
Runes of Valhalla: A Warrior's Awakening

Erik never expected to trade his keyboard for a longsword. An avid reader and history buff, he found himself inexplicably transported into the world of Vikings after finishing the final chapter of the popular series. But this isn't a hero's welcome. He awakens in the body of Asbjorn, a scrawny thrall on the fringes of Kattegat. Armed with his modern knowledge and a strange ability to decipher ancient runes, Erik (now Asbjorn) must navigate the harsh realities of Viking life. As he grapples with his new identity, whispers of a forgotten prophecy surface, threatening the fragile peace Kattegat has enjoyed. Can a former couch potato become the warrior destiny demands?

Lil_Maxey · Võ hiệp
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86 Chs

Chapter 23: Silent Thunder Over Kattegat

Weeks bled into months, a tense calm settling over Kattegat. The scars of battle remained – a constant reminder of the fallen etched into the ravaged landscape and the collective memory of the survivors. But beneath the surface, a quiet hum of activity pulsed through the settlement.

Blacksmiths toiled day and night, the rhythmic clang of their hammers echoing as they reshaped salvaged metal into new armor and weapons. The Ravens, their eyes gleaming with renewed focus, delved deeper into forbidden scrolls, their guttural chants filling the air as they sought ancient knowledge to bolster Kattegat's defenses. The warriors, their faces etched with grim determination, drilled relentlessly under the watchful eyes of seasoned veterans. Every citizen, from the youngest child to the most wizened elder, played a part in the preparations for the inevitable return of the enemy.

Erik, the weight of leadership etched into his youthful features, stood overlooking the bustling activity. Bjorn, his weathered face reflecting the worries that mirrored Erik's own, stood beside him. "They say knowledge is power," Bjorn rumbled, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.

Erik nodded, his gaze fixed on the Ravens chanting around a crackling bonfire. "Knowledge is our only advantage," he replied, his voice firm. "They may have superior technology, but we have the wisdom of our ancestors."

A flicker of doubt crossed Bjorn's face. "And what if that wisdom isn't enough?"

Erik turned to face his ally, a steely glint in his eyes. "Then we fight with everything we have," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "We fight for our homes, our families, our very way of life. We fight for the memory of those who fell defending Kattegat, and for the future of those who will come after us."

Bjorn met his gaze, a flicker of admiration replacing his doubt. "Then we fight," he echoed, a resolute nod accompanying his words.

One scorching afternoon, a lone rider materialized on the horizon, a plume of dust trailing behind him like a tattered flag. As he drew closer, alarm bells clanged in the watchtower, their shrill sound piercing the tense silence. The rider, a young scout with fear etched on his face, burst into the central square.

"They…they're coming," he gasped, his voice hoarse. "Their fleet. Bigger than before. Darker. It covers the sky."

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Fear, a dormant beast, stirred within them. But it was quickly overshadowed by a surge of defiance. They had prepared for this moment. They would not crumble.

Erik mounted the highest platform, his voice cutting through the murmurs. "Warriors of Kattegat!" he boomed, his voice filled with an unwavering determination that resonated through the square. "The enemy approaches. But we are ready. We will fight. We will defend our homes. We will win!"

A thunderous roar of approval erupted from the assembled crowd, a wave of defiance crashing against the impending tide of war. Kattegat braced itself for the storm. The enemy would face not a lone settlement, but a united front, fueled by the unwavering spirit of its people.The horizon bled crimson as the enemy fleet emerged from the haze, a monstrous leviathan stretching across the sky. Their vessels, unlike anything they'd seen before, were angular and menacing, their dark hulls bristling with unknown weaponry. A wave of oppressive silence descended upon Kattegat, broken only by the ragged breaths of the warriors and the frantic hammering of final preparations.

Erik, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs, scanned the assembled force. Bjorn stood beside him, his weathered face a mask of grim determination. The warriors, a mosaic of ages and experiences, stood shoulder to shoulder, their gazes fixed on the approaching behemoth. In their eyes, Erik saw a mix of fear and defiance, a potent cocktail that fueled his own resolve.

He raised his sword, the familiar weight a source of comfort in the face of overwhelming odds. "Today," he declared, his voice hoarse but unwavering, "we fight not just for ourselves, but for all who call these lands home. We fight for the memory of our ancestors, for the future of our children. We fight for Kattegat!"

A deafening roar echoed across the settlement, a primal scream that seemed to shake the very foundations of the earth. The warriors, their voices hoarse but unified, chanted a battle cry that had been passed down through generations. It was a song of defiance, a promise of resistance that resonated with the raw emotions coursing through their veins.

As the enemy fleet drew closer, the ground trembled beneath the thunderous roar of their engines. A wave of winged creatures, unlike any they'd ever encountered, peeled away from the main vessels, their leathery wings blotting out the sun. They screeched a bloodcurdling war cry, a chilling prelude to the carnage to come.

Bjorn let out a guttural roar, his voice a beacon that rallied the warriors of his clan. With a thunderous war cry, they charged forward, their broad axes held high. The rest of the Kattegat defenders followed suit, a tide of steel and fury surging towards the enemy lines.

Erik, at the forefront of the charge, felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. Fear was replaced by a cold, focused determination. The training, the sacrifices, everything had led to this moment. He raised his sword and met the enemy head-on.

The clash was a cacophony of steel on metal, screams of pain, and the unearthly screech of the winged creatures. The enemy fought with a cold, mechanical efficiency, their advanced weaponry inflicting a brutal toll on the defenders. Yet, the warriors of Kattegat fought with a desperate ferocity, fueled by the knowledge that they were fighting for their very survival.

As the battle raged, Erik found himself entangled with a towering enemy warrior clad in dark, segmented armor. Their blades clashed in a furious dance, sparks erupting as metal met metal. Erik, smaller and lighter on his feet, used his agility to his advantage, dodging the enemy's powerful blows and parrying his attacks with desperate swipes.

Suddenly, a searing pain lanced through his shoulder. He stumbled back, a cry escaping his lips as he realized he'd been grazed by an energy blast. Blood welled up, staining his armor red. His vision swam, threatening to black out.

But then, a roar erupted from behind him. Bjorn, his axe dripping with blood, stood over the fallen body of the winged creature that had attacked Erik. He turned to Erik, his face grim but determined. "Get back," he boomed, his voice hoarse. "I'll hold them off."

Erik hesitated, his body screaming in protest. But he knew Bjorn was right. He forced himself forward, leaving the battlefield with a heavy heart. As he retreated towards the heart of Kattegat, he caught a glimpse of Bjorn locked in a desperate struggle against a horde of the winged creatures. A wave of despair threatened to engulf him, but he forced it down. He had to reach the Ravens, to see if their ancient magic could turn the tide of the battle.

Weaving through the chaos, Erik finally reached the central platform where the Ravens stood, their figures shrouded in swirling mists of arcane energy. Their chanting reached a fever pitch, their voices a desperate plea for the intervention of the gods. Erik stumbled towards them, his voice ragged.

"We…we need your power," he gasped, collapsing at their feet. "Turn the tide…before it's too late."