
RWBY: System

So i reincarnated in RWBY, it looks like im still fine after my death... Everything seems to be okay but... I have a system... ...And a stand? / / / / / Cover picture not mine. Though I edited it.

Toist_New_Moon · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

Chapter 1: Rise up dead man

A/TN: If you're new, this is a re-write to an old story, the premise and some events stay the same, though this is more fleshed out and better than the last story.


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~Rey POV~

I suddenly felt dizzy and lightheaded, my vision also disappeared and I'm left in the

darkness with my thoughts.

[Where... am i?]

My memories suddenly rushed into my mind.

My name, my family, my experiences...

My death.

I fell into the grand canyon because of an earthquake and... let's just say it was brutal.

[I-i died... What the heck?! how am I still conscious... Fuck this mess, *sigh* I'm still alive all the same at least.] Of course still being conscious at the very least is better than losing everything all together.

[Hello lost one, let me help you.] A deep voice that sounded weirdly familiar spoke out to me.

It sounded like it came from all directions and gave me a good spook [Uh, who are you exactly?]

[I go by many names, DIO, Yahweh, Savior, But the most popular one is God so please state me as you please mortal.]

[um... G-god? did I got into heaven?]

I crossed my fingers, wait... where are my fingers actually? I just feel like a floating shapeless blob in the air. 'That's weird, but there's god so I guess that's not important.'


My hearth sank, I lost all hope easily, 'I hope hell isn't as bad as the bible says.' [So why did I got into hell?] I curiously asked.

[You didn't though? mortal, hell and heaven doesn't let anyone enter anymore, or at least I don't let non saints in anymore, you'll still be transmigrated however.]

[Transmigration? like an Isekai or something... God, am I going to have a system or at least a support of the same caliber?]

[Hmmm... so you're one of those perverted mortals that prefers a system, of course then... though I'll have to review your sins to see if there are any... 'Weird ones']

'Weird ones? what the heck is he talking about?' [... No way... I'm not like that I swear.]

Nope never ever, I'm not a pedo.

[I'll still check, though I believe you, but we can't let be too careful... especially for those people.]

Yep I agree... [Also where's your accent gone?]


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After that whole ordeal I was sent to my favorite video game/anime "...RWBY... I can't believe I'm in this place."

God was very generous with his blessings and still gave me a system, though it's a non talking one, with some abilities from JJBA.

Because anything more powerful from that show was quote on quote 'Too overpowered.'

"Though, I should probably find any sort of shelter and check out my system."

First day of transmigrating is gonna be a blast!




- - -

Name: Rey Nights

HP: 100

AP: [Locked]

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: None

Semblance: [Locked]

Bloodline: [Locked]

Condition: Neutral

LVL: 1

VIT: 10

STR: 9

AGI: 8

INT: 9

WIS: 10


Points: 0

- - -

<<Skill list>>

[Gamer: Max]

- - -

"Not bad, maybe? I dunno." I still don't know what the numbers represents, if my physical strength is still the same and a bunch of other factors.

So after waking up I found out that I'm in a forest, and since this place is probably the last place I want to stay homeless, I searched a bit of the forest and found a small hole, big enough to fit me in and just stayed there.

"So... how am I supposed to survive? currently there's no factor that could make me get an advantage or at the very least have a fighting chance against Grimms."

Unless... I also have inventory.

"System, open inventory."

. . .


Lien: 0

- - -

"With this... I might be able to do something."

A small gleam of hope showed itself.

'A chance, and that's all I need.'

/ / / / /




Before leaving I studied the profile interface using the system's help feature, I also discovered a music and shop interface, but sadly no map, just a home feature.

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[HP/Health Points]

The indication of the host's life force.

Due to the Gamer skill the host will not experience injuries and injury fatigue, only pain can be experienced.

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[AP/Aura Points]

The indication of the host's Aura, Aura is the manifestation of the soul and can be utilized for defensive and offensive uses.

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The indicator for the target or the host's race, or the specific species of the target/host.

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The indication of the aptitude for a weapon or job such as magic for a maiden and a sword for a swordsman. Classes provides different buffs for different classes and buffs vary due to skill.

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Added buffs for an achievement or title the system has given, buffs vary from person and title, so even with the same title.

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Semblance is a power exhibited by certain characters in RWBY. It is developed from a person's Aura and typically helps in battle against Grimm. Semblances are different between people and can range from super strength, manipulating objects to disorienting opponents.

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Abilities that are inherited from a family member, this is similar to semblances though it's inherited.

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Each level up will give the host 5 status points and more HP.

EXP/Experience Points, are used to level up the host. And EXP can be obtained through killing Grimms, winning battles, and completing quests/challenges. EXP cannot be obtained through training.

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Represents the total amount of HP the host or target/targets have, also represents stamina and stamina regeneration, VIT points can be obtained through experiencing physical trauma.

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Represents strength/physical strength, STR points can be obtained through physical training of the muscles.

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Represents the ability of speed, or on how fast the host/target can move.

So a boost in agility not only affects running speed, it also affects climbing, swimming, and all other speed related stuff.

AGI points can be obtained through physical training of speed related muscles.

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[INT/Intelligence] [WIS/Wisdom]

Does not represent intelligence or wisdom respectively, however INT and WIS points can be obtained through reading and learning.

INT represents Aura regeneration.

WIS represents Aura capacity.

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Represents how lucky the host/target is.

Cannot be increased without a interface.

Gravitates the host into a better outcome.

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[Skill] [Gamer]

All gamer related skills are available for the host to use.

