
RWBY: Wayward Enchantment

-----Number 1! this is a rewrite! Number 2! I don't own the art! Number 3! Content warning I guess?----- No synopsis sorry but more subject matter I suppose? This is my first real attempt at a darker fic, it may not be the best obviously. The MC is very much a bad guy, and will be preforming crimes. This fic may not be suitable for all people if you know what I mean. I'm the writer and I don't even feel that comfy writing it! Though I still want to write it and I think it will be a good story. Hope you enjoy and bless your unsavory souls for reading the upcoming mess.

ZeOwl · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Marsipan Beau (with Authors thoughts disclaimer)

-----This is a complete rewrite of my Rwby fic A Semblance of Enchantment, same concepts but hopefully a lot better done and written. I left the previous fic as an edited 'archive' fic so if you want to read it you can however it won't update------

I liked how they struggled to carry my limp body to the locker shuttle. They deserved it after all breaking my legs and arms so I couldn't escape again. Though I suppose I deserved that, i couldn't help but giggle. I saw the commander glare at me. Oh the times we had.

"This is the end Mars."

I tried to shrug and I could tell the Commander knew. I smiled, "What can I say Boss at least I'll get to see your lovely wife again. Don't worry I'll keep a seat warm for you in hell so you can watch."

He punched me and broke my nose. The force caused me to fall out of the arms of the two escorts though making be giggle some more. After all I had all the time in the world, or I suppose no time in the world. I saw some of the admirals and even a general struggle to hold my previous boss back. I could hear them whisper how this was justice for everything I had done.

I spat blood onto one of their shoes. It was an admiral named Henson, a real lovely chap who knew exactly all my crimes. After all he had ordered a few of them. My beautiful escorts pushed me into a chair and strapped me down. "Oh not too tight guys wouldn't want blood on anything."

if I was right I think I recognized one of them. I guess not though because I really thought he would've reacted. Well maybe he was just a s fucked up as I was? Not like it I was the only monster aboard this ship.

The general tapped the microphone and test if it was working. They really wanted to play this up for the commander didn't they. I locked eyes with each of the bastards who really though they could just betray me like this.

"Marsipan Beau for your crimes you have been sentenced to death." The commander motioned to my escorts and they placed a large collar on my neck. I could only laugh, what was worse then the electric chair?

The metal brace of the collar clicked around my neck. Everyone listened to the gears turn and the outer mechanism turn with it. Once it locked into its place the commander spoke again. "Your crimes...Your crimes...."

A tear had formed in the commander's eyes and I sighed. "Look we all know the shit I did Arson, Murder, Rape, blah blah blah and worst of all what got me here. The activation of a CXT Device which caused the genocide of the who gives a shit people. Let's be real here Commander this whole thing is a preformance the people around you are betrayers and backstabbers. I know you miss your lovely wife Nicole, but maybe you should do some more investigating.

"Shut him up! Gag him!" Henson oh that bastard... I shook my head, "Commander if one thing I don't do is tell a lie. I admitted to everythi--Hgmph."

One of my escorts shoved my bloody sock in my mouth. When did he even take it off? I rolled my eyes and some of the admirals comforted him. Until he spoke again breaking all professionalism he had.

"MARISPAN for the crimes against me! My family! MY PEOPLE! You are sentenced to death. You have been stripped of your ranks and your name will be wiped from the books. No one will remember you.... However, I will remember you, I will remember the things you did and said. Then on my death, you will be completely forgotten."

I smiled, or tried at least. It seemed he could act too. I heard a press of a button on the collar and the gears churned once again. I spat out the sock with all I could and smiled at the commander. "Goodbye Lincoln."

The collar fully activated and my vision twisted away from him. Everything began to die off for me once I heard the crunch from the collar. My neck was twisted unnaturally and I could feel my body go limp. Oh how I laughed as my consciousness vanished. They could kill me, but I would always haunt them.

The very last thing I could hear was the brief drop of my body and the the collar that broke my neck unlock and fall to the ground.

------future content warning! in the author thoughts you should read it its important.------

This series will contain very serious crimes, I do not condone anything like this. The r-18 chapter will contain rape, maybe sexual abuse and so on. This is a bit of an attept to make a dark fic. I sour about certain things so I am not sure how well i can do it. However I will at least try to make it enjoyable.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts