
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

A Kiss

Sorry, xD wrong fanfiction. Here's the real one.


In the wilderness near the town, Jaune was dodging and countering Esdeath's aggressive strikes with her fist.

Today, they were doing hand-to-hand combat, because this was a very important skill to have according to Esdeath.

Which he completely agrees, while having a weapon is great and all, what if you lost it? What if it breaks and you don't have a replacement of the said weapon?

The answer is simple: you'd be useless without it, that's why he needs to learn hand-to-hand combat so in the future 'if' he lost or broke his sword, he wouldn't be defenseless against his future opponents.

Esdeath didn't show any mercy toward him, she was so vicious with her attacks that he thought she'd genuinely try to kill him, but he knew better than she's holding back a lot, after he saw this young woman carry a boulder with a weight of a dozen tonnes.

So yes, she could break him anytime but she's clearly going easy with him that's for sure.

Bruises were all over his body, but most of them are from his arms because it's part of his body that blocks most of Esdeath's attacks.

With one last punch from Esdeath to his abdomen, he coughs his saliva from the dirt and collapses into the ground.

He got KO'd almost immediately.

"Hm, I thought you'd last longer but I suppose this is it for today, not bad for your first hand-to-hand combat," Esdeath said with a thoughtful look.

Jaune couldn't help but groan in pain after hearing that comment, he wanted to reply but he couldn't as the pain was all over his body, it was a miracle that he's even conscious after the sparring.

"Now, what should I do here…?"

He heard her say, then all of a sudden he felt her turning his body around, facing her, then she put his head into her lap.

It made his eyes widen in surprise, from all the things she expected her to do, he never thought it would be like this!

Then he felt her soft and bouncy leg, it felt absolutely wonderful. It was like he's lying his head in a cloud instead of her lap.

He thought. 'I'm surely going to get addicted to this, I'm very sure of it."

Jaune agreed with his thoughts with all of his heart, this wasn't the first time he lay in a girl's lap, after all with 7 different sisters, it's literally impossible for him not to experience sleeping in the lap of a female.

However, none of his sister's lap was as comfortable as Esdeath's!

At this rate, he wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully with pillows.

Jaune literally melted in her wonderful lap, before he fell asleep he heard her say. "You know, I've seen my mother do this to my father multiple times. I didn't really understand the need for it at first, but now I understand, and I like it. Now please sleep peacefully, my love."

With that, he closed his eyes and welcomed the dream world.

While he was sleeping comfortably and peacefully, Esdeath was looking at his face with a gentle smile. "You look adorable while sleeping…"

Then she kissed him on the lips as he slept and gently touched his face with her hands and said. "You are mine, and no one else."

"I love you."

It's been an entire week since he stayed in this town, originally he wanted to get into Vale as soon as possible, but he changed his mind as he met Esdeath, who has become his companion.

He became closer to her this past week. It's impossible not to, when she sticks with him every minute of the day without fail, not to mention she's a pleasant company to have.

Jaune felt like he had become a better combatant compared to a week ago, he just knew it, if there's a fight between the past him and the current him right now, he would absolutely wreck the past him.

He had better endurance, skills, strength, agility, and instinct. Jaune also managed to reach this level because he had a competent 'teacher' who is Esdeath.

Though with her, he felt inadequate, after the first time he managed to hit her, he never managed to hit her again.

Fighting her was similar to him diving in a bottomless ocean because no matter how deep he dived, he could never reach the bottom.

Even so, he wouldn't stop diving and desires to reach the seemingly bottomless ocean known as Esdeath.

And that moment, he had another goal: to reach the bottom, the level of Esdeath. It wouldn't be easy, and probably would be the hardest challenge that he took in his life.

Presently, both of them were in the library of the town, because Esdeath lacks general knowledge about the world, while he also needed to learn facts about history, it was his weakest subject, since he's in a library why not read a book?

So he did, at first, he thought that he probably wouldn't be able to finish it, however, he was mistaken and he got interested in the history that he was reading.

Basically what happened is that the human commander was a fool, thinking that attacking faunus at night is a great move, but the commander failed to realize that faunus had night vision, not to mention they also have sensitive ears and noses.

Trying to sneak into the faunus base without proper preparation is a big no, only a fool would do that.

Now, if it were up to him he would have had-

He snapped out of his musing as Esdeath tapped his shoulder. "Yes?"

"I'm done," Esdeath said.

Looking at the pile of books beside her, he asked in disbelief. "You finished it all already?"

Esdeath nodded with confidence.

Knowing that doesn't exactly make him feel okay, after all, about a week ago, she could barely even read and now, she's reading about aura theories, advanced dust combinations, and fairy tales.

The last one wasn't surprising, but the former too was, she went from kindergarten knowledge to a university level of knowledge in a single week?

What the heck!

No one is capable of learning that fast! With such monstrous learning capabilities, she makes everyone from remnant inadequate!

Jaune felt like he witnessed the making of a legend before his eyes.

Which wasn't too far from the truth, because as long as she gets to live long enough, her name would be engraved from history. He was sure of it.

"A-alright then…" Jaune looked at his scroll and saw that it was already time for lunch. "So, wanna have lunch?"

"Sure," Esdeath nodded, the past week's experience living in this town was strange, but in a good way, she simply isn't used to living in such luxury.

Back in her tribe, they needed to hunt their own meal to eat, however here, she just needed an item called lien, and she would be able to get her preferred meals.

There's also a lot of people. It was fascinating for someone like her, who hadn't seen a single human for a whole 3 years.

Back then, she always imagined what it's like to interact with another human being aside from her former tribe.

And it came true in the form of Jaune, at first glance he isn't much, aside from being a bit handsome, but that wasn't the reason why she became attracted to him.

It's because of his bravery and kindness, the latter was unexpected for someone like her to be attracted to such, to begin with, kindness is a weakness, kindness means you'll let others take advantage of you.

Kindness means you don't have the heart to do the necessary.

However, it was different with him because he used that kindness to help her even though it wasn't necessary, and the bravery to protect her from the grimm despite knowing that he's clearly outmatched.

She was charmed just like that, even though she isn't blind knowing that she fell too easily, but frankly she didn't care, he's simply her type and that was reinforced when she got to know him better.

A young man with an innocent smile, and someone who had great potential in combat.

He's perfect.

That's why she won't allow him to leave within her grasp, and no one is allowed to have him other than her.

Hugging his left arm, he gave her a weary smile but didn't say anything and went along with her.

His reaction made her smile, he finally got used to her intimate actions, he would flinch and blush with her intimate action, but now he didn't.

"Let's go." With that, they went outside the town library.

For a week, people saw them act intimately with each other and they assumed that the two of them were a couple.

Those who are single were jealous of their 'affectionate' relationship, so those who hadn't thought of dating before were giving being in a romantic relationship a thought.

And that's how they indirectly caused some people to become a couple.

I never really wrote about Esdeath's perspective before, so I wrote a few of her inner thoughts.

If you liked the story please support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.
