
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

A Hero

Esdeath did not notice the look of pity along with a bit of despair on his face, instead, she asked him a question. "Right, I've trying to ask you this question, how did you arrive in this forest?"

Jaune expression immediately turned sheepish and embarrassed. "W-well…I got lost on my way to Beacon, it wasn't my intention to stumble in this forest, where you know…I met you..?"

Esdeath hummed and replied. "Then, it's a good thing that you lost then."

"Excuse me?"

"Did you not hear what I've said?"

"No, I heard it pretty clearly, however, why are you glad that I got lost?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's because I got to meet you, if you didn't get lost we wouldn't have met, so it's a good thing that you did." Esdeath stared at him in the eyes.

Ah, that's what she meant, indeed if he didn't lost his way to Vale, he would have met her, which he doesn't know if it's a good thing or not.

Well, maybe it's a good thing, after all, if he didn't get lost, she would still be alone, all by herself, without a single human interaction for years.

Maybe, it's fate that brought him to meet her, okay that was cheesy but still accurate though.

"Still, why are you going to this 'Beacon'? Is there something you want there?" Esdeath asked.

He hesitated for a moment, after all, he was afraid of what was going to be her answer. If he told her the real reason why he wanted to go to Beacon, she'd probably laugh at him and think of his dream as him being silly.

Because he was met with rejection after rejection, that's why he was afraid that she too would reject him for his dream.

After a full minute of silence, he decided to have a leap of faith. "It's because I wanted to become a huntsman, a hero that could save people from the Grimm, it's my lifelong dream."

Esdeath looked at him surprised. "Oh…"

He let out a sigh and thought. 'As expected, I thought she would be different from my family but I guess she thought the same as them-'

However, he was cut off from his musing as she said.

"That's it?"

Jaune was caught off guard by her words. "Pardon?"

Esdeath explained. "I mean, that's it? All you wanted is to save people from the Grimm?"

"Y-yeah..?" He replied a bit confused and hopeful.

"I thought it's something grand but your dream is something quite simple." Esdeath stares at him with a smile.

"S-simple?" He wasn't sure if he was offended or not, his dream is simply really? But honestly, it was better than being looked down upon.

Like saying he's stupid for dreaming of becoming a huntsman, after all, who would choose an occupation that could guarantee your death?

A normal person with common sense would avoid having a job like that, but not him, it's always been his passion to become one.

"Yeah, that's right though I don't know the term 'huntsmen' since I'm sure that it's different from being a hunter in the wild, but a hero I do, however, do you really need to become a huntsmen to become a hero?" Esdeath couldn't help but raise her brow at him.

"W-what..? Of course! That's because, to us ordinary people, they are heroes that protect us from the Grimm!" Jaune exclaimed with passion.

Esdeath looked confused for a moment, before realizing something and asking. "Say, do you want to become a huntsman to gain glory and fame or you just wanted to save people?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course to save the people from Grimm! I don't care about glory or fame, I just wanted to help." Jaune said.

"That's it, you don't need to be a huntsman to become a hero, so why bother becoming one anyway? If you could just save people yourself." Esdeath replied.

Hearing that from Esdeath made him pause, honestly, he never thought about it, to him to be a hero is to be a huntsman, and a hero and huntsmen to him is the same thing.

Realizing the flaw of his dream, he could help but feel like an idiot. Of course who says that becoming a hero had to do with becoming a huntsman?


"Wait, you didn't realize that didn't you?" Esdeath stares at him surprised.

Hearing that, he became embarrassed because what she said is true.

Seeing his reaction, she couldn't stop herself from snorting then, eventually, she started laughing. "Hahahaha! That's hilarious! You never thought of that?"

"S-shut up, okay?!" He shouted at her, flustered.

"Sorry, sorry I can't stop it, it's just hilarious to think about!" Esdeath wipes the tears that came out of her eyes.

He doesn't blame her for laughing, after all, it was truly hilarious that he didn't even realize something that is obviously simple and different from another.

