
Sacrifice [Edward Elric x Reader]

You fall to the ground, unconscious. Ed's grin turns down and his eyes widen in horror. A bright yellow light fills the room. He traces the thick black vine that reached out from the machine into your heart. Ed's knees gives up from under him. Al rushes in. "Brother, what's-" Ed turns to Al, tears and desperation filling his eyes. "She's gone, Al. She's gone. And it's all my fault!" Al's eyes widen as he stares at the figure behind his brother. Your body was vaporizing slowly. Al points towards you, shaking. The yellow light swallows your body, along with the vine and Ed's machine. Ed turns and hangs his head as everything falls silent. Al stands there wordlessly. Ed blinks away his tears, determination set in his eyes. "She's gone, Al, but I won't allow that. It's not a fair equivalent exchange." Ed looks up at Al. "We're going to bring her back." ~ Something weird is up. Your powerful alchemy powers were admired all through the land, and yet no one seems to know what alchemy is. That is, until you meet Edward Elric and his brother, Alphonse Elric. The two are fascinated yet understanding of your powers, and Ed is able to teach you some alchemy, though he won't tell you how he knows. Through many hardships with the Elric brothers, you begin to grow close to them, and even start to fall for Al, but he doesn't feel the same. Ed, though, falls for you, and you couldn't help but feel bad. You don't realize how you feel about him. That is, until Ed sacrifices the most important thing to him to be able to keep you by his side. ************ This story is based on the original FMA series after the Conqueror of Shamballa movie. If you want to read one for FMA:B, I'll have one up soon, as I'm not quite done with the series yet. But for now, enjoy!

WithinTheGalaxies · Khác
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60 Chs

chapter 21

[December 1, 1917]

The sound breaks into your peaceful sleep, and you frown, rolling over and covering your head with your blanket.

It happens again, and you groan, swinging your blanket away and sitting up. You rub your eyes and look at the clock.

3:41 am.

Your gaze slides lazily to the window, and you spot three long, huge claws. Your eyes widen as you remember the three scratches on your face. The claws move, the glint of the moonlight reflecting into your room.

Your heart starts thumping loud as the claws scratches the window and hoists another set of claws up. You climb out of bed and turn away, opening the door and running through the hallway.

You make it through the kitchen and slide towards the brothers' doors. You-


-reach Ed's door and, without knocking, you slip in.

Ed is lying on his back, mouth open and blond hair down. His arms are spread out and he was wearing a black tank-top. You smile a little at his cuteness.

You walk to the bed and debate over whether to wake Ed or not. Just as you decide not to and turn away, Ed opens his eyes lazily.

"(Y/N)...?" He mutters hazily.

You stop and turn back around.

"Why are you here?"

You grab a notepad. "Well, there's something on my window and I think something's wrong."

Ed closes his eyes and rolls away from the side of the bed. He pats the spot where he just was and lifts the blanket. "I can't see what you wrote. It's too dark. C'mere."

You shake your head forcefully.

Ed opens his eyes, a flash of hurt crossing his face. "Why?"

Your face flushes.

"Come on, (Y/N). We can talk about that problem later." Ed slurs.

You shake your head again.

Ed sighs and sits up. He grabs your hand and pulls you into his bed beside you. You're face burns and you try to struggle, but Ed's grip is strong. Finally, you allow Ed to pull you into his warm embrace.

Ed's lying on his right side, and you're lying on your right side too, your back pressed against Ed's chest and his left arm drapes over your body.

"You're so cold.." He mutters sleepily.

You're blushing hard and there're butterflies in your stomach, but you smile a little.

Ed's breathing slows down quickly, and soon, he's snoring a little. You lie, awake, in the bed, staring at the dark figures of furniture.

Ed sighs and you don't move. Soon, your eyes are drooping, and everything blurs away.


You open your eyes to find your face pressed into Ed's chest, curled up. You're on the other side of the bed, somehow, and Ed's arms are wrapped loosely around you. Your heart starts thumping, hard, and you blush again.

You look up at Ed's sleeping face, his bangs covering his eyes. Your mouth twitches upwards.

You watch through his bangs as Ed's eyes open, shining from the light from the window. His eyes really looked like gold.

His gaze slides down to you and you watch as his eyes widen, face turn red, and he pushes away from you, hard.

"W-what are doing here, (Y/N)!?"

You twist your mouth into an odd smile and point at him.

"You made me." You mouth. Ed looks at you, confused.

"My mailman?"

You shake your head. "You made me." You try to mouth each word as clearly as you could, though it made your injured left cheek burn.

"I paint bees?"

You shake your head again, frustrated, but laugh a little. "You. Made. Me."

"I bees?"

You sigh, extremely frustrated. You open your mouth. "You made me!" You whisper-shout.

Ed shoots up. "You can talk!"

You push yourself up. "Omigosh. I can!" You whisper. You attempt to actually talk, but fail.

"At least you can communicate better now, (Y/N)."

You nod in agreement.

"Wait. What do you mean, 'I made you?'"

"Well, you kinda dragged me into your bed."

Ed's eyes widen and he blushes. "I-I did?"

You smirk. "And you wouldn't let go of me."

Ed's blush deepens. You're enjoying the teasing.

"I needed to talk to you about something, but.... OMIGOSH I FORGOT TO TALK TO YOU!" You whisper.

"A-about what?"

"Come with me." You grab Ed's hand and pull him out your room. You skid through the living room, kitchen, and hallway, and pull Ed to your window. On the bottom left corner of the window was three, deep scratch marks. You point them out.

"Someone was clawing at my window this morning at 4 or something." You whisper-explain.

Ed pulls away from your hand and examines the marks.

"Look here, (Y/N)." Ed points to the marks. "There's something in tiny writing."

You kneel down to examine the marks alongside Ed. He was right, there were small word-like shapes along the marks. It wasn't in a language you could read though.