
Runaway Goddess: Mischievous Third Miss

Update: Every five days. In order to escape the pursue of the Light God, the Chaos Goddess unwillingly accept the task given by the Fate God in order to stay away from the Light God. Her mission is to stop the calamity that will befall to the North Star Continent. Because she is in a rush to escape from the Light God, she doesn’t know what kind of calamity that will befall to the North Star Continent. In order to do her mission, she inhabit the body of the third miss of the Ren Manor, Ren Zhilan. Being a primordial god that was feared by her peers, she will turn the once good-for-nothing third miss into someone that will be feared by all.

Ghost_Owl · Huyền huyễn
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19 Chs

Weaklings Are Desperate

The Ren Manor didn't expect about the sudden appearance of the crown prince except Ren Weizhen. He may be attending court every morning but there's still an awkward atmosphere between him and the emperor. The scandal was huge that no matter how the Ren clan and the royal palace hide it, it already spread to the whole capital. Once a small fire ignites, it will spread quickly and it will be too late to stop it. Even Ren Liqin went to Iron Fortress Academy, the news still has wings and it's too late to clip it.

It seems the emperor lost his patience and sent the crown prince together with the second prince Zhao Longru. This shaken Ren Weizhen but he still remains calm. The second prince is the most scholarly among the five princes. He is intelligent and had a broad vision which made the emperor gave him the east side of the capital. The East is now the most prosperous area of the capital.

The first prince Zhao Longqi occupied the west which is the center of trade and where merchants gather to do business. The south is the territory of the fourth prince Zhao Longyun which is the center of agriculture, livestock and crops. The cold and isolated North is the territory of the fifth prince Zhao Longlei who guards the border between Xing Yan Empire and Shā Lín Country.

The four princes are the crème of the crop except for the crown prince, Zhao Longwei. Ren Weizhen doesn't understand why the emperor would choose a useless porcelain doll to be an emperor. Unlike his brothers, he is not scholarly, have talent in business or even have a military achievement. Aside from being born to the empress, the Crown Prince doesn't have any remarkable thing about him. For Ren Weizhen, he doesn't deserve to marry her third granddaughter.

He wonders what kind of plan does the emperor in mind. If it was him, he rather cancels the engagement but the problem is how? As Ren Weizhen is very troubled while sitting inside his study, Ren Weisheng is having a conversation with Ren Hualing. Because of the scandal of the crown prince, Ren Weisheng doesn't want Ren Hualing to be involved to the crown prince. He is now aiming the second prince, Zhao Longru.

The second prince is the one who founded the Imperial Academy and he did it at the age of fifteen. After a decade, the Imperial Academy produces a lot of talented government official and scholars which made the emperor please. Ren Weisheng is setting his bet to the second prince as he knows that the current crown prince will not be sitting in his position any longer.

"Little Ling, I want you to capture the heart of the second prince. Let that thrash have the crown prince," Ren Weisheng said as he sneered.

"This daughter understands," Ren Hualing said respectfully.

In the courtyard of Ren Weimin, he is having a discussion with Ren Lifen. Just like Ren Weisheng and Ren Hualing, the father and daughter pair is also betting for the second prince to ascend as the new crown prince. Ren Lifen ordered her servants to dress her in a presentable and fair maiden manner. If not for her elder brother, she might even have a chance to the crown prince but now things change and she needs to outsmart Ren Hualing by grabbing the attention of the second prince first.

"Listen Lifen, your future is in your hands. Don't let Ren Hualing have any opportunity," Ren Weimin said with a stern expression.

"Leave everything to me father. Lifen will not lose to Ren Hualing," Ren Lifen said with a confident smile.

As people plan how to get some benefits, Ren Zhilan is planning how to spice up the play. After her change, she quickly told Hei Ying her plan. Hei Ying is the perfect accomplice and will the key character of the upcoming play. With the plan in set, she would destroy the betrothal without being a fussy miss who will whip anyone if she did not get what she wants. Ren Zhilan wants to use someone else's strength to do her bidding and also to hide her true strength.

Ren Zhilan arrives at the Peony Hall. Ren Weizhen, her two uncles and cousins are present. She also quickly saw the crown prince and the second prince. This may be the first time that Ren Zhilan met the second prince but she could tell that there's something more to him. He may look like a refined scholarly gentleman but there's cunningness in his dark eyes that she didn't miss.

It seems that the crown prince not the crème of the crop.

"Greetings grandfather," Ren Zhilan said in a gentle voice as she slightly bowed towards Ren Weizhen. "This lowly person greets His Highness the Crown Prince and Second Prince."

"Third Miss Ren Zhilan, no need some formalities as the two of us will be husband and wife after two years," Zhao Longwei said like a true gentleman.

"Zhilan is still a maiden, I can't disrespect His Highness," Ren Zhilan said in a fair manner.

This made Ren Zhilan became more pleasing in the eyes of the crown prince. He already heard that the third young miss is not actually a trash and can actually practice martial arts. She is also at playing the zither which made her like a pure maiden. Even though the scandal between him and the first young master of the Ren clan tarnished his reputation, it doesn't change the fact that the two are engage. In his eyes, Ren Zhilan is a fragile flower who only knows to obey.

