
Runt Of The Litter

Beowulf was of an abnormal size -- he was way smaller than all his siblings and members of their pack-- at least that was what his father thought. As alpha of the Sandulf Pack, Saku Sandulf, sidelined and ostracized Beowulf and his twin sister Salome, making them lonely souls. How would the iron-fisted Saku Sandulf take it when his children start to mix with the humans that he had warned them strictly against? How would he react when he learns that his son's mate is a mere human? It was something unheard of -- a human as a mate. What would happen to the precious Sandulf Pack when betrayal sprouts from within the giant wolves' midst? What would happen between the werewolves and the humans when the proud and haughty sole heir to the human kingdom falls in love with one of the forbidden creatures?

Oma_Uche · Kỳ huyễn
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114 Chs

"I Kept It From You." - 2

As Beowulf kept thinking about what he had heard from his father, the more the little pieces came together in his mind. Did that mean… he thought while his heart began to race in his chest.

Saku smiled. A sinister smile stretched across his face. The air in the room was getting tenser and they all knew what was about to happen next if it continued like that. Saku was looking for the best time and reason to pounce on Beowulf and teach him some lessons. He wanted to give Beowulf a taste -- just a taste of what he'd experience if he ever defied him again.

"Father!" Beowulf yelled. His voice was louder than they usually heard. He was always calm except one looked for his trouble, and one hardly heard Beowulf cause a ruckus like the others did -- especially Klyn.