
Running From The Alpha King

I always wondered what the world was like outside the walls of being an omega of a pack that i was trapped in until he came THE AlPHA KING. He made me want to forget and live, forget the position I was called everyday. He made me feel emotions I never felt before and made me feel like he cared for me so I fell in love with him. A love so deep, I wanted to hand over my life for him until the night he rejects me in front of the pack for the lady he said he only cared about as his friend. I was just a little waste of time those were his words. Broken, rejected, pregnant me strives and becomes the Alpha of Snowdew pack, Alpha Bella. Then the moon goddess makes our world collide again.

morenshawdy · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Settle Down

Bella's Pov

Great training starts today, it has beencouple of amazing days.

But I did take the twins and beauty to the cinema to show them around and watch some movies. The twins think this place is awesome.

"Can I get your attention" Samanthasays trying to get everyone's attention.

"You can get my attention any day babe"some clown said from the back of the crowd.,"And you can get my fist in your throat" Lucas growls back.

That shuts the idiot up but makes some of the other snicker.,"Alright alright quiet down" Samantha tries to settle them down.

I see some of the boys slap the back of theclown.He looks down at his shoes and rubs his chins, he's right to look embarrassed.

"Settle down now" Samantha tries again. You see Samantha is tiny compare to a lot of people here but don't let her size full you, she can beat everyone here within a blink.

Well everyone but Lucas, Jonathan , pack leader Jordan and I but other than that pretty much everyone else.

They being the clowns who are still notpl paying attention, they are judging a book from their cover, Silly mistake.

"I SAID SETTLE THE FUCK DOWN"she yells, this startles everyone to silent.

We would have been included if we weren't expecting it.,"Now that is settled I would like to introduce myself and my pack members".

"What? Does your lady wear the trousers inyour relationship?"one of the males from the crowd says.

I see what he is doing,trying to act like ahigh schooler, being the clown of the class is funny when you are in high school and are bored as fuck, but now? Now you're just being a disrespectful fool.

Walking around his mate and stalking towards thebwith the black hair.I watch as the crowd make space for Lucas ,exposing the male.

The male who's eyes are now wide andfull of fear gulps. Lucas stops right in front of him eye to eye as he watches the boy move back a bit, intimidated.

Lucas was few inches taller than the boy and definitely muscular.It doesn't take a scientist to know who's going to win if they get into a fight. If that's what you would call it.,"Don't try to be smart boy.Trust me,you don't want to start a fight with me and if you are going to act like a kid, I will treat you like a kid"he says then gets closer to the male to whisper something only the boy could hear.

Id possible the guys eyes grows more wider, his face gets red and he gulps loudly and thicker.

He quickly nods his head lucas then takes a step back,pats his head whilst giving him a small sweet smile,the same you would give a kid,then walks back.,"Continue babe"

"Okay then, I'm Samantha I am the Luna raingaze pack and as you guys already know, you are here to train with us. To prepare you little pups for future wars and help you guys learn how to protect your pack"

"We know your strengths and weaknesses so we decided to put you into groups where you can get as much as support you need to improve the skills you need helpndeveloping"Samantha continues.

"That's correct,you should all know who is your trainer.I'm Lucas the Alpha of this pack.Don'tthink I would let it go like I did earlier if youdisrespect me or any of my pack members.We don't have to be here but we are becauseour packs have been friends for centuries"

" I'm Jonathan,the beta of Moonlight.This is Ella, Jordan and Steve.There are to be six groups.

" If you are in Ella's group follow her now"getting to the point.

I move to the far end of the field and feel five from the pack members follow me.I have decided that I could let them go today.Likea last day of relax day before hell and pain,because my training technique is not going to be easy.

"As introduced.My name is Ella's and I will be your trainer.You are in my group because you need support with your fighting skills.It might be speed or strength too.I will help you with both",I heard a scoff.

I turn to the person only forme to stop breathing for a second.

Just for a second and only because Iwas surprised she was here.She's literally so irrelevant to my life that I forgot she even existed.Damn it She's the one in charge of my group.

That means I'm stuck with her for a while of course he would bring her along. Naomi the bane of my existence.

"Is the a problem missy?"

"I think I should be the one training them I have more skills.Its the truth is you would never win in a fight between the two of us. It doesn't even matter,training and fitness. Being an Ace wolf is just,a plus" she says

,"Are you challenging me?"I asks,"If that's what you would call it.You wouldnt be a challenge at all"c Naomi confidently states,

"There is a reason why I'm the trainer and you the supervisor dare challenge me?"I warn her.

"Look at her trying to talk her way out of it " she says to the pack members.