However, it didn't stop him from sulking.

"Are you sulking?"


"You don't need to lie, I can see it."

"Then why are you asking, then?!"

"Are you saying I can't?"

"If I say yes, would you drop the matter?"


He couldn't help but groan at Esdeath's smiling form, but despite being laughed at, he was glad that the atmosphere was now better than before, he was able to make her laugh and smile, who knew when was the last time she did.

3 years is a long time, and Esdeath spent that much in isolation without anyone to interact with, not to mention she had to survive alone, from Grimm and hunting her own meal on a daily basis.

Honestly, it was surprising that she still has her clothes intact for 3 whole years, if it was still the outfit that she wore back when she was 14.

Wait, if it was then aren't that clothes dirty? Maybe he should convince her to get rid of it.

Okay, maybe later for now, he had more important matters to think about, like she said being Huntsmen had nothing to do with being a hero, as he imagined.

Being a hero is just someone who saves people while being a huntsman is just an occupation.

A job, now that he thinks about it, being a huntsman protects people because they are being paid for their services.

Shaking his head, even so, he still needs to become a huntsman, not because of glory or anything, but because it's the best way to get information about a settlement or two that needed help from the Grimm.

And for training, he knew for a fact that he is no good, a single Beowolf could technically kill him.

If only his father taught him the skills necessary for combat, he wouldn't have to do something like this, faking his transcript.

He was surprised that he was accepted, but he didn't question it because it was his chance to become what he always wanted, a hero like his ancestors.

"Anyway, I still needed to become a huntsman, after all, if I can't then all of my preparation would be for naught!" This is technically true, the only reason why he ran away from him it's because he knew that Beacon Academy accepted him.

"Oh, okay if that's what you want, who am I to stop you?" Esdeath encouraged him.

"Really? You won't stop me?" He asked surprised.

"Why would I?" Esdeath asked back, confused by such a question.

"W-well…everyone didn't want me to…" Jaune muttered under his breath.

Regardless, Esdeath heard it clearly and said. "Clearly, not everyone because I wouldn't stop you, and those who did are fools and you shouldn't trust their words."

Jaune was flustered at her words, it might not mean much to everyone else, but to him it was everything, no one encouraged him to pursue his dreams.

"T-thank you.."

"No need to thank me, and besides to achieve your dream you need strength, right?" She asked with a certain glint inside her eyes.

However, he didn't notice because he was too caught up in her encouragement, he was truly happy that someone believed him.

"That's right, in order to save people I need strength! I can't do it while I'm weak!"

"Good, to do that you need to train."


"That's why I'm training you to become stronger to achieve your dream." Esdeath was now smiling ferally at him.

"Eh..?" Jaune's face blanked.

"You wanted strength right?"

"Yeah..?" He didn't like how he sounded unconfident right now.

"Exactly, I'm going to give you exactly that, no man of mine remains weak!" Esdeath declared and continued. "It's still early in the morning, a perfect time to start training."

Jaune couldn't help but gulp and said. "What should I do then?"

"Spar with me." She stated.

"W-what?! Aren't you like going to ask me to do push-ups or something?"

"No, that is simply inefficient, sparing with me is a better choice, now stand up or I'll attack you right now." Esdeath eyes glinted at his terrified form.

"Wai-" He was cut off as Esdeath threw her dagger at him, wounding his cheeks.

Oh, shit she's serious.

Looking at her serious face, she was going to hurt him very badly, if he didn't move.

Thus, Esdeath barbaric training started.

Alright, to anyone who is curious about Esdeath's aura whether it's unlocked or not, it's unlocked because the moment she became the chief of their tribe she unlocked it. If she didn't she wouldn't have survived in battle with the horde or in the wild with endless amounts of Grimm spawning thanks to the Grimm pool for 3 years no matter how strong she is, period.

Hey, it's been a while I was originally planning to add this in monday but it for delayed instead!

Anyway, updates are going to be daily from now on, probably.

If you liked the story please support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's 2 advance chapters there.