
You're Welcome, Aaron

Lacy stared up at Gray blankly after he pushed her to the ground as if she didn't understand what was going on. She tried to pull herself back up but he straddled her, preventing that from happening.

There was no malice in his eyes. The woman was annoying but this was simply another thing on his to-do list.

Reschedule next week's collaboration meeting. Bring flowers to his mother's grave. Buy more toilet paper. Kill Lacy Knighton. It was that simple.

"It's a pity you wasted your life on delusions of grandeur. You might have actually made something of yourself otherwise," he clucked. "Sorry, Lacy, but you chose the wrong person to mess with."

Gray wasn't sorry at all. She deserved what she was getting. The apology didn't even matter; she wasn't lucid enough to understand what he was saying to her.

He had better make this quick. He would need to clean himself up, dispose of the knife, and make it back to the office before anyone noticed his absence.