch that happen. Besides, with his sore bum, he can't bother you until he soothes it so you're welcome!" He said as Ella closed her eyes with a small smile, putting Lucifer down as she did so.

"While I appreciate the nature of your action, try to tone down your antics – Lady Tremaine seems to be a vindictive mood today."

"Maybe she's a little on edge seeing as the ball is coming up soon and she has to make her daughters look like ladies rather than the donkeys in dresses that they usually are. Anastasia is a little better about the whole thing but Drizella – that girl is just like her mother but without any of the cleverness."

"Perhaps, I haven't checked the mail yet – I will after breakfast however. I think my mother's old dress should be around somewhere…"

Much later, after breakfast at the chateau…

"Step mother – I have found an invitation to the ball in the mail today. Could I go to the ball with all of you when it happens? It says that the ball will happen in four days from now…I promise I won't be a bother!" Ella said as she offered the invitation to Madonna.

'Hmmm. I can't refuse – Naruto and Grimhilde won't allow it. Perhaps I can offer a condition to let her accompany us or make an excuse to get the others out of the chateau long enough to ruin any attempt she makes…' Madonna mused as she looked over at Ella.

The girl was beautiful and worse – single. She was sure that anyone with a working set of eyes could tell that in their family, only she and Ella could be considered attractive. Her daughters were plain and clumsy without a personality to offset these flaws, meaning that the Prince wouldn't like them anyway.

"I will allow it. Get yourself a good dress and you can come with us. Naruto will not be the coachman for the ball since I will be sending him away for some errands then however…"

"Oh, thank you step-mother! I'm sure I can find one!"

Oh yes… she would need to plan this out well.

Four days later, day of the ball, early evening…

The last four days were a whirlwind of activity for Ella – she, with the help of her human and animal friends, managed to refashion one of her mother's old dresses into a respectable ball gown. Naruto and his ladies provided the materials to improve the gown, meaning that Ella didn't have to scavenge the cast away jewelry and clothes from her 'sisters'.

Naruto was sent by Madonna to the edges of the estate for a construction job that she fabricated to ge him to leave the chateau and Snow and Grimhilde had already left for the ball on their own because as vassals, they couldn't go with their liege ladies.

So Ella was alone with her family – who were all in the living room before leaving the chateau for the ball.

"So, remember ladies. We're going to the ball to seduce the Prince – a successful attempt would mean we would become royalty and we shall not want for anything ever again." Madonna said as her daughters giggled wickedly.

"But what about Naruto mother? The prince is rich and powerful but he isn't as handsome as Naruto?" Anastasia said as Drizella nodded, wiping a line of drool from her lips as she fantasized about him.

"Well…royals can have concubines and consorts – perhaps the one who doesn't become princess can get him as her consort and share him with the rest of us~." Madonna said as the three of them blushed.

"Errr…step-mother? I am ready to go with the rest of you to the ball." Ella said as she arrived in the living room, going down the stairs to meet her family.

She looked radiant – the dress a perfect balance between luxury and practicality with silk fabric and sequined sections. She was wearing a beautiful sapphire necklace and a white sash that covered her naked shoulders, cutting a beautiful figure that spoke of innocence hiding a hint of seduction.

Needless to say, her appearance outshone the Tremaines, who were aghast with surprise. Madonna, after regaining her cool, turned to her daughters with an evil look.

"Oh look my daughters – Cinderella seems to want to outshine us all. Why don't we show her what happens when she tries to go beyond her station?" She said as the girls ran over to Ella, tearing her dress to shreds with their long nails.

"Wait! What are you doing?! This is my dress! I didn't mean to outshine you all! Stop it!!!" Ella screamed as her dress was reduced to tatters, the poor girl falling to her knees, distraught at her loss and the injustice of it all.

"Well, Cinderella. Seeing as you don't have a dress after all, I think the rest of us will be leaving now. Don't worry – I am sure there will be a ball next year~." Madonna said as she left, her daughters laughing like hyenas.

Now alone, Ella ran off to the garden, where she cried bitter tears at her situation. Why was she cursed to suffer like this? To love a man in a relationship with her best friend and being kept from trying to move on from him by her 'family'?

She cried silently, her sobs only heard by the animals, who bowed their heads in sadness. However, all of them didn't notice how her tears seemed to summon something as white motes of light started to appear in front of Ella, coalescing to form an old woman who was carrying a large wand.

"Oh, dry those tears dearie. All is not lost and there are people who will care for you – why here comes one now!" The old woman said as Ella looked up in surprise before turning around to see Naruto running up to Ella.

"Ella?! Why are you crying? What happened to your dress?!" Naruto said as he kneeled next to her, brushing her tears away, the girl blushing at his gentle touches as the old lady smiled at them.

'Perhaps I shouldn't fight it any longer – I will go meet the Prince but I don't think he'll dissuade me from my true heart's desire. Looks like Snow was right – I have fallen for you, Naruto.'

And that wraps up chapter 13! Next chapter will be the ball and will wrap up the Cinderella arc, with an interlude after that. The fairy godmother has appeared as well – she will play a big role in the future too.

If you'd like to support me you can find me on Patreon on the 'search for creators' bar under DudeWithaMac (I only get free time on Sundays since money's extremely tight-details on Panacea chapter 14). Alternatively, you guys can follow this link: p#at#re#on.#com/DudeWithaMac (remove the hash tags). Reviews and comments are always welcome!