Party, Inventory, Profile, Observe, Music, Shop, and Home functions. Other functions will be added in the future after completing certain quests.

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[+1 INT]

I stretched my back and went outside.

"Time to set up some traps."

[Creating Quest]


<<Quest: First Steps>>

The forest is too dangerous for the weak,

so become stronger.

Clear condition: Kill 10 Grimms

Failure: None

Time limit: None

Rewards: [Skill], [Level up], [Random weapon]

- - -


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I started by going to a place where it's mostly Boarbatusks, since it's already a place I explored it didn't take me a while to find it again. So the reason for going after boarbatusks is because of their intelligence range and capabilities.

"A boar can't run up a tree afterall."

But it could probably crush it down...

So I took as many rocks as I can into my inventory and climbed on the thickest and sturdiest tree near the boarbatusk area.

"This... should probably strong enough to not prevent them making me fall off, also I think I have enough rocks... But eh, I'll just take some more just in case."



. . .

Then I implemented my plan into action.

"First step, negative emotions."

I thought to the time my best friend kissed my crush on Christmas Eve.

{Creating skill}

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{Taunt: LVL 1}

Attracts Grimms nearby by feeling negative emotions.

{LVL 1} Able to attract Grimms up to 50 meters. {LVL 5} Able to attract Grimms up to 200 meters (Controllable). {LVL Max} Able to attract humans and faunus as well.

- - -

I attracted three boarbatusks to my location,

using my inventory I dropped fifty rocks for each of them though the damage done was not viable however I kept on making the rocks fall, "...Though the rocks are out of reach for my inventory to pick them back up, it didn't really matter since the boulders are my primary weapon for trapping."

"Time to bring out the big guns."

[Inventory: Boulder]

I made them fall onto the Boarbatusks as they desperately try to knock down the tree using Body roll.

Bad news, It worked...

"Oh, I'm in deep shit."

*Crash* The boulder killed one of the three boarbatusks, crushing it turning it to black dust.

. . .

*Crash* The tree fell and now... I'm fucked.


I tried to run away however the boarbatusks will clearly out speed me.*Sigh*

"I've got no choice..." A rat backed into a corner will strike back afterall.

[Inventory: Boulder]


I ran and tried to evade everytime they attacked, however I can only do much.

*Huff* *Huff*

I started to lose a bunch of my stamina as I desperately tried to make the boulders fall onto the Boarbatusks...

. . .

[+2 AGI]

[+4 VIT]

The cycled repeated until I eventually managed to kill one of the boarbatusks making me level up.

*Level Up*

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[Level Up]

When leveling up the stats HP and AP go up, leveling up also makes the host/team mate regain all of their HP, AP, and STM/Stamina.

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"Heh... I can't resist smiling."

Look how the tables have turned~

"Time to end this."

I distributed the status points and got ready,

ready for some payback.

[+3 AGI]

[+2 STR]

. . .

I ran towards the Boarbatusk and kept raining it down with boulders (Throwing it out of the inventory the taking it back in.)

It kept resisting however it did what you expected it to do, try to escape.

It was clearly outmatched by my boulder dropping method so it gave up trying to pursue me and tried to body roll away.

"I'm not letting you escape!"

{Creating Skill}

- - -

{Dash: LVL 1}

Increases speed by consuming stamina at a rapid rate.

{LVL 1} Increased speed. {LVL 5} More increase on speed. {LVL Max} Stamina consumed is decreased.

- - -

[Inventory: Boulder]


[Killed Grimms 3/10]

"Hah... I'm sore all over... but I still have to walk back to base." It's too dangerous for me to stay here.

Today's hunt is a success!


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I used the home feature to locate my base and for a good twenty minutes of stealth, I was able to return to base relatively safe.

[Creating Challenge...]



<<Challenge: Scavenger>>

The forest is filled with nutritious fruits, find some for lunch.

Clear condition: Satisfy your hunger

Failure: Starvation

Time limit: 5 hours

Reward: [Aura]

- - -

"Aura already? I can't complain, it's extremely useful, but I didn't expect to be able to use aura at this time."

Can't complain about another advantage.

So... maybe I should rest a little bit.


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[Challenge Completed]

The forest is extremely lush and beautiful, cool trees, great food, natural rock formations, and some breath taking views...

"Only if I wasn't always presented with Grimms." If only though. *Sigh*



Lien: 0(300)



Elderberry (11)




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I already ate some, especially while exploring,

though I was bored and had nothing to do anyway so I just kept exploring until it was sundown.

[+2 AGI]

[+1 VIT]

[Aura unlocked]

I went back home and avoided fighting though I was met with a boarbatusk, it was alone so I took care of it easily.

[Grimms killed 4/10]

. . .

When I was back at base I checked my status to see how much I improved in a day.

- - -

Name: Rey Nights

HP: 110/110

AP: 150/150

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: None

Semblance: [Locked]

Bloodline: [Locked]

Condition: Slightly Tired

LVL: 2

VIT: 9(14)

STR: 9(11)

AGI: 8(16)

INT: 10(11)

WIS: 10


Points: 0(5)

- - -

<<Skill list>>

[Gamer: Max] [Taunt: LVL 1] [Dash: LVL 1]

- - -

And I improved in a good place actually,

Seeing my stats go up just made my day way better.

"Hm... I should save my status points, since I could just train and have them go up so I don't need to spend it on those except when I really needed it."

[+1 INT]

[+1 WIS]

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A/TN: Chapter 1 complete! I can finally rest. for goodness sake.