
Running from Lucifer

All it took was for her to kill Lucifer which she didn’t want to because he was her biggest nightmare. She was the abused demon girl, he was Lucifer whose very whisper of name was enough to put fear in the people’s mind. After Nina’s parents got killed by some demons, they took her away and trained her as a weapon to take down Lucifer. But her plan is quick to destroy when she was set up by the Elder demons to be Lucifer’s arranged bride. Chaos and challenges would arose as both persons are great rivals. ...Lucifer watched as Nina shook her body profusely on the bed. She has been unconscious for a month now and he was afraid that if he wake up her memory would wipe completely. The only people who could help her now was the Angels. Picking up the dagger from the table, he cut his palm open “I SACRIFICE MY BLOOD TO ANGELS UP IN THE SKY. I ASK TO SUMMON THE ANGEL, GABRIEL, IN HEAVEN. I CALL YE THEE NOW!” Immediately as the words left his mouth, wind swept passed them. It swirled faster and harder almost sweeping Lucifer from ground. After about five minutes later, Gabriel appeared. Standing in it’s place was the leader of Archangels, Gabriel. “How dare you try to summon me even after what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel was fuming with anger. “It’s my wife. She’s hurt and only you can help her.” Lucifer rushed to Nina’s side. “Why do you think I would help you. Do you think I would easily forget what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel closed the distance between them. “How you pushed me from heaven and took away my powers. Listen we can discuss that later but my wife is in danger.” Gabriel observed Nina carefully. “What happened to her?” “There is this man named Talon who has been trying to kill her. Even when I tried to kill him, he hid himself from me completely. Please help her.” Lucifer was surprised at himself that he was the one begging. He was always the prideful Angel. Gabriel studied her from head to toe. He closed his eyes and when he opened them it was completely white. His iris was gone. “The only way is either she kills him herself or, Kira, her daughter enters her mind and kill him completely” Gabriel declared.

Gift_candy · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Till we meet again

Hernia and Nina charged at each other. They knocked each other on the ground. Hernia quickly stood up and stretched her hands towards Nina but she quickly dodged it.

Nina stood up in time before Hernia hit the table against her. She reached for Hernia and punched her several times on the face.

Hernia growled before kicked Nina at the bottom. Nina stretched her hands again and Hernia landed on the table. It crashed with a loud thud. Nina ran at her as she was still laying on the ground but Hernia kicked her with her foot and she landed on the wall.

"I trained you well." Hernia commented, getting back to her feet.

"Yeah I know," Nina replied before charging at Hernia again.

The both of them continued using their powers on each other until Hernia got the upper hand and she punched Nina so hard on the face.

"Since you can't behave I'll just kill you myself." Hernia stretched her hands towards Nina and a black symbol shot out.

Nina was prepared because she met it with her own powers.

Since Nina wasn't as experienced as Hernia she was using all the powers in her to fight Hernia.

And the gods knows that it would only be a matter of minutes before Hernia overcame her.

And she did.

She slowly walked to Nina with her hand still stretched to her.

"Time to say goodbye," Hernia closed the distance between them.

"I'm going to fucking rip your black heart!" Nina yelled but it was already too late as Hernia placed both hands on the side of her forehead.

A blast energy slammed into her head and she froze in place. Hernia tightened both hands together as she muttered some words under her breath.

Nina knew where all of this was leading to. With the remaining strength inside her, she shouted.


The walls of the house began to shake. Black veins were beginning to form in Nina's skin as her mind went into hype state.

Hernia immediately released Nina as the atmosphere became really hot. Nina was using her powers as she continued to shout on the ground.

She stood up and slowly stretched her hands towards Hernia.

Hernia eyes widened upon knowing that she won't be able to stop Nina at this stage. She was already a dead meat.

Nina directed the long sharp metal blade she picked from the table to Hernia.

Hernia tried to stop the blade from penetrating into her but it was already too late as the blade went through her skin. Nina did not stop there.

She bend the blade in such a way that Hernia would not be able to remove it. After that she shot a black energy into her.

The other demons rushed to see what was happening but Nina disappeared quickly.

