
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

C10 - Extra skill

"You did what, my beloved daughter you should know that I can't trust a slave enough to eat his food not to mention give him his freedom because of it, you will just have to wager anything" Ellen was in the middle of an heated argument with her daughter Eve, after She left Shane she came straight to her mother to explain her bet with Shane and when she mentioned the part about eating the food he was preparing, Ellen didn't say anything but as soon as her daughter mentioned freeing him

She could no longer hold herself back so she disagreed immediately, but Eve being who she is never backs down from an argument "Mom I already made the wager, and how would it feel if a member of the great Elf race went back on her word because she lost a bet, 

And besides you always tell me to be a moderate and civilized elf so that's what am doing, and you know I don't like slaves, I already allowed Elroy to be my guard even after I told you I don't need one" 

Ellen knew that she couldn't convince her daughter to go back on her word so she tried to make the wager more difficult so that Shane wouldn't pass. 

"Okay I understand you, but I will also be there and I will also taste the food, and if it doesn't match up to my standards he fails, and no buts," she said not giving room for any more argument. 


In the kitchen Shane was having a blast 'Finally I can prepare something with actual taste, I had to look for salt to add to the food I mean come on, they don't add salt to most of their food here, no wonder it tasted blend, 

Ok the rice is already ok, A few more minutes and my chicken stew will be ready 

(A/N: I don't know how to cook so I can't explain the process even if I didn't most of you would have no idea) 

After a few minutes, the food was ready and Shane was waiting for Eve to come back, he was holding down the urge to serve himself because he was extremely hungry. 

*Ding* Host has acquired the Skill Food creator 

"What kind of skill is this, cook creator, system can you explain it to me" he asked the system, after a few seconds the system responded 

*Ding* Food creator - any food the host cooks in this world will have a few buff effects and as the creator eating the food will give you a buff although chances of permanent buffs are rare 

'What, so any food I cook here from my previous world will have me as the creator and it will give temporary and permanent buff that's so cool' Shane was happy about this discovery but then it hit him like a truck 

'Wait a minute please don't tell me this is a cooking system where I have to cook for a living, I didn't want to be a chef, I want to use magic to fly and enter dungeons 

There goes my dream of becoming an OP, now I will just have to cook everyday' Shane became sad, he had been thinking about what he would do after his freedom, maybe becoming an Adventurer or following the dark roots by going a bandit then rising to the top becoming the greatest Bandit ever but now all his dream would remain just that a dream. 

*Ding* The Host should note that this is not a cooking system, the system just acknowledges every act the host makes, only strength will not get you far ahead in life, and the host will need money. 

*Ding* and seeing that this world's food quality is low the system feels like the °Extra skill food creator° would help the host acquire enough money and system points. 

Shane was brought back into happiness after the system responded for two reasons, the first one he could still become the OP, and two the system responded which means the system had its consciousness. 

'let's see how can I use this skill, will I have to call it out in my mind, yeah probably the same way I used that skill to check that guy's level, 

hmmmm ok here goes nothing Food creator' As he called out the skill in his mind, he felt a little bit of his energy dropped 

*Ding* Skill active - Food creator 

Cost 4 Mana per use 

CD - 4 seconds 

'Wow this is awesome, now let's check the food I cooked, I should probably be able to see the buffs' 

He turned towards the steaming hot rice and a few information appeared 


Food Type - Boiled Rice 

Food Quality - 79% 

Food Effect 

[Temporary buffs] 

+2 strength 

+4 stamina. 

'This is just great, now let's check the stew and get excited about this' 


Food Type- Chicken flavored Stew 

Food Quality - 59% 

Food Effect 

[Permanent buff] 

+0.1 agility 

+0.1 stamina 

[Temporary buffs] 

+2 agility 

When he saw the permanent buff he was happy but immediately after he saw the temporary buff you could say he was over the moon. 

'but the Stew quality dropped a lot 59%, I mean not that I care anyway, it is still better than what they cook here, now when will that Eve come back am getting restless' 

After waiting for a few more minutes Eve and Ellen entered the kitchen, the aroma of Shane's food gathered a small crowd waiting outside the kitchen. 

As soon as Shane saw Ellen he immediately bowed while saying a few greetings, then he told them that the food was ready and they could wait in the dining hall so that he could bring the food to them. 

Both Eve and her mother nodded and went back to the dining hall, the dining hall inside the mansion was a lot different from the one the maid and guards used, as Shane brought the food into the dining room he saw a long dining table with 7 chairs arranged by the side, the room had 4 big windows that allows the sun to shine inside brighten up the room. 

Shane could see what looked like a family portrait hand on the wall it was a huge portrait, he arranged the plate and served his special dish, Ellen and Eve looked at the food weirdly, because it was the first time they had seen something like this. 

Shane noticing this began to explain " Ma'am I present unto you a dish from a faraway land that you can call my home although I remember nothing about my life there I still remember the food, 

This is called Boiled Rice and Chicken stew, I know it might not look noble to you but the taste will, so please dig in' he said with a smile on his face