
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs


After 2 weeks of spending in the town before Vale. It was finally time for him to go to Vale. It wasn't like he's ready or anything, in fact, he felt a bit inadequate. Jaune realized that he might have been a bit too cocky in his decision of applying to Beacon Academy.

He realized how dumb his action was, most people who applied there had been trained since childhood, and they had the skill and combat experience necessary to pass whatever the initiation is about, since it's a combat school, the test in the initiation would most likely have to do with their combat skills and experiences.

If he was wrong about the test, which he was sure that he isn't, however hypothetically, then it wouldn't make sense after all it is a combat school, not a normal academy.

Honestly, if he didn't meet Esdeath and went directly to Vale and attends Beacon Initiation, there's a very high chance that he wouldn't survive, if the initiation was about survival and if it was about fighting other candidates he'd 100% fail.

Jaune couldn't help but shudder thinking about those possible outcomes, he was really, really lucky to have met Esdeath, or else he'd still be that naive young man who dreamed of becoming a hero through being a huntsman.

Anyway…right now, he doesn't feel so good, because right now he was riding a bullhead with Esdeath toward the City Of Vale.

This was his first-time experience riding this so-called transportation, and Oum he and this thing aren't friends at all!

He wanted to vomit so bad, but he forced himself not to, after all, he didn't want to be humiliated in front of the other passengers, and most importantly he did not want Esdeath to see him puke!

His dignity and nonexistent reputation would end here if he puked, Oum he feels terrible.

If he knew this would happen, he would have never tried riding this transportation to Vale!

Esdeath noticed his obvious discomfort. "Are you sick?"

Lying to her would do no good at all, so he nodded and replied. "Y-yeah, I didn't know that I have air sickness until now..!"

Jaune quickly covered his mouth to avoid vomiting, however, all of a sudden he felt Esdeath's gentle hand pull his head into her soft lap, as always her lap pillow is the best, there's no doubt it is.

Just like that, he felt significantly better compared to before, he didn't feel like puking now that he's lying in her lap, it worked like magic, no perhaps her lap pillow is magic itself!

"Are you feeling better now?" Esdeath asked softly.

"Yes…" Her lap is very comfortable, he couldn't stop himself from falling asleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, Esdeath let out an amused chuckle. "You like sleeping in my lap that much my dear?"

However, he didn't reply as he was already asleep in her lap.

She didn't mind at all, instead, she gently touched his head, little did she know that her action made the other passengers of the bullhead jealous of them.

Mostly to Jaune who isn't even aware of the hostility of the same sex, because he managed to snag a drop-dead gorgeous young woman that was clearly out of his league.

The trip to Vale City was filled with affection and warmth, at least for Jaune and Esdeath, but to the others it was jealousy and envy filled their very souls.

Jaune opened his eyes when he felt someone was poking his right cheek, and as soon as he got a clear look he saw that he was Esdeath.

"Good, you're now awake, we have now arrived at our destination." 

Reluctantly, he lifted his head away from Esdeath's heavenly lap, if he were given a choice there's no way he'd lift his head from her lap, but sadly all things must come to an end.

He noticed that he left a trail of saliva on Esdeath's lap, making him embarrassed. He quickly took a handkerchief from his pocket and immediately wiped the drool that he had on her lap.

"Sorry I didn't mean to-"

Esdeath suddenly put her forefinger in his lips, silencing him, and said. "It's fine, it doesn't matter besides I find it adorable drooling like that in my lap. Here I even took a picture of it in my scroll."

Jaune saw himself sleeping comfortably while drooling in Esdeath's lap, making him more flustered than previously.

"Can you please delete that?!" He said embarrassed at the picture in Esdeath's scroll.

Esdeath started shaking her head out of amusement and answered. "No, it's adorable, why would I? It's not every day that I could take a picture of you as adorable as this."

Jaune tried again, but he ultimately failed and he didn't try again, because after knowing Esdeath for almost a month, he knew that it's impossible to change her mind once she sets her mind to it.

Anyway, he bought her a scroll, the latest brand, it wasn't cheap but worth it. Esdeath owned her scroll for just a single week and her photo album already had hundreds of not thousands of photos of him.

He wasn't sure if that was normal, but he had a feeling that it's not, but it's not like it mattered to him, he was totally fine with her getting pictures of him, she had his permission.

After they went outside the bullhead, as he expected a lot of people were looking at Esdeath, if it happened back in the town before, it would happen again.

