
Ruthless Villainess Forced To Travel through Realms To Save Every FL

Popularly known as the Crimson Shadow, Nys Nightblade and The Devil’s Bride, Katarina has always been a villainess since she was born. Her parents were popular assassins, and their only daughter was brought up to follow their footsteps. Rina killed without hesitation, and her jobs were always quick, clean and smooth. Everything was going well for Rina until she got killed by the people she has always trusted… But, luckily for Rina, her story didn’t end there. Instead, her story has just begun! ~~~ [Yuri System]: Rina, you’ve been granted a second chance. Rina: Oh my god, thank you so much, oh merciful system. [Yuri System]: There’s a clause, dear favored Villainess. Rina: There is? What kind of clause? [Yuri System]: The God of vengeance has decided to put your great skills to good use first. Rina: ~ shocked & confused ~ Rina: What? How? [Yuri System]: The God of Vengeance has decided that you’d have to travel through multiple Realms, and defeat every enemy against each female lead in each Realm. [Yuri System]: After that, you’d be able to live the rest of your life however you want. Rina: Well, that sounds super easy! I’ll be done in no time. [Yuri System]: There’s a few more things, dear favored Villainess. ● You need to kill EVERY enemy against each female lead, until each female lead is completely safe. ● You need to TAME every female lead in every realm and make them fall for you. ● You’re gonna be granted a COMPANION, and you’d both have to face these missions together. Rina: WHAT? I ONLY WORK ALONE! [Yuri System] That is the only way. Rina: Who is this companion anyway? [Yuri System]: You’d see. Rina: … [Yuri System]: … Rina: … [Yuri System]: . . . GOOD LUCK, DEAR FAVORED VILLAINESS!

Bree_Airee · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Pray To The Water Goddess



Sinclair, the father of the body which Rina was currently occupying, screeched loudly, voice cold. Rina secretly rolled her eyes before responding meekly.

"Yes, father?"

"Why did you beat those kids up?" He demanded and Rina made sure to keep her head downturned, a sign of respect which she believed was cold bullshit.

"They came for me first–"

Sinclair sharply cut her off. "Fifteen children came for you at once and you managed to beat them all? Marina, what was the last thing I told you when we last had this conversation?!" He roared and Rina made sure to wear a wide eyed, innocent look, even though she was laughing her head off on the inside.

"That I am the heir to the throne and princesses do not act like wayward hooligans." She parroted off the phrase which she has been hearing from him for the past fifteen years.

"You've brought nothing but shame to this family over and over again!" He rebuked her and she meekly fell to her knees, head bowed.

"I apologize, father." She whispered, hands clenched tightly because remorse was the last thing she was currently feeling. If anything, she wanted to go back out there and beat up those dumb teenagers all over again.

It was a gathering for the royals and the privileged families, and Rina had attended along with her parents, Sinclair who was the younger brother of the king, and his wife, Gwen– the mother of the body Rina was currently trapped in.

After the adults went off to discuss, they left the teenages to themselves.

Rina usually never mingled with anyone since she began to grow in this new world which was completely different from her old world, because she had always hated kids and even though she was currently trapped in a toddler's body, she was still a grown woman at heart. Which was why as the years rolled by in this new world, she refused to let any child befriend her, and anyone who tried too hard to befriend her, usually ended up getting beaten up by her.

Rina had kept to herself at the gathering as usual, while secretly sipping on liquor from a flask which was supposed to contain the fruit juice which the maids had prepared for her this morning. That was when the other teenagers had decided to come poke at the sleeping beast.

"Why do you act all high and mighty? You think you're way better than everyone else because you're the heir to the throne?" One of the teenagers had haughtily demanded and the rest of the teenagers had agreed at once.