I smirk and shake my head.,"Challenge accepted" I really should have been the bigger person but to hell with it.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, can I please have your attention" I announce while Jonathan looks back with a confused look.

"what's your name" I ask her acting oblivious to the fact that I know her.

"Naomi" she says

"Naomi here CHALLENGED ME to a fight" my beautiful team from raingaze pack chuckle and shake their head.

The field is silent eager for me to continue so I did.,"I ACCEPT"I yell turning my attention back on Naomi

"Last chance out barbie" i say smirking

"Not a chance bitch", "Suit yourself"

I'm gonna enjoy this.

Jonathan being the idiot he is cheers and tells everyone to circle around us. Lucas shakes hishead like he knows this is a bad idea.

I don't even need to look at Samantha to know she's gonna be my cheerleader.

"Can we place a wager?"I hear Jonathan ask.,"Don't be an idiot."I hear Lucas reply.

"100 says, Ella is gonna win","Hey! I was gonna bet her to win","Too slow.You might as well give it to me now"

"I'm not doing it anymore" Jonathan sulks,"Loser"Lucas mutters.

After that I just tune them out and focus on Naomi.She hasn't changed much.She wasstill physically pretty, tall,5 ft 8.Her bleachvblond hair sat to her back and her pale skin,could seriously use the sun.

"Okay not a formal challenge so fight starts after you hear the whistle"Jonathan spoke.,"3...2.."he yells before blowing the whistle.

Mistake one, Naomi rushes to me without thinking.Step one always look for your enemy's weakness before you attack.

I dodge her,she's behind me but I could feel her move She goes in to punch me in the head but I block her and use push my elbow to her face pushing her few steps back.

Mistake two,she's so predictable, this annoys her and she rushes again.

Mistake three if the technique you use the first time around didn't work...don't use it again.

I dodge her again but then punch her in the gut, she groans and take few steps back, her face showing pain.

Mistake four never let your enemy know you are in pain.,She blows a angry breath and stalks to me.

From a fisted hand,I know she's planning to punch me.As I said so predictable.She goes in for the kill but I catch her fist before it can touch me which annoys the fuck out of her.

I pull her in and twist her arms behind her back,bending her slightly so I could whisper in her ears.

"Done embarrassing yourself now?","Fuck you bitch.I'm just getting started",Ahh never give up...unless your losing and the other team is giving you an out but then again can you ever trust your enemy.

"Great because the fun is just starting"I push her away from me.She turns to face me and glares at me, I couldn'thelp but grin. This is so boring but I'm getting a kick at embarrassing the hell out of her.

Then suddenly I get all of the flash back of the time he picked her over me. Every moment my kid had to spend without their dad, the rejection

I don't know what happened but I suddenly saw red and block another punch she sent my away and gift her with one of my own.

She was at the floor in half a second.I pounce on her and continue to punch her.

I couldn't hear shit, Apparently she tapped out and I didn't see.

It wasn't until Jonathan grabbed me from my waist that I stop, I look down at the damage.

I think I broke her nose but I can't tell from the bloody mess.,"What the hell happened?" Jonathan asks.

"Honestly i don't know but I can't say she didn't deserve it","Okay we are going to end this today everyone be here tomorrow at 5 am.Don't be late.Someone take her to the nurse"I hear Lucas say.

From his voice I could hear he was pissed, probably at me.Possibly because I could have killed the bitch.

I wipe my hands using my sweat towel.,"Are you insane?"I hear Lucas ask me, I feel guilt suddenly.

Not because of Naomi because I might have made Lucas look bad.I mean what was I thinking?

"I'm sorry Lucas, I truly blacked out.I just had flashbacks of her with him and I just saw red",Lucas looks at me few seconds and pulls me in,for a hug.

"Promise me you won't accept another challenge.I thought you would prove her wrong not almost put her in her deathbed",I roll my eyes... I just broke her noise and maybe she would get couple bruises and not be able to open her eyes for a couple days.Okay jeez...definitely won't be opening her eyes for a couple of days.

"She's a bitch and can't say she didn't deserveit but you are right.I shouldn't have even accepted the first place"I mumble in his chest.,

Samantha comes behind me and pulls me in forher own hug.,"Darling after today I don't think anyone wants to challenge you for a fight"I couldn't help but chuckle.,

"O oh" Jonathan says quietly.

I look up to see what he's staring at and it was Hunter.He looks piss stalking his way towards me.Yes he looks totally hot with his tight black shirt that is doing wonders showing his perfect body and dark jeans. I wish I could enjoy his beauty but the glarehe's sending my way is making me nervous.