
Chapter 2- What to do,should I date someone??

A boy who was walking in a hallway which was the most expensive hotel in U.S . while walking he was looking down he was wearing a suit he has well build body sharp jaw line, with doe eyes, he has a Piecering on eyebrow.

while walking he's mind was so full with the memories of his love, he was thinking how beautiful she is, her long pretty hair, small eyes, perfect smile, thin body, everything about her is perfect. the way she always used to care for him, love him with all her heart.

his eyes were wet because he was sad thinking he left his love, alone.....

he know how much she love him but still he have to do this for her.. he can't be selfish. Finally he reached at the table where he had reservation.


he said and sat down on the table with a small smile. The girl who was sitting in front of him smile brightly and said.

"hi, how are you? "

"I'm good"

he said and she nod, her smile didn't fade and they oder the food there was a little silence.

"I love you... Daniel "

suddenly the girl said while Daniel's eyes went wide and Bell laugh a little.

"it's okay, you don't need to answer now"

she said and he nod he's head a little, he know how much he's missing his love "Nicole"

After the dinner Daniel was going out, walking towards his car he was about to sit inside, but he hear someone he wants to see. he turn around just to see Nicole with her friends but she didn't notice him yet, Daniel was looking at her, he thought she must be crying and hurting but here she was happy having dinner with friends, it didn't hurt him that she was fine, he was sad that even after he left her she was doing all good.

but deep down he know she isn't happy without him, just like him she was acting all happy. he was in his own world that he didn't notice Nicole is looking at him with sad eyes, they both looking at each other until Nicole sit down in the car and went away.

"I'm happy love, you're fine, be happy"

he said and sit down in his car and drove away.