
Life sucks

How hard did I hit my head ugggg my head is killing me I go to rub my head when I hear chains I open my eyes and see my hands are chained to a wall just what I need f***ing chains ok follow the simple rules when this happens p.s this happens about once a month

1 How did you get here.... Last I recall someone called me I go to answer and I black out .Like that's use full

2 Who is around you .... One Guard and three other men and two women chained up

3 What weapon do you see or what can be used for a weapon .... the guard has a gun and probably a pocket knife I'm a weapon if that counts

The men chained up are werewolves and so are the women is werewolves too .Perfect that's all I need is grumpy wolfs at least they didn't split them up. Ok I need to get out of there. I try to stand but what ever gave me a headache is also making my vision fuzzy the only thing I can think of to fix me is pain really fast so I break my toe and then pop it back in place that fixed most of the problems now these chains need to go I pull on them to see how strong they are and I see that they are silver that's why the wolves are not fighting the silver is blistering their wrist I need to get them out of here every thing is silver now that I see it . To get out of the chains This might me hard but they think I'm a werewolf I am but silver don't work on me if I get the garud over here then it will be easier to escape.

" umm guard I think you have the wrong girl " as soon as I say that all the wolves turn and look at me " You are a wolf " says the guard "Am not " I hold up my wrist and he sees it's not blistering. So he walks closer and grabs my wrist to examine them I grab him and throw him up against the wall grab his head and twist snapping his neck I feel in his pockets and find a iPhone, A pocket knife, Three snickers bars and some keys. I start trying to see which key works when "Give me those" says a male voice it's one of the chained up werewolves. He has alpha blood in him and he thinks he can tell me what to do "Hahaha your not the boss of me" I tell him the blue key works on my chains and unlocks my hands I stand up and the chains fall and I realize Im in heels and a dress I throw the keys at the werewolves and say "The blue key got me out" they start to get their hands out of the chains when I grab the gun. Guard rotation starts in 30 minutes that's how long we have before the guards know we are out. The alpha walks over to me and says "I'm the alpha and you will listen to me , give me the gun" "Rot in hell I don't have to help you with anything" I say to him he is tooken back by what I said to him and I walk to the door of the cell "Y'all coming"