"This is a lot worse than in the town.." Jaune muttered, looking at the people who were looking at her, compared to the town before it wasn't even a comparison, as literally hundreds of eyes were drawn to her.

"A lot worse? What do you mean?" 

Oops, she heard him alright, he started scratching the back of his head and answered her honestly. "The attention you're getting."

"Oh, so that's what you mean it doesn't matter, all of them don't matter, they can all watch me all day long, but that's all there is, they are insignificant compared to you, so don't mind them, because only you who could do this to me." Suddenly Esdeath kissed him on the lips in front of everyone.

Making them look in their direction in surprise, shock, awe, envy, and jealousy.

"E-esdeath! W-what are you doing?!" Jaune shouted in shock, as he did not expect her to kiss him in public with hundreds of people looking at them!

Naturally, he was embarrassed his face was so red that it might as well be tomato! 

To think his first kiss would happen in front of everyone, literally hundreds of people were watching!

Esdeath, however, didn't feel embarrassed of what she did in front of everyone, to her this was only natural, what is there to be embarrassed about.

This was her way of saying that he belongs to her, she was staking her claim in front of everyone; it was for them to know that Jaune is her property and no one else.

"Kissing you," Esdeath answered like it was the obvious.

"I know that!" He said embarrassed, then he looked around there's more people watching them. He couldn't take it anymore. He might as well die from embarrassment if he doesn't leave right now.

Jaune subconsciously grabbed ahold of Esdeath's hand, holding it tightly and dragging her away from the crowd.

If the past him were to see this, he would have looked at him with disbelief, someone like him wouldn't have the balls to do something like this.

After they arrived in a less crowded location, Jaune finally stopped dragging Esdeath and realized that he was holding her hand all the way here without even realizing it.

In his mind, he thought that he was holding her arm, but it wasn't the case, quickly he took his hand away from hers.

Making Esdeath pout and a bit disappointed. 

Jaune was catching his breath, and after calming himself down, he gave Esdeath stink eyes. "Why did you do that?"

Esdeath smiled and replied like it was obvious. "To show everyone that you belong to me."

He blinked at that, honestly from all the answers he could have received, he never expected this one. "Really..?"


Shaking his head and replied with a sigh. "Why are you saying things like that? It's like I'm your lover or something."

Esdeath tilted her head and said. "But you are."

"Huh?" Jaune's eyes widened, and his mind went into overdrive, thinking about what she just said.

'Lover..? I'm her lover..?! But I don't remember dating her or anything!' He shouted internally.

"I-i…we're dating?" He said in disbelief.

"Of course, we are." Esdeath nodded.

"B-but I don't remember asking you out or anything!" He shouted at her.

"You didn't." 

"Huh? Then why did you claim that we were dating if I didn't ask you out?!" He asked, confused.

"Because I said so," Esdeath stated like it was a matter of fact.

"T-that's not how dating works!" Jaune shouted incredulously.

Esdeath was surprised and asked. "It's not?"

"Of course, it's not! You needed both parties' consent for that to happen!"

"Oh, then will you date me?" Esdeath said without an ounce of hesitation or embarrassment.

"Bwehh?!" He recoiled in surprise, once again Esdeath did the unexpected. "A-are you asking me out right now?"


"This is not a joke right..?" He asked doubtfully.

Esdeath immediately frowned at his question. "No, why would I joke about this?"

"...So you like me?" 

"No," Esdeath answered without hesitation.

Making his stomach drop, that statement really hurt him, to think a simple word could hurt him so badly.

He started thinking negativity, however, it was immediately stopped as he heard her next words.

"I love you, my feelings for you aren't just a mere 'like' what I have is love because I want to marry you and have your kids," Esdeath said with a straight face.

Hearing that his jaw literally dropped from his mouth, he was dumbfounded and all of that negative feelings from before completely disappeared. "W-what…"

Jaune was speechless that he didn't know what to say, then Esdeath continued. "So, will you date me? Just know that I won't take 'no' as an answer."

Her last words were completely unnecessary, there's no way he'd say 'no', after that he nodded.

Esdeath smirked as she received his answer, suddenly she hugged him while looking at his face, and Oum he never thought someone could be so cool and beautiful, he was the guy here but damn, he felt like the girl at the moment, and she said. "We're now dating officially."


"Now, let's find a church to get married," Esdeath said.

"No, that's way too fast!" Jaune argued, however, in his mind it was the opposite. 'I don't mind though.'

If you liked the story please support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.
