
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

C50 - Church Of wisdom

After waiting for a few more minutes he was feeling better so he decided to leave the hidden room and as the other entrance was blocked by thick roots he had to follow the same route the wolves came from.

When he checked his spells he saw the new spell he created to battle the wolves and he named it °Illusion mist° It allows him to create any type of illusion when the mist is activated, which could also help him disguise himself or make himself invisible which was what he was currently doing.

As Shane walked deeper into the dungeon looking for a way to get out from it he could feel the dungeon quake from time to time, "Those bastards said it was a dungeon break and I can only assume that more wolves would be rushing toward the entrance of the dungeon leaving only a few wolves behind, this can work out in my favor" when he was with this formal party members they had filled him in on most information on dungeons, usually at the boss room there is always a teleportation rune that would lead outside the dungeon, the people believed it was to prevent the adventurers from walking back to the first floor.

So if the boss had left its room then the dungeon loots and teleportation rune should be accessible by him without having to fight the dungeon boss "I need to buy some spells first just to be on the safer side as the saying goes better safe than sorry" he opened the system shop and a list of available spells appeared before him.

Scrolling through the list of available spells he didn't find many attack spells most of the available spells tome were lifestyle spells like °Clence° which would clean the body of any dirt, and °Cut hair° which simply styles the hair of the caster according to the caster thought nonetheless Shane got the 3 lifestyle spells and 2 healing spells called °Healing hands° and °Heal°

°Healing hands° is a support-type spell that heals any target the caster points at, the spell can't be used to heal the caster himself, while °Heal° would heal the caster passively as long as the caster Mana doesn't run out.

The three lifestyle spells he got were °Clence°, °Cut hair°, and °Wash clothes he has his reason for buying such spells that wouldn't help him in battle but those spells were important nonetheless as he used °Clence° to clean his body of all dirt and he also used °wash clothes° to instantly clean his already dirty and bloodied clothes.

Shane rested for a few minutes, he didn't know when he dozed off falling into the blissfulness of the dream world although he was asleep his illusion spell °Camouflage° was still active, this was a spell he created using his illusion skill to cover his body rendering him the same color as the wolf den cave.

< Eastern Human continent\Astariris Dynasty>

/Holy City >

The Holy City, the capital of the Church of Wisdom located in the heart of the Astariris Dynasty, houses close to 2 million citizens.

It also houses the church of Wisdom cathedral, where the top figures of the Church Of Wisdom's.

Inside the meeting room, the higher-ups of the Church were busy discussing the ongoing war between the Astariris Dynasty and the rest of the kingdoms In the Eastern Human Continent.

"Why hasn't this war ended, can anyone tell me the reason," A grey hair man wearing a white cassock and a red fascia said, the man had wrinkles all over his face, the man looked to be in his sixties.

As he spoke the whole meeting became silent, none of the other priests could utter any explanation, they knew why the war was dragging on, they had never expected the Astariris Dynasty to be this weak, although the Astariris Dynasty was the largest Empire in the Eastern continent, its army was weak.

They only believe in numbers, the Astariris Dynasty being the largest in its continent possesses over 10 million citizens and 4 million of those citizens belong to the army, so they could use numbers to wipe out their enemies.

While the Church of Wisdom only had close to half a million Paladins, those Paladins were trained by the Church using the dream realm provided to them by their god, at least that was what the highest-ranking member of the Church told everyone.

"Aladura, we never expected the Astariris Dynasty to be this weak, and the other kingdoms had banded together to form the Free-Kingdom Federation, and they are preventing the Astariris Dynasty army from moving forward," a man in his twenties said, he also wore a white cassock the only difference was that he had a blue fascia.

"And the number of Paladins we have lost in this war keeps increasing because our paladins had to do the most on the battlefield" another man enunciated.

The man called Aladura listened to their complaints and fell into a deep thought 'This war had been going on for a year and still victory was not in sight, That foolish boy, I told him to wait till he conquered the other kingdoms first before attacking the Xianjing Empire, but he foolishly went behind my back

'If not for that fool, many of my Paladins would still be alive' the Aladura thought, he sighed and asked "What are the latest reports concerning the war"

The man with the blue fascia stood up as he delivered the report "The land between the Astariris Dynasty and the Kurosato Kingdom has turned into a battlefield, as of 10 days 2 million soldiers from the Astariris Dynasty were engaging the 1.2 million soldiers from the Free-Kingdom Federation,

Despite their superior numbers, the Astariris are incurring a heavy loss, the soldiers from the Federation prove to be relentless" the man said as he sat back on his chair, the room was silent.

The Aladura began to nod his head after a few minutes of silence he spoke "How many Paladin do we have in reserve" he asked.

"Your holiness, we have 200,000 paladins left" the man in charge of the paladins replied, he wore a black cassock and a blue fascia.

"Hummm, ok send 50,000 paladins and 20,000 Deborahs to invade Bhibag kingdom at dark, use the airship," the Aladura said.

"Your holiness, what if they shoot down our Airship, you know how expensive those Airships cost and why are you sending the Deborahs" the man who also wore a white cassock and a blue fascia questioned the Aladura.

"Karolus, you dare question my authority, I am the Aladura of the Church, any words that come out from my mouth are the words of our god," the Aladura said as he slammed his skinny hand on the table.

"Am sorry your Holiness, but the Deborahs are not ready yet" Karolus who was the young man who also wore a white cassock and a blue fascia.

"I don't care, just do what I say, the Airship won't engage in battle, it will drop the Paladins and the Deborahs at the gate of the enemy, you are all dismissed, Mother Mariote you wait behind, I have an important matter to discuss with you," the Aladura said.

The other chaplains left after paying their respects to the Aladura, seeing that they were the only ones in the room, Mother Mariote knelt before the Aladura "What are your orders" she said.

The Aladura nodded his head, among the chaplains under him, Mother Mariote was one of the devoted, she had never once gone against the Aladura, and that was one of the reasons the Aladura trusted her.

"You will lead your Deborahs, I am sending you because I want a quick victory, your goal is to take the children of the Bhibag's king captive, and then I will force the Bhibag king to submit to the Church, you are to ride to the capital city at once," The Aladura said.

"Your will shall be done" Mother Mariote replied while bowing, "this is not my will but God will see to it that you don't fail" The Aladura dismissed her.

"I hope we can finish this in time or else a great calamity shall befall us," the Aladura said as he stared at the Church of Wisdom insignia hanging over his hand, the insignia had a shield and a book with a crown on it.

*A/N= The Aladura is a post in the church akin to that of the pope in the catholic church, I don't want people ripping into me for making their church look bad so I changed it*