
Ruthless Villainess Forced To Travel through Realms To Save Every FL

Popularly known as the Crimson Shadow, Nys Nightblade and The Devil’s Bride, Katarina has always been a villainess since she was born. Her parents were popular assassins, and their only daughter was brought up to follow their footsteps. Rina killed without hesitation, and her jobs were always quick, clean and smooth. Everything was going well for Rina until she got killed by the people she has always trusted… But, luckily for Rina, her story didn’t end there. Instead, her story has just begun! ~~~ [Yuri System]: Rina, you’ve been granted a second chance. Rina: Oh my god, thank you so much, oh merciful system. [Yuri System]: There’s a clause, dear favored Villainess. Rina: There is? What kind of clause? [Yuri System]: The God of vengeance has decided to put your great skills to good use first. Rina: ~ shocked & confused ~ Rina: What? How? [Yuri System]: The God of Vengeance has decided that you’d have to travel through multiple Realms, and defeat every enemy against each female lead in each Realm. [Yuri System]: After that, you’d be able to live the rest of your life however you want. Rina: Well, that sounds super easy! I’ll be done in no time. [Yuri System]: There’s a few more things, dear favored Villainess. ● You need to kill EVERY enemy against each female lead, until each female lead is completely safe. ● You need to TAME every female lead in every realm and make them fall for you. ● You’re gonna be granted a COMPANION, and you’d both have to face these missions together. Rina: WHAT? I ONLY WORK ALONE! [Yuri System] That is the only way. Rina: Who is this companion anyway? [Yuri System]: You’d see. Rina: … [Yuri System]: … Rina: … [Yuri System]: . . . GOOD LUCK, DEAR FAVORED VILLAINESS!

Bree_Airee · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Blood on The Throne

Rina watched as the shock on Sinclair's face morphed into stark confusion. His confusion was completely understandable, anyone in his shoes would be shocked to come face to face with their daughter weilding a sword this way.

"What is this?!" One of the court members asked and the rest of the court members laughed heartily.

"What do you think this is?" Rina demanded in annoyance and once again, they all laughed.

"Is this some kind of joke, Marina? Or is this because you were prevented from becoming the queen?" Another court member demanded while regarding her like she was some sort of irrelevant dirt. She gritted my teeth, if there was one thing she hated, it was being looked down upon by lousy men.

"Actually, it's none of that. I never wanted to be your fucking Queen in the first place, that was all Sinclair's desire, not mine." She announced with her jaw squared, and she watched as they all turned towards Sinclair who was now fuming, a scowl on his face as he intently stared at his daughter.

"Why are you here then? Weren't you disowned by your father today? Did you think going down this route would convince him to take back you and your useless mother back?" A third count member demanded and she scoffed while they all dissolved into laughter.

"I don't give two fucks about that. I'm here to kill you all because you all tried to have your way with me last night." Rina informed them and they stared at her then at Sinclair.

"You know you were supposed to kill her after she managed to escape here last night, to avoid the news from getting leaked." The king finally spoke, eyes locked on Sinclair as he spoke and Rina watched as Sinclair's hand settled on the sword at his side.

"I already sent people out to take care of that, and they were supposed to do it tonight." Sinclair revealed and Rina scoffed while shaking her head. She wasn't sure she had ever met a father as heartless and cruel as Sinclair. In this world, she was technically his daughter, but apparently, that didn't mean a thing to him.

"Take care of your mess yourself." The king continued in an irritated tone and she watched Sinclair nodded tensely before rounding the table and stopping a few feet away from her. He unsheathed his sword, one which was inches longer than the one in her grip, it also looked way sharper and stronger.

"You've always been a problem, a pain in my backside and a curse to my household and reputation. You're gonna be dying by my blade tonight." He snarled at her, eyes gleaming with anger as he angled the sword around while slowly closing the distance between them.

Rina pointed my sword at him and scoffed. "The universe certainly punished Gwen when it made you her husband. You're an abomination and you won't be alive after tonight." She Informed him as they began to round each other while the rest of the count members watched intently.

Sinclair crackled in amusement. "I can see that the little rebellious streak that made it possible to beat up kids your age must have gone straight to your head, which deluded you into thinking you're half a match for me." He continued and she cocked my head sideways.

"Well, enough talking then, come at me." She hurled back and he scoffed before starting to walk towards her.

"I was just messing around before, Marina. Don't worry, I won't make it hurt for long." He said as he sliced the sword through the air beside her throat but she hastily ducked and sliced at his legs, which he evaded before grinning at her.