If Ren Zhilan knew what the crown prince thinking, she would laugh heartily.

"Your Highness, it's nice that you visit this old servant," Ren Weizhen said, indirectly asking the crown prince's business.

"To tell you the truth General Ren, I'm here for Ren Zhilan. I want her to stay at the imperial palace with my Imperial Mother," Zhao Longwei said in a matter of fact.

This made the whole people inside Peony Hall silent. The words of the crown prince seem simple but in fact it's not simple as 'staying inside the palace'. It only means that Ren Zhilan will stay inside the imperial palace as she became marriageable. It sounds grand but actually she will be trained under the empress and will lose her freedom. Such grand words hide thorns. When Ren Zhilan heard it, her eyes emit a chilling cold.

It seems the emperor is desperate to keep her for the crown prince. With a tarnished reputation, no noble lady would marry the crown prince except for those who have water in their brain. Since she is betrothed to the crown prince, she doesn't have a way unless there's another big incident happen. Ren Zhilan hides her sneer as she never thought this but it doesn't mean she is not prepared.

"Your Highness Second Prince, this tea the most high quality owned by the manor. Please try some," Ren Lifen shyly said.

"First Young Miss sure is caring. Then would you like to pour some for this prince?" Zhao Longru said with a gentle smile on his face.

Ren Lifen bashfully lowers her head and serves the second prince some tea. This made Ren Weimin sneer while Ren Weisheng frown. The first young miss made her move and warmly welcomed by the second prince. Even so, Ren Weisheng is confident as his daughter is one of the beauties of the capital. After Ren Lifen serves the prince some tea, she quickly went back to her place. Not long after, Ren Hualing went to the table of Ren Weizhen and the two princes.

"Grandfather, Your Highness the Crown Prince, Second Prince, Hualing made some pastries that will complement the tea," Ren Hualing said with a gentle voice and a refine posture.

"Second Young Miss is considerate," Zhao Longru said and quickly pick up a pastry that Ren Hualing made.

Ren Hualing didn't stay long and quickly went back to her place. The old general and the two princes enjoyed the pastries, especially the second prince. Ren Hualing didn't show any joy in her face but she is quite satisfied. This made Ren Lifen frown but she quickly erase it and put a gentle expression.

Seeing how two young ladies tries to fawn over the second prince made Ren Zhilan disgusted. If they want to have power by climbing a man's bed, it only signifies how weak they are. The North Star Continent only recognises the strong through brute strength and intelligence, not climbing a man's bed and uses some pillow talk. This made the two young miss' cultivation useless as they prefer to hug thighs that become stronger.

The weak are always desperate.

If you want power, you should became stronger and not use others strength. That's how Ren Zhilan climbed at the peak of Celestial Realm. She was feared by her peers because of her strength and mischievous behaviour. The God of All won't chose her as the Goddess of Chaos if doesn't represent the true meaning of chaos. She will be the same in this realm too. She will climb to the top and she will use her own strength and not relying on a man.

It seems it's time for the play to be unveiled.

The peaceful afternoon in the Ren Manor suddenly shattered because of a series of knocks that came from the main door of the manor. This made everyone surprise but no one dares to take a look at the commotion. The old general quickly sent Eunuch Fang to inquire about the commotion outside. He have two princes as guests, he can't lose face even though he doesn't like any of the two.

Eunuch Fang quickly disappear and after a few moments, he returns with a pale complexion. When the people inside the Peony Hall saw the pale complexion of the eunuch, they quickly guess that the commotion outside is not simple. Eunuch Fang whispered the news to the old general. The people around didn't hear a thing but the sudden change of the old general's complexion confirm their hypothesis that there's a new trouble knocking on their door.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, would you like to accompany this old servant?" Ren Weizhen politely but his pale complexion betrayed his true motive.

"This prince will also accompany the General Ren," the second prince said with a worried face.

Ren Weizhen didn't object and the whole Ren Manor went outside. Once they went out, different shades of colour and expression can be seen on their faces. Outside are paintings of sodomy and other vulgar images with the face of the crown prince. The paintings are scattered everywhere on the streets of the imperial city. When the crown prince saw it, his face is deathly white. What kind of crazy person would do this bold thing to a crown prince?

"General Ren, this prince will need to leave. I need to go to the palace," Zhao Longwei said and quickly left the Ren Manor without a delay.

The second prince Zhao Longru followed and left the Ren Manor. Ren Weizhen didn't mind the sudden departure of the two princes. Seeing the vulgar paintings flying in the air made the old general spurt out blood. Using his aura fire, he burned the paintings in front of the Ren Manor. Seeing the paintings burned by aura fire almost made the people outside amaze and also afraid.

This is the power of a Fighter King!

Seeing the commotion, Ren Zhilan smiled. This is only the beginning of her plan. Let's see how the cheap emperor can still hold on?