Guards and demons rushed to Hernia's side quickly.

"Bring me Piper. Now!" She ordered losing her balance. She fell to the ground with blood coming out of her mouth.

Nina had did a great job of shoving the metal blade deep inside her heart. The powers she released on Hernia was so strong and it was working it's way into her.

Two guards nodded before fleeing out of the room to call Piper. In less than a minute, Piper teleported inside the room with the guards.

Upon seeing the state of Hernia, Piper knew she might not survive it.

"Ohh my goodness! What is—"

"Shut up! Just get this blade out of me. I don't have the strength to heal myself." Hernia coughed a mouthful of blood.

Piper knelt down in front of her before placing her palm on the spot Hernia was wounded. An unpleasant coldness made it's way into Hernia body as the wound widened.

The half blade began moving out while scraping her heart as it came out.

"Ahh!" Hernia gasped for air. The metal blade came out of her body and landed on the ground.

"That bitch!" Hernia cursed under her breath.. "She might have escaped my clutches the first time but I promise to kill her."

"She escaped?" Piper raised a brow.

"Yes," Hernia replied turning to the guards. "I want you all to go after Nina and bring her here so I can end her miserable life myself."

"I need blood to heal," Hernia said to the remaining two guards in the room.


Hannah was lucky to made it safely to the front door without any guard noticing her but as she was about to open the door, two guards rushed to her and shoved her to the ground.

They were about to rip her throat off when Nina came from nowhere and killed them.

"How did it go?" Hannah asked getting back to her feet.

"Good." Nina nodded her head. "We should go now!"

"Yes," Hannah was about to open the door again when so many guards attacked them.

"Go. I will take them down," Nina said to Hannah before turning to the guards.

The guards were too weak to stand a fight with her. She stretched her hand towards them and their bones snapped before they fell down dead.

Once she killed all the guards, she took a step forward.

"Not so fast Nina." A cunning voice whispered in her ear before Hernia appeared.

"How lucky. You didn't die?" Nina asked with a dull expression.

"It's time for you to die now." Hernia stretched her hand towards Nina.

Meanwhile, Hannah who just opened the door was surprised. She looked around the place with mouth slightly apart. How could this be? She had thought this was a normal place.

But no! They were in a big ship in the middle of sea. She bit her lips knowing that it would be a long night.


Nina dodged the black blast of smoke coming her way.

"I should have end your life the day I killed your parents. They were good for nothing idiots just like you!" Hernia spat.

Upon hearing her parents being called, the anger that washed through her when she was about to kill Talon then came inside her. Her eyes bled pure black with her claws coming out.

The air began to snap around them. Hernia began to take cautious steps away from Nina when she saw her true Supreme powers took over.

Nina feet lifted from the ground as she began to levitate.

"Run." It was barely a whisper but was loud enough for Hernia to hear. Fear took over her but she pushed it down.

Nina shot her palm together and blast of powers ran right to Hernia but she was quick to dodged it. Hernia had awakened the demon inside her and she would have to face it.

The wall began to crack and it was glowing red.

"Fuck!" Hernia cursed. She didn't know if she should focus on stopping Nina or saving the house. She was left in between but then chose her life since it was more important.

The place burst into fire and Hernia knew the rest demons was dead.

No! She didn't want to lose for Nina. With the last powers inside her, she stretched her hand and slowly brought out the heart of Nina.

Nina was too distracted in killing Hernia to have noticed her heart which had left her body. It was when it landed on Hernia's hand that she realized everything.

"Goodbye to your powers. Till we meet again, Nina." And then Hernia disappeared.


Hannah who was still standing not knowing what to do, saw the burst of fire come out of the house and she ran. The fire shoved her down to the edge of the ship.

She was almost falling down into the sea when someone pulled her out. It was Nina.

Nina was dripping with blood from head to toe. She had killed Piper but Hernia managed to escape with her heart.

With the last powers in her, she teleported the both of them back to land.

They became unconscious as they stared at empty space. No powers now. All left for Nina was to act like a normal being among the humans as she was already one.