
RWBY: The Time Bender

Many believe World War 3 is around the corner, but to Braxely he was the cause of it. Living in a world that seems to have nothing for him but pain, he goes through life, and after the final straw is broken he snaps. Once he tirades through a majority of the planet, becoming the ruler of said majority, he is ousted by betrayal to only kill himself in a fit of finality to not spread his hidden technology to the world. Unknown to him, he would be torn from his plane of existence, and his very universe, in favor of being given another chance in a faraway universe that holds the tale of RWBY. Now, with his memories fuzzy about his previous life and his desire to both remember himself and find his way in this world as penance for what he has done in his previous one, Argento Chrono sets out on a journey that would change the course of this world. If it is for the better or not of the world, it is up to fate, because she doesn't like to be messed with. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I do not own any part of RWBY but my own characters and any likeness to other forms of entertainment are either your imagination or simply inspiration.

BombsAhoy626 · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs


As I woke up my head was pounding, as if I had just had a very long night of drinking. 'Wait, I'm 4 years old, how would I know what a hangover feels like? Ah, right, it's coming back to me now. What happened to me? Is this even scientifically possible? And why am I suddenly okay with my past life? I guess Argento - or rather, I guess I took over as the main life because Braxely - the old me? - died.'

My rumination was interrupted by borderline shouting happening between two women. One I actually recognized as Argento-me's mother. "Mom?" Of all things I expected to happen at that moment, a tackle hug was not one of them. I could practically feel the multitude of emotions exuding from her as she fiercely, but just as gently, embraced me.

"Oh my baby boy, I'm so happy you're okay!"

"Of course I am mom, why wouldn't I be?" As I said this I finally noticed that my mom in this world, Amelia Chrono, had been arguing with another woman who had on the outfit you would expect a doctor to wear… "Ah, I see."

Noticing my gaze, Amelia quickly remembers what was happening around her, "Right!", and quickly, but noticeably reluctantly, pulls away to face the doctor. "Laela, I'm sorry for earlier, but could you check him again?" As she gets up to make room for the doctor, my mother looks at me and says, "We'll explain everything in just a minute. For now, let Dr. Casanova do her thing, okay?"

"Okay." With my head starting to feel a little better, and consequently my vision clearing, I finally got a good look at the room and the people in it. The first thing that I noticed is that all three of the adults looked amazing, like the top 5% on Earth amazing. The only other guy in the room, who I assumed was my father Maxwell Chrono, was a strong 5'11" easily. He had short, spikey, black hair with golden eyes, and he was well-built. My mother stood at a confident 5'8" with long, wavy brown hair. She anxiously watched my checkup with her hazel-green eyes as her well-built body only lightly fidgeted.

Then there was the doctor, Laela Cassinova. She had stunning purple eyes and silky, dark green hair. With her fair stature standing at a gorgeous 5'8", she was the perfect definition of my type. Thankfully the 4-year-old me was the main one, so I was probably currently incapable of lust and romantic feelings.

Speaking of 4-year-olds, I noticed a small girl that kept staring at me. Having nothing else to look at now I reluctantly looked towards her, and my breathing hitched. Staring at me was a pair of bright silver eyes, and I could feel something spark. It wasn't something superficial and unnecessary like love, but it was an instinctive feeling I just couldn't properly describe; the only way to begin was that it was like a connection between our souls was made. She must have felt the same thing, as I saw her face change ever-so-slightly as we kept eye contact.

"Well, whatever happened did something, because now there's only 1 mismatched aura." The looks of confusion on the adult's faces told me everything I needed to know about that news; it wasn't normal.

"What does that mean?" Having broken eye contact with the girl, who I could still feel staring at me, my mom asked the question before I could.

"Well to put it simply, the two auras that were fighting are now bound together, but they're still separate entities."

"Is it harmful?"

"There's no way to be certain," Laela got up and took her gloves off, now directly addressing Amelia. "But I can assure you that he is perfectly fine now. There aren't many Semblances like mine, so for all we know this could've happened before without proper knowledge of it."

With the doctor's permission and the reluctance of Amelia, I got up and walked around the room a bit. I felt the weakened muscles of someone not using their legs for what I was told was a week, but it was bearable.

Now that I'm up and about, it is easier to see around my room. It wasn't necessarily a small room, it was more so a cozy size for an adult couple. I had my queen-sized bed in the middle of the wall adjacent to the door's wall, with a nightstand next to it but closer to the door. There was a connected closet, somewhat walk-in size, on the other side of the bed; there was a full-body mirror in the corner opposite my bed, a desk next to it, and a window taking up about half of the wall across the door. As I am a child, I had a small bin of toys underneath the window and a matching pair of bookshelves on either side of the window.

After I was done looking around my room, my eyes rested on the girl. It was only because she stood in front of the window, but I could see that her hair was actually a very deep shade of green - deep enough that if she weren't standing in direct sunlight, it would look black. The halo of sunlight around her head only stood to pronounce her bright silver eyes.

A few moments after my gaze landed on her, my feet took control of my stalled brain and brought me to her. Before I knew it, my hand was out in greeting.

"Hello, my name is Argento. What's yours?" A second or two passes before her hand meets mine, and a small smile can be seen on her face as she does so.

"I'm Ivy." For a length of time that usually would have been awkward, we just stared into each other's eyes. The adults were mostly busy with themselves, so there was nothing to interrupt us. The more I looked into her silver eyes the more curiosity was budding in me as to why there was this connection.

In the midst of a conversation between 3 adults, they all hear giggling from across the room. Looking over, all 3 smile as they see Ivy and me giggling up a storm for no apparent reason.

"Well, as wonderful as it has been talking to the two of you, we should get going. If we're gone too long then my husband will cook, and I don't feel like getting take out again." With a suppressed chortle from Amelia, we all make our way to the door to see the Cassinova's out.

While we are saying our farewells, I can see a lightbulb appear for my dad. "You know, since the children get along so well, how about you and your husband come over for dinner sometime with Ivy?" Unbeknownst to me, my face visibly brightens at the mention of this, which was not missed by Laela.

"We would love to, wouldn't we Ivy?"

"Mhm!" With Ivy giving a nice little smile, it seemed I would be seeing more of the curiosity that was the silver-eyed girl named Ivy. With a smile and wave, our final goodbyes were said, and I watch the mother-daughter duo walk away as I stand with two loving hands on my shoulders.

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Author's Note (AN for those who don't know)

Sorry that it took so long to get it out, I had this and a few future chapters written down but I got stuck on a further part, so I didn't want to upload it and have the exact problem I just had. That and I also momentarily lost everything for chapter 7 and beyond, but we don't talk about it.

There are definitely no plans of slowing down, but my graduation is coming soon and so if there is a sharp decrease in overall chapter production that will be why. I am also making some potentially risky story choices, so I hope they play out well. I'll just have to wait and see how you all react.

That's about it for now, so I hope you all have been well and that you will either continue to be well or become well. See you at the next update, whenever that will be