
Arc 1- The Wretched

Chapter 1

The sky was blue and cloudless, and the forest was lush and vibrant. At that moment the world seemed to be peaceful. But under this clear sky and the cacophony of peaceful forest, shouts and jeers could be heard.

"Hey creep!"

"Don't be a spoilsport! Come back."

"Yo! Someone catch her. We still have a lot to talk about!"

"Ha ha ha! Hey freak, how long do you think you can run…"

I could see my breaths condensing in front of my face as I ran uphill. I could feel the chill seeping into my bones as I moved deeper into the forest while trying to get away from my tormentors. Trying to get away from the voices.

Kill…kill these bugs…kill…

It was a sign. I was moving too close to the magical border. I can hear them clearly now. The creatures. This isn't a good sign. My magic was almost gone. I will not be able to protect my mind if I go any further. I can feel the chill creeping into my body. It felt cold and slimy. Like a black mist creeping closer by the second. It is a black mist.

Like a dark cloud, invisible to the naked eye but those with power could feel them. And very few could see them. They feed on the dark energy of all the living beings. Dark energy, an amalgamation of a mortal's negative emotions and their actions intended or unintended. It's worse than the demon of karma in tangible form because it doesn't wait to get what it wants. It takes directly from the source and sticks to it like a leach.

Crawling and creeping, showing deception to the unknowing prey, that it's not a predator. It slithers its shadowy tentacles, latching on the prey's mind and parasitizing it. Feeding the mind with devious ideas and then sucking back the dark energy. This is the cycle that strengthens the creatures.

With a quick backwards glance, I could see Anna, the butcher's daughter, clutching her skirt in her hands and hiking it up to run better. Behind her was Michael, the Parson's son, who was blatantly eyeing Anna's exposed legs and had a mischievous smile on his face.

He could easily over take her but kept his pace slow so that he could leer at her. Not far behind were Nile and Nola. Both siblings were keeping up with Anna, of course ignoring Michael's actions. No, they were more interested in me.

How long will it take for the freak to get tired of running, how long will it take me to miss a step and fall on my face. How long till they get me. And continue their fun.

Fun had a different meaning for them compared to me. For them fun was pushing the freak, hitting me on the head with whatever object they had in their hand, which was mostly stones or wooden chips. Making fun of me, mostly because of my abilities, of the voices that I could hear.

If they would have it their way, I would have been dead long ago. I know why they treat me like this, it's because they are jealous. My abilities are something that no one wishes to have but at the same time it's a blessing to them. So much so that they couldn't afford me dying.

It was not always like this. We were friends once. Or from what I think, the friendship they offered was a group of friends playing a fun game together. It was quite obvious I was the scum or a pet that was forced to tag along. In their own morbid way they try to show their elders how good I am treated.


My heart skipped a beat, as I almost slipped. On reflex my hand grabbed at the nearest thing for support. A tree. Not the wisest decision on my part as I felt my fingers digging into the bark and two of my fingernails breaking.

Let me out…out…set me free…

Gritting my teeth at the throbbing pain I felt in my hand. I pushed my legs faster. I have to get away. Away from the dark cloud shrouding these kids. I will not be caught by them again.

If I get caught, if they touch me, my body will be tainted with dark energy. Then it will be like an endless well that will open up. Eating up all the energy that it could find to fill up the emptiness of my magic-less body. And too much dark energy will make my body burst.

I couldn't handle any more pain today. I was at my limit, mentally and physically. I can not waste my remaining magic on the petty request that they had for me.

Upfront I could see a figure trekking down the mountain. With a wild game slung over his shoulder and a bow and quiver in one hand.That figure was shrouded in dark energy more dense than that of those following me. The man was wearing a hunter's outfit. It was Jonna.