In a world where humans prey on creatures, harvesting them for parts to serve their frivolous wants, the Monster Hunter Coalition was formed. They hunt and capture creatures to do experiments and use their parts, or even keep them as slaves. Azaria is among the rarest of creatures, a hybrid of two species on the brink of extinction, fallen into the M.H.C.'s hands. But only one member knows what she truly is and his obsession with collecting creatures has turned his sights on her. But, she has escaped! now the chase begins! Will she evade his clutches or fall into his his grasp again?
I laid on the bed rousing from sleep, I take a breath and all I can smell is that lovely fragrance of vanilla. My lips curl upward into a smile and I reach my hand out to find the other side cool and vacant. My lips turn down and i remain still on the bed and have a thought. I start my breathing, grasp my necklace, and count backwards from 5....4...3...2...1.
I exhale and felt myself detach from my body and i sit up from the bed in my astral form and look down at my slumped body. I look around the room. it was so cozy and much more refined than you would think for a cave. A hole in the ceiling and a opening in the wall let in plenty natural light. Everything looked handcrafted but none of it looked overly old or worn down. a fireplace sat in front of the cave opening in the wall and I got up from the bed to look outside. I could see the forest, mountains, even where the river twisted and turned. I smiled and reached my hand out into the opening but my hand made contact and the image of the outside shimmered like a drop of water does on a lake. I pushed but the barrier remained firm almost repelling me like two magnets of the same polarity. I retracted my hand back and smiled faintly at the clear barrier, must be to keep weather out and people in. I glanced down again seeing it would be quite a long fall if anyone were to fall out by accident. I step back and kneels some, looking at the fireplace positioned near the window admiring the colors that dance in the flames. I turn from the fire and head for the door walking through it so I don't freak anyone out. I could open it manually but most people cant see me in this form and doors that open and close on their own does not go over well with people who don't have this power or cant see the person or thing moving stuff around. I walked down a long hall and the smell of food drew me closer but voices made me slow my steps. I came back out to the living room from last night and saw two people on the couch where I sat last night
"Why all the mystery?! can you at least tell us her name!?" The woman spoke to Alaric, she sat in the mans embrace as he fed her some slices of meat "Babe maybe he doesn't wanna share yet..." he started but was quieted by food being put in his mouth "Something isn't right, she was running.....I.....I don't even know her name yet"
his shoulders slumped and I felt a pang of sadness in my chest. He moved around the kitchen, piling food on two plates and I went to him. He froze when I got just outside of reach and his whole body bristled.
"Mom....someone is....." but i touched his arm before he could finish and he yanked his arm away shocked "What's wrong?" he mother and father stood up looks of concern on their faces. "I don't know, I just feel something...." his words trailed off again as I stepped closer to him, I circled him looking him over. He closed his eyes and followed where I went. could he smell me? its not impossible and we haven't completed the bond yet so may he could see me in this form? He wore a pair of navy sweat pants and a fitted grey V-neck t-shirt. Even in his casual attire I could see the definition of his arms, the way his chest filled out the top of his shirt and from what I saw the night before, that glorious eight pack of abs chiseled onto his body like he was a work of art. I got close and whispered into his ear
"You're so beautiful, how are you mine?"
his eyes still closed he inhaled deep and smiled and then his eyes opened "Its her! mom she is amazing! Ill be back in a few!" he hurried grabbing the plates trying to carry everything. His father came around the kitchen island and grabbed the pitcher of juice and the cups "come on ill help..." he winked at his son happy for him. Crap! I should get back to my body, he might freak if I don't wake up when he gets to me! I hurried down the hallway back to his room and saw my body laid on the bed. i climbed next to myself and touched the hand still gripping my necklace and i again counted backwards from 5.....4....3....2...1
I Inhaled as i joined with my body again. I began to sit up in bed as the door opened slowly to reveal my gorgeous mate. his father that towered over him but following behind him like a nosey kid.
I think i like them....they are my family now...a family....finally.
I smiled so big my cheeks hurt a little but he smiled at me the same and it was like it lit a little fire in my heart. He came over with the plates of food and his father sat down the juice and cups "ill just be going then .....holler if you need us Al!' his voice faded down the hall. "I hope your hungry..." he started but i cut him off " name is Azaria" he blinked a moment caught off guard by my sudden statement but eventually he smiled "Perfect, just like you" he smirked and winked at me sending this fluttering feeling to my stomach. what is that feeling? Is this the mate bond? "Alaric, my name is Alaric" and he smiled at me like i was everything he ever wanted. I smiled back at him and put my hand to his cheek feeling scratchy stubble that grew there and he hummed, the sound almost vibrating in his chest and my smile faded some but replaced with a different feeling. My eyes travelled down his face and to his mouth. And before I could think about it any more he closed the distance between us.
The moment our lips met, that little fire from before roared to life like an inferno. The little sparks of our touch danced over my lips and I kissed him back, as soon as I did he did a half growl, half groan and began to climb over me. Unfortunately my body betrayed me and my stomach protested loudly to which he gave a chuckle
"Let me feed you, please, it would be my honor". My cheeks reddened feeling a bit embarrassed my own stomach would betray me this way but his words made that fluttering feeling come back and I smiled back up at him like an idiot. I almost let him have me right here and now! when did I become so forward and easy?! i cleared my throat and hoped my voice came out even " Id love that, can i feed you too?" he smiled at me and nodded "Id let you put whatever you want in my mouth" his gaze lingered on my eyes and travelled down to my lips again. His gaze was like fire and him looking at me like that started to add fuel to that fire that bloomed in my core. My mouth hung open and he just chuckled and put the first piece of pancake in my mouth.