
RWBY Ultimate Fighter

A young man living only for the fight fought all his life thanks to the only force of his fists but one day he ends up dying in the fight. He then received the possibility of reincarnating in the world of RWBY one of his favorite anime but with something more that will help him on his journey. Is the world of Remnant ready to face one of the fiercest fighter ever seen? A/N: In this fanfic there will be a lot of changes so those who hope to follow the original story and who don't want changes I prefer to warn you. As for the changes: - Much stronger and non-canon enemies. - A use of magic much more important than in the original work (noted that I will use it the way it suits me) - World travel but much later in the fanfic. And I think that's all, if I ever want to change things I'll do special chapters to explain "

toby_gwack · Tranh châm biếm
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67 Chs

Training always pays off !

The days that followed I spent them strengthening my body as much as possible.

Running without stopping at the point of collapsing, lifting rocks way too heavy for me and doing squats with it and lots of other crazy training in order to push the current limits of my body.

If I want to have a chance of being able to use the first stage of kaioken without getting killed or at least not being badly hurt by the backlash of this technique I have to strengthen my body like crazy.

Knowing the time and training it took Goku to master the basics of kaioken, I still have a long way to go.

Fortunately, thanks to my aura when I was too exhausted, I could recover quickly and resume my training again.

Fighting against grimms was also easier with my training and my aura which considerably increased my physical abilities, defeating a pack of beowolf had become a walk in the park.

There was this time when I found myself face to face with an ursa. He was clearly more resistant than a beowolf but that didn't prevent him from ending up with his head buried in the ground.

After several days I started to improve but something bothered me. I kept thinking about my fight against the beowolf alpha but especially when without realizing it I used the tokitobashi.

I had no idea how I had managed to use it but if I managed to activate it once that means I can do it again.

So I decided to sit on the rock I sit on when I need to think. I started thinking about a way to activate the tokitobashi but without much success.

I then close my eyes and focus on the energy flowing through me. I cleared my mind of all thoughts and breathed slowly and steadily. After a while I could feel something vibrate inside me, it was very faint but I could feel it.

I concentrated on this feeling as much as possible and suddenly I pushed inwardly with all my strength while opening my eyes.

Nothing had changed around me, the forest continued to live the wind was stirring the leaves of the trees and the sounds of the forest was still there but the sensation of vibration had disappeared.

"Hmmmm.....let's try again".

I closed my eyes again and concentrated on feeling that sensation again.

After a while the vibrations reappeared and I concentrated as best I could then opened my eyes.

"Still nothing...."

I repeated the process over and over and over for hours until when I opened my eyes I could feel the vibrations running through my whole body.


The world around me froze completely and became black and white, no sound was heard, I was in the same place as when I was fighting against the alpha beowolf.

A smile tugged at my lips but didn't last long as the world around me shattered as quickly as it appeared.

I end up lying on the ground completely empty of my aura.

"Haaaarrrgh...next objective find a way to increase my aura pool!"

A few days later I managed to find in a reserve of the camp a book on how to understand and use his aura well, he dragged there among history books on the world of remnants and cooking manuals.

I flipped through the pages of the book and found what I was looking for.

a chapter explaining breathing techniques allowing to absorb the aura present in the air in order to increase its own reserve.

I sit on the bed in my tent in a meditation position and start practicing the methods from the book.

It took some time but I could feel a slight current of energy flowing into my body and adding to my own energy.

"Well, it's going to take time!"

The months that followed I spent them strengthening my body so that I could one day use kaioken, training myself to use tokitobashi so that it became natural, in the evening practicing breathing techniques in order to increase my aura reserve.

Sometimes I trained with raven to improve myself but my god she was strong!

I mean, nothing too surprising coming from a maiden but damn....

the number of times I've had my ass kicked against her.

The good side of things is that I could clearly see the progress I made since the beginning, each time I fought against her I was able to hold on longer and I could follow the speed of her movements more easily.

One day I was still fighting with raven, my power and my speed had greatly increased as well as the amount of my aura which had doubled.

6 months had passed since I was reincarnated, 6 months during which I trained tirelessly to reach the level I have today.

"You've improved a lot since the last month!"

Raven says while countering my fist with her katana.

"Let's say I had the time and the space to train properly!"

I said while dodging a blow that nearly hit my chest.

For once the fight was rather tight, I dodged most of her attacks and even managed to land on her some lucky shots.

Suddenly she stepped back and made a movement with her katana which sent a huge slash in my direction.

I just had time to put my arms in front of me to protect myself.

I received the attack which made me retreat several meters before disappearing, I put one knee on the ground breathing heavily my aura flashing around me indicating that it was about to break.

Shit a little more and I was screwed!

"Have you reached your limit yet?"

She said with a clearly satisfied smirk.

I slowly stood up and looked her straight in the eye.

Guess I'll have to use that!

I waved to her telling her to come closer to provoke her then I got back into a fighting position.

Seeing this she smiled and got into position too but she noticed that something had changed in me.

I no longer had the same position as usual but I had hit fighting position with my arms straight in front of me close to my body, my gaze locked on her.

"I see you want to get down to business!"

I remained silent, not taking my eyes off her.

She then launched forward with her katana ready to unleash a fatal blow.

I remained motionless letting her get as close as possible.

Not now....not now.....not now.....NOW!!!


before she could land her blow I activated the tokitobashi. Directly I deviated her katana on the side then gave her a huge kick with all my strength right in the guts.


Without even realizing it, Raven felt a huge pain in her stomach then was sent flying 10 meters away.

Thanks to all the training I have done I am able to activate the tokitobashi for 0.1 seconds like Hit the first time we see him in dragon ball super.

It's not much but more than enough for me to dodge, block or counter attack if necessary.

"COF...COF....What the hell was that?!?"

Raven stood up with her katana clutching her stomach in pain.

"It was the fruit of my training!"

I told her with a smirk, glad to have put her back in her place.

She looked at me with a glare and at the same time questioning about what just happened, she clearly did not see me move, how auige could kick her without realizing it!

Suddenly vernal erupts from behind the panicking trees.

"RAVEN! She found us!"

"WHAT! Tell the whole clan to pack their things we're leaving today!"

I didn't need to think to understand that she was talking about Salem, after all she was chasing her for her maiden powers.

Raven turned to me and said.

"You better go get ready too we're leaving."

"I wouldn't come with you...."

Raven paused for a moment and looked at me.

" You do not come ?"

"I am very grateful to you for taking me in during his last months but this is where our paths parted."

"I want to continue on my own, discover the world while improving myself. I want to follow my own path."

She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them again with a smile on her face.

"If that's what you want then I understand."

After a while the camp was dismantled and everyone was ready to leave.

Raven gave me provisions for my trip as well as a map showing me the different villages around.

"Take care ayden."

"You too raven."

We then shake hands and go our separate ways.

It was time for me to get back on my way, I had a little more than 2 years left before the start of the show and I was counting on using them properly.

I saw several comments on the fact that ayden can increase his aura thanks to a technique of meditation.

The thing is that I never specify that everything will not be exactly like in the anime like for other things in the next chapters which is my fault on this one.

If I did this it's to help me use the kaioken and the tokitobashi in the best way in history and no I didn't take inspiration from the cultivation techniques but from the meditation technique that Ren uses to better control his aura in an offensive or defensive way.

That being said, I wish you happy reading.

toby_gwackcreators' thoughts