
Mission 03 - Old man of the Tower

"I understand you wanted to see me, Sir?" Ozpin's eyes roamed over the girl, her purple long coat seeming to just mesh well with her hair and complexion. "Yes, thank you for not resisting my colleagues." Not even a flinch from her, 'Interesting.' The girl's eyes seemed to roam around the office, focusing on the moving gears with a rather intense look in her eyes. "I'm sure you know why you're here, yes?" She had the decency to at least show some form of guilt, even if it was only in her eyes. "More of a consequence of a friend's failed experiment." That was certainly an interesting tidbit of information at the very least.

"Yes, well, I appreciate you helping some of our initiate hopefuls." Ozpin leaned back, leaving the floor open. She stayed remarkably still, eyes instead focusing on the view outside the window behind me. 'I wonder, is this all an act, or are you truly ignorant of the world around you?'

Of course, those words weren't without merit, the young girl seemed to have a remarkable amount of knowledge of their world yet seemed to not know something as basic as how to use a scroll or what materials were used in the creation of weapons. That said, her own weapons were something of a rather… Peculiar make. Despite searching for the supposed maker of her pistol, there was no 45. Art Works anywhere on remnant. And that sword of hers, it seemed to hold a passive aura that seeped malice into the air.

"Why don't you explain how you got here, and please, take a seat." He waved at the seat across from him, inviting her to sit as she hopefully told her story. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, before carefully lowering herself into it. "There's not much for me to say. I'm not from this world." Certainly a brow raising sentence. "Oh, and what makes you say that?" Ozpin leaned forward, resting his arms on his desk in a classic Gendo pose.

"For one, we are in the kingdom of vale, I don't think I'm in Red Grave anymore." She chuckled, to what seemed like an inside joke. "Red grave?" Ozpin asked, leaning back into his chair, swiping his mug and taking a quick swig. "Ah, I will admit my memories are a bit…" Again, her eyes are the only thing even expressing emotion. A smooth voice that doesn't waver, body language unchanged, and if it wasn't for her eyes, Ozpin could almost mistake her for a professional soldier. "Hazy, I know this is not my world because we have fundamentally different continents."

And that got his attention. "Would you care to explain?" She raised a hand to her head, pushing the hair sitting in front of her eyes back. "Not really, if what brought me here is still working… I could probably leave as soon as I find it." Her eyes burn with the fire of determination… One he has been lacking for a long, long time. "I think I can be forgiven if I take your words with a grain of salt." 

"It is quite understandable, a random girl falling from the sky and essentially interrupting what is an important exam for students." She understood his position, something Ozpin was grateful for. "Indeed, but considering your rather… Impressive skill, I think we can come to an agreement."

"... Led by, Ruby Rose." Ozpin fixed his glasses, watching Yang Xiao-Long glomp her sister with a small smile. "Now, before I let you all go, I have an announcement to make." He gathered the students' attention, facing the crowd with squared shoulders and calm demeanour.

"There are times when those, with talent, are not given a chance to truly shine. And it would be remiss of me as the Headmaster of this school to not give one with Exceptional talent a chance." The screen's changed, showing the young girl fighting the Pack of Beowolfs Single Handed.

"Please welcome, Cannella Sparda." Slow, confused applause started, people looked between each other as the girl in the now Frozen Video walked on stage. "Now, normally, we have our hunters in teams of 4… But there are times when an Extra member is assigned. Now, would you like to say a few words." Oz turned to her, waiting. Like normal for her, she was calm and collected, a small scowl permanently graced her lips as she opened her mouth to speak.

She reached into her coat, pulling out a book from some pocket, flipped it open and read a passage. "To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour." Her book snapped shut with a quiet, dull thud, and was put back. 

She stood still as everyone gawked at her, seemingly having dismissed them all as she stared down Oz. "Thank you, Miss Sparda. A wonderful bit of… Wisdom." Clearly, Oz was a bit out of his depth at her response. "Thank you students for your time, classes begin at 9 sharp tomorrow." People immediately started to pour out of the hall. "Would Team JNPR please come to the stage." He quickly called, getting said team to stop and power walk over.

"Uhh, you wanted to see us, sir?" Jaune Arc arrived, sheepishly asking. "I do believe I'm being added as an extra member to your team." Cannella spoke up, slapping away Nora's poking hand with a bigger scowl. "Oh." Oz chuckled, watching Lie Ren attempt to keep his Partner from provoking their new teammate.

"Yes, your accommodations have changed, both yours and your sister team RWBY room's have been moved." He quickly fished out a map from his pocket, handing it to Pyrrha Nikos. "Please make sure to notify them, they have the room across from yours." He sent them away with said map and started walking back to his office, paperwork waiting for him. 

"I'm quite sure this is a good idea, Glynda." She fell in step beside him. "And I'm sure it's not, not that you listen to me. Not only is Miss Rose 2 years younger, she's less experienced in most subjects compared to her students. I don't care what his transcripts say; that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. And now we have a complete unknown." She ranted at him, speaking her mind freely, as they stepped into the elevator. 

"I hear you Glynda, but sometimes… you just have to have faith" The door opened to his office, he walked up to his desk, leaving Glynda to pinch the bridge of her nose as the doors closed. "Sometimes, victory is in a smaller, more honest soul. And sometimes, it's in a storm that is approaching." He spoke, seemingly to the air.

"Soo uhh, Welcome to team JNPR!" Jaune Awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he held a hand out to his new teammate. "Pleasure." She responded in a dry, dismissive tone. "Hey, Ren! Why is there a jukebox?" Nora got both their attentions, standing directly in front of said object. "I don't know, I don't think this is standard… Even with our different accommodations." Pyrrha said, worry on her face as she glanced at it and then the door. 

"Maybe we should go ask one of the teachers about it?" Jaune started walking for the door, the rest of his team looking at- *Click* They turned back to the jukebox, Cannella standing over it, having pressed a button. A smooth, calm song started playing as she walked away to one of the 5 beds. "Move fast baby don't be slow, step aside reload time to go, I can't seem to control-"

"Are you all going to stand there gawking at me like idiots, or are we going to claim beds and sleep?" She shucked off her purple long coat, leaving her in a sleeveless black turtle-neck. "I, for one, would like to sleep." Yet her teams could only stare at her arms covered in black tattoos. She slipped both her sword and pistol's underneath the bed as she climbed in and pulled up the covers.

"Good night, if you have any questions for me, they can wait until the morning."