
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Five years ago

“How dare you step into this holy chappal with that tainted body of yours!” Father Hans screamed at me as soon as I walked in through the church door.

I was frozen, my body was already in a lot of pain but I maintained the posture of my foot raised ready to enter the chappal for first purification session of the day. Father Hans was frowning, his face was red, his cheeks swollen with anger as he shouted at me, spit flying everywhere.

Slowly lowering my raised leg and I took a deep breath. Damn, Father Hans seems to be in a mood. Looks like I will not be let off with a simple punishment. What does he want now? I did my best to satisfy his violent temper by doing the greeting posture a hundred times yesterday.

To pacify the anxiety that rose like a tide, I clenched the soft fabric of the ceremonial robe with my hands. The beautiful white fabric embroidered with golden colored thread was all bunched up and wrinkled up by me.

Ignoring the soreness I felt all over my body, I tried to form a comprehensive thought in my head that was already throbbing, ready to burst at any second. I clasped my hand in front of my belly humbly and politely lowered my head.

“ I am sorry Father Hans. I will rectify my mistake.” I said ready to do the greeting posture a hundred times again.

Keeping a nonchalant face as if there was nothing wrong to be reprimanded in front of a church full of people. I lowered my sore back and bent my shaky knees ready to do the greeting again. He interrupted me yet again.

“Shameless! How dare you show such ugliness in front of God and these well respected people?!” He shouted again with his eyes wide open.

I froze again, this time really confused about the situation. I looked at the people sitting. All the leaders and other important people of our village are present here. And with them are their spouse and children. The men were looking at me as if they were watching a good show, the women were frowning and gossiping among themselves. The most loud and expression-filled reaction came from the children. They were pointing at me and snickered among themself.

“ Ha ha! Did you see? She just pissed her pants!”

“ How stupid. Don't you know what is happening? She has just become a woman.”

“ You are such a disgrace to us girls…why is she still standing here looking at us like a crazy person. Huh!”

The snickers and snide remarks all faded into white noise. Slowly lowering my head I took a look at the ceremonial gown. It was white with wide sleeves and falling straight to my toes in a shapeless manner. My figure is not accented and nothing could be seen. But on that pure white gown was blood. The gown was stained with my blood and the stain was growing as the seconds went by.

My throat closed up, choking any noise that could leave my mouth. My body started to shake, cold sweat broke out on my skin. And with a dreadful heart I looked at the blood dripping down to the floor. My brain was trying to process the information amidst the thunderstorm that was raging there.

I am bleeding. It's the end. They have done it. They have finally decided to kill me. And they want me to die here in front of all these people, they want me to be a sinner and accuse me of something that I have no clue about. And I am going to die a dogs death here.

I felt like vomiting my guts out. My stomach was twisting with conflicting emotions. I was both panicking and feeling relieved at the same time. How will my death proceed? Will I be whipped to death? Stoned? Or just the simple beheading? I hope they don't lock me up and starve me to death. That will be unpleasant. I don't like the feeling of hunger and being alone in the dark makes my mind have funny thoughts. If possible I would like it to be quick and painless.

“ Silence.” A strong and steady voice said silencing all the chattering and murmuring.

There he was, the owner of the voice. The High Priest. Brown hair mixed with grey and blue eyes that shone in the sunlight falling through the glassy murals of the church. He was a tall man. Even taller that Jonna but not as muscular. Everyone respected him. Even shadow Jonna never acted out whenever the High Priest was present. It was almost like the creature was scared.

Well I was scared too. High priest was a mysterious man. No one knew his name. Everyone called him High Priest. Just like me. I don't have a name, everyone calls me what ever fits their mood. His aura was also very diffrent. He has not been tainted by the dark mist, not once. It was almost like he was surrounded by a barrier or a void of some sort.

He looked at me with a calm and serene gaze. “Go back to your room child.”

Then he turned to the nun standing closest to him. “Take the child back to her room and help her.”

Sister Abby nodded her head with a grim look on her face. She bowed towards the High Priest as if asking for permission to be dismissed. And only when the High Priest gave a slight nod did she straighten up and silently approached me. She grabbed me by my hand and almost dragged my dazed self out.