"You're surprisingly good at this." He drawled before slicing at my sides, sharp, precise moves which she blocked with her sword on both intervals, applying pressure until they stood close to each other, eyes locked and swords almost pressed against their chests.

However, he knocked her feet from underneath her body and she fell to the ground at once. He snarled as he brought the sword down on her but she hastily rolled around until she grabbed her sword between both hands and used it in trying to block the advance of Sinclair's sword. Although, because his sword was clearly way better than the flimsy one she got from the guards, Sinclair's sword cut it into two in the next moment.

He dissolved into laughter along with the rest of the room and she blinked at the broken sword once before abruptly flinging it and rolling away from the edge of the sword which missed her arm and shoulder by an inch.

Rina tried kicking between his legs once on her feet but he easily blocked the move and this time, he managed to slice at her calf, making a sharp pain shoot through her leg as she hastily pulled away and cursed underneath her breath, grabbing the closest chair and holding it up, a wooden furniture which his sword easily cut through.

Rina decided there and then that he was so freaking good with his sword, way better than she expected. She cursed within herself and ducked underneath the table, evading the sharp tip of his sword trying to get her from every corner.

With haste, she quickly pulled the thin object from her hair and gripped it hard. But before she could prepare to launch it at Sinclair, one of the court members flung a chair at her and it shattered against her back and she collapsed on the ground, pin rolling away from her grasp as she heaved from the sharp pain tearing through her spine, ignoring the laughter of the men around her.

"Finish her already, Sinclair." The men said to a heaving Sinclair who stood before her and measured her throat with his eyes. He lifted the sword high and was about to bring it down her throat but she reached out and delivered a sharp blow against his knee with all her strength. He stumbled once, but that was what she needed to roll on the ground and retrieve the pin. As she rose to her feet, injured on different parts of her body and her back feeling like it was on fire, she aimed for the side of his exposed throat as he screamed and charged at her, sword in the air.

There was nothing Rina was good at like aiming, due to her training with daggers since she was little.

The pin flew straight into Sinclair's throat and he took two more steps forward before stiffening and coughing out blood, sword clattering to the ground as he gripped his throat tight and began to convulse before falling on the ground, to everyone's shock.

The court members all gathered around him and shook his a bunch of times. After realizing that he was dead, their shocked expression was almost comical.

One of the count members snarled and charged at Rina with his own sword, the others falling in after him.

She scoffed and picked up Sinclair's sword and she easily took them out, because they weren't half as strong as Sinclair.

After a few minutes, the last court members choked on his blood, hand gripping her shoulder as he blinked at her, while her sword was buried in his chest. He had been about to stab Rina moments ago, but she beat him to it. His sword fell down and after she abruptly pulled Sinclair's sword out, he fell to the ground like a sack of flour.

She heaved deeply, feeling almost psychotic as she glanced around, eyes trailing over the bodies littering the ground.

Everyone in this room was dead except for the king and herself. At this point, his fear was starkly obvious over his face and he got up from his throne while screaming for his guards but she kicked him in the stomach, shoving him back into his throne.

"Please, child." He pleaded when she lifted the sword in the air.

She scoffed as she swiftly shoved the sword through his heart, all the way through the back of his throne.

"You were never fit to be king." Rina informed him as he choked a bit before his life slowly drained from his eyes and body.

As she turned around, she took in everything once again. Moments later, she stumbled a little, wondering why her eyes were starting to get clouded.

Rina began to head towards the locker door, silently marveling over how no one even tried to come in from the other side of the door. She reached for the door and was about to pull the lock away when a sword suddenly got embedded through her back, protruding through her stomach. As pain shot through every inch of her body, her lips wobbled, eyes widening in horror and realization as she slowly turned around, eyes locked on the set of gleaming eyes of one of the count members who was grinning darkly. She thought she had killed him sometime ago, but she guessed he didn't die like she assumed.

He was still laughing when Rina gripped his shoulders with the last of her strength and tugged him forward till he got embedded on the sword as well.

"Fucker." She snarled at his bulging eyes through clenched teeth before shoving him off the sword and falling to her knees. Blood was pooling down her stomach and legs, and pain was coursing through every inch of her insides, almost maddening that she found it hard to focus on anything other than the ringing in her ears and the way her sight began to blur out even more.

Moments later, Rina collapsed on the ground, feeling the essence drift out of her for the second time in her entire life before everything darkened around her.