"You're not special. If anything, you're abnormal, you're a curse. You couldn't see or make a single noise until nine months after your birth. Never forget that we'd always be better than you no matter what." Another person had spoken, but Rina ignored the jab as usual, because it wasn't a new thing, she was already used to hearing things like that since she was a toddler in this world, and she never gave two fucks about those jabs because this wasn't her actual life after all and she could one day disappear from it, so why the hell should she care?

Which was why she ignored them and kept on sipping on the liquor which she stole from Sinclair's chambers. The teenagers clearly hadn't liked being ignored and all decided to gang up on her and beat her up together, not knowing that Rina once used to be a walking monster.

Rina effortlessly beat the insanely weak teenagers up, enjoying the sounds of their cries and the cracking sounds of their bones. She relished in it till she lost control, which was why she was currently on her knees in front of a very angry Sinclair.

A maid walked in with Rina's flask and she cursed underneath her breath as the maid bowed and handed it to Sinclair who sniffed it before rising to his feet and flinging said flask away.

"You're now drinking liquor as well??? How can you be so wayward as a girl child? How is this even possible??!?!" He thundered and Rina sighed, already over this entire conversation. She was usually extremely careful whenever she stole some liquor, but the fight she engaged in hours ago was to blame for making her forget to clean up her tracks this one time.

Rina remained silent, watching as Sinclair summoned his wife who instantly burst into tears after Sinclair went on a rant about how useless his daughter was, falling to her knees in panic.

"She's gonna change, I swear, I promise. Do not disown her, please!" She pleaded through her tears and Sinclair pointed at Rina with a sneer.

"Look at her! She's a disgrace! You should have given me a son and not this useless, cursed child for a daughter! Because of her waywardness and horrible reputation, the royal court are contemplating taking the crown away from our family! All the work I had put into this, the effort I put in before the crown was successfully able to fall on this family and make it the next in line, all for nothing! Because of her!" He thundered and Gwen cried harder, clutching her husband's legs and pleading for his forgiveness, like any of this was her fault to begin with.

Rina has always dreamt of the day she'd finally take Sinclair's life. She has always hated him, not just because of how horribly he treated his wife, but also because so many things about him annoyed her, along with the fact that he has a very ugly face.

That alone was a crime in Rina's books.

Rina remained silent as Sinclair kicked his wife away before exiting the room and slamming the door after him, leaving his sobbing wife with Rina, who tensed up, because she completely sucked at comforting people.

Gwen loved Rina so much and has always taken care of her, protected her and defended her from her deranged husband's wrath. That made Rina grow a soft spot for her, because presently, instead of Gwen to scold her, she crawled towards Rina and tugged her into a hug, one which made Rina stiffened because she still hated physical contact even though it's been years since she got betrayed by those who she trusted.

"Don't worry about your father, okay Rina? I'll talk to him, he's just stressed out. I'm sure you'd still get to succeed the king." She whispered while patting Rina's back and Rina awkwardly wrapped her arms around Gwen for a few seconds before breaking out of the hug, having had enough.

Gwen, who was already used to her daughter's hate for psychical contact, had always found it cute, so she chuckled through her tears before cupping her daughter's face. She knew her daughter would usually get teased for her unusual birth and unresponsive state the next nine months, and it pained her that her daughter was unable to make friends because of that, along with her cold nature. It made Gwen love her daughter even more, which was why she never berates her daughter whenever news gets to her that her daughter had just beaten up someone. If anything, it made her proud that her daughter isn't a pushover or a weakling like she has always been throughout her entire life.

"Go pray to the water goddess, Marina. I'll go talk to your father." Gwen said to Rina who rolled her eyes before nodding.

"Okay, mother."

Gwen tried to kiss her daughter's head before leaving, but Rina pulled away, eyes narrowed. "No kissing, mother." She reminded Gwen who ignored her rebellious child words and planted a big kiss in her daughter's hair, while her daughter grumbled and tried to pull away.

As Gwen pulled away and exited the room, she silently sent a note of thanks to the water goddess for blessing her with a daughter as perfect as Rina.