
Don't be jealous of my princesss when you are old.....!!!

Meanwhile in the United Kingdom

At the Assex Complex

"Boss, since young miss has gone back to Nation A, what about project B?" Mr P know as Coleman ask

"I am very sure my daughter arranged everything before right? Therefore am expecting you all to follow the plan, do not let anything 

I believe my daughter know what she is doing, after all she must fall in love don't let her come back here before her falling in love if that happens I don't know what I will do with you

She must learn on how to love her future husband and the father of her children,

Women are needed to keep their home,," she said

'boss since when did you learn to say this if you are hiding from your husband?' he wanted to say this but could not 

"Okay boss I will do as you say" 

"Okay I will be coming to the headquarters, " she said

"Grandma are you going, to mommy's company should I go with you? I promise I will put on mask and no one will notice me" he said

"Promise to behave?" 

"Yes grandma, remember I don't break my promises" he added

But he secretly sent a text to his brother's who only know him as a master, 

Perhaps they think that he is very old

"Your master is to the capital" he said, he didn't want them to know that he has already Know that they are not around

"Master, is that you? Too bad we are in nation A" Finn was very sad, he was not going to meet this master for many years

"Ooh, sorry kid, I won't Meet you" he said

"How I wanted to meet my disciple" he signed

"Master promise to meet us in future" Finn asked

"Okay" he replied

"Liam, Liam,,, master has promised to meet us next time... Uuuhu!" Finn was jumping before he could realize it he bump into a maid

"Young master! Young master are you okay?"the maid panicked

"Oooh, dear elder sister you should worry about yourself,,, cause I bumped into you but you didn't bump into me" he said

"Young master, am sorry" she said this is her boss son, she can't risk this job and how cold this kids are she might be fired

"Ooh no you are my elder if I wrong you I should apologize and if you wrong me  you should ,in this case am in the wrong so I apologise, okay,," Finn said

"Yes my brother is right, if he could have passed you without apologizing to you I could have smack his head" Liam said this stunned the maid, she always keep her ways out of this kids in fear that they are rich spoilt kids

"Okay, thank you" she said

"You are our big sister, today we are extremely happy and mommy and daddy are not around we are a family right? Therefore prepare food we are going to dine together " Finn said

"Yes, " Liam confirmed

On the other side

Xavier said, "how I wish I could meet you my brothers too bad it will take time  before we meet" 

"Dear grandson, we are off to go" Ghost said

Young master Xavier dressed into a royal blue prince  clothes

At the Assex Complex everyone was anxious that, the bigshot was coming, the big big boss is coming 

The news of Ghost going to appear at the Assex Complex , was all over all the sudden appearance of her/him, the new reporters were everywhere

Waiting for arrival after some few hours

The old lady the legendary Ghost came, to their surprise they were just informed that the person is inside and was giving a speech

Then a young lass with a royal cap of unknown Kingdom and black mask appeared within the crowd

"Woww,,, look over there he is a prince, what is this young man doing over here?" Someone asked

"Hey kiddo you seem to look like a prince what are you doing here?" He asked

"Well am not a prince and am just walking admiring nature since this is my first time having experience this" he said

"Then where is your parent,,," she asked

"Oooh, she is busy falling in love she never loved before so my father is teaching her how to fall in love" he answered

"How a pity" 

"How can he exist if they didn't love each other?"

"That is because my mother, is really busy making money and my dad is annoying so they had me before falling in love"

"Wooow, kid do you like reading novels that much? How can someone do that if not in novels"

"What are those, I can't waste my time on"

"Little lass, I want to see your face you are really cute" a young  journalist asked

"Hehee, do you want to marry me? In our tribe only our future wife are allowed to see our faces, am you are older than me, but don't worry am handsome and rich, I will take good care of you, but the problem is,, I will have to marry my princess, I hope you won't be jealous since you are old?" He said with a smile he knew he was teasing this old lady

"Hahaaaa, boy you are good with words"

"Okay, byeee I have to go" he said and left no one saw his direction as he was living

"Hey did we talk to a ghost right now? Or something where did he disappear to?" Someone asked

"I can't figure out either, and those bodyguards in mask... ?" 

"They are all gone"

"I think I Know , now, that young boy is a prince and that logo is from unknown island but it's a Kingdom whose King has been unknown it has always been ruled by a  queen"

"Hey how did you know about that??" 

"When I have a cousin who likes doing research when he told me about this island, I didn't believe him at first but after seeing that symbol on that boy and those bodyguards, 

Now I believe my cousin he really was not lying, according to how those people don't want to appear in public and how we could not see them  within a second this people are real and the Island is real, " he said

"To think that they appear on the very day that Ghost appeared and we didn't see her coming in that only means that, 

This people are part of her" another person said

Within the crowd was Rodgers and Ethan they were listening to everything,,, they saw that kid but 

Something really caught his eyes, that voice was similar to those of Finn and Liam

How that boy described his parents was particularly what is going on in Jane and Colins' relationship, 

"Assex Complex was given to Jane by their big boss but why would a person not related to you give you his wealth?

And that boy appeared just after Ghost appeared, the back of the symbol was a letter G, for those that could not see, but again the little boys emblem was  labeled X"

In Gold, his clothes were clearly customer made and anyone who knows Ghost designs can see through

Meaning this boy is related to this Ghost, and this Ghost has their aunty look alike face, 

This kid is the same age as Finn and Liam meaning something is up' Ethan thought

Before he could realize it Rodgers, came back holding the little boy telling him to make a move

What surprised them was this boy was calm and not moving at all is like he knew them

They didn't talk till they reached their home

"Little kid, Remove the mask, we are not here to ask for money after seeing your face" Rodgers said

"Old uncle, do you think you could have gotten into me if I didn't allow you?

You are old and am young your strategy of getting me are probably  a kids game so you got me because I allowed you to" he said

"Then do you Know why we were after you" Ethan asked

"Why can't I Know, you want to get my grandma right? Now am going to tell you this I know you all, 

And because of grandma and I that's why your businesses are still firm, she has been helping you privately,,, a this years,,," he said

Rodgers could not believe that that woman is his aunty

"Then go on.."

"Then that is to say am your nephew and you are my uncle's and Ghost is your aunty Wendy and my grandma I just hope you can keep this since we want to make sure everything is in place before grandma comes out" he said

"Hahaaaa, hahaaa, I knew it and what of Assex Complex?"

"Those are some of grandma property including the one you are working at and the new deal you sealed"

"Well as for me I have a place to take care of so I will only ask you to take good care of my mother and brothers" he said