
Run Free (Werewolf)

What can two people go through before they finally break? Follow along with Melanie and Justin to see just how much pain they can endure.

Autumn_Garling · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

Melanie's POV

I was in a white room. "Where the fuck am I?" Looking around, there was nothing except a wolf about ten feet away lying on the ground. "Maddy?" Rushing over to the fallen wolf, I rolled it around and let out a scream. The face I was looking at was Maddy's, but there was something wrong. Her eyes weren't glowing. They were pale. She had two significant cuts right across her throat, looked liked wolf cuts. "NO! No, no, no, no. You can't be dead. You can't be gone. It's not possible. I can't do this without you. Maddy, you are not dead." The tears were pouring down my face, but they were not my main concern at this moment. I lost my wolf, my other half. The only other person who understands me. The person who has been with me since birth. Maddy was my best friend, and now she's just gone. Just like that, she got ripped from my body and my life. I gripped onto her coat. I knew who did this. And they will pay for what they have done today.

It felt an eternity before I felt myself get thrown back into my own body. The tears ended a while ago, but the ache of emptiness was still there. 'Okay, time to test something. Maddy, are you there?' I was greeted with silence until I heard a soft voice. 'Melanie?' 'Oh my god, Maddy, you do not know how glad I am to hear your voice. I- I thought you were dead!' 'Melanie? I thought Daemon killed you, and I found your body in a white room. You weren't breathing. You were just lying there. I- I thought I had failed as a wolf, I thought I had lost you forever.'

Tears escaped my eyes. She wasn't dead! 'No, Maddy, I'm here. And I am not going anywhere.' 'Good, I won't ever leave you, Melanie. But where are we?' I tried to open my eyes, and when I did, I closed them almost immediately. 'I don't know, but it's bright. The last thing I remember is Justin coming to save us.' 'Hmm. Well, find out I don't want to back with Daemon ever again.' Nodding, I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to the lighting. When everything was in focus, I sat up. I was in the hospital for one. Looking at my arms, I noticed I got hooked up to all types of machines. 'What the hell?'

I threw back the covers and placed my feet on the ground. Slowly I pushed myself forward, shifted the weight forward. But I immediately stopped when I felt this searing pain shoot through my back. "Shit." I forgot Daemon sliced my back open. Turning my head, I noticed a pair of crutches sitting up against my bed. Well, it looks like they knew I was going to get up. Grab one, I placed all my weight on it and slowly took a step forward. One after another, and would you believe me, I was walking. Sort of, I was using the crutch and limping a whole bunch, but hey, I was moving.

"Melanie….." Who da fuck? I quickly whipped my head around and noticed another bed in my room, and the body was occupying the ground. Walking over to the bed, I finally noticed who it was, Justin? Why was he doing in here? 'He saved us, remember.' 'He also rejected us, Maddy.' She snorted, pacing around, she eventually laid down. Walking over to him, I study his face, each indent, wrinkle, and scar. He looked so peaceful right now, so calm. Like nothing was wrong. Sadly he hurt me badly, I know Maddy wants me to forgive him, but I don't think I can. Well, maybe not for a while. It will take some time to get over how much I was getting hurt and how he would contribute to it. And the rejection, Jesus, that is what broke me and sent me away, I can't just forget about that. Reaching a handout, I gently stroked his cheek. Trying my hardest to ignore the sparks. 'Melanie, I know what he had done. But for right now, forgive him, punish him later. We need to heal, and he will help us.' 'Okay, Maddy, for you, I will. But once we become healed, he will get what's coming for him. At least for a little while.' His face started scrunching up, so I took a couple of steps back to the end of his bed. His eyes slowly opened, and they were searching the room.

When they eventually landed on me, he sat up quickly and reached out, yanking me forward into his arms. 'Fuck! That hurt like a bitch.' 'Please tell him to let go that hurts a lot.' Lifting my hand, I gently tapped his shoulder three times. "Um, Justin. I can't breathe." His arms instantly relaxed and relaxed me from his death grip. As I controlled my breathing, words and questions flew out of his mouth faster than I have ever heard. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Are you in any pain? Fuck, I should have thought about that before grabbing you. Melanie are yo-."

I feel so small compared to him, but I covered his mouth with my hand, which made me laugh. This doofus was freaking out. It was quite entertaining. Taking a deep breath, I tried to answer all his questions. "Justin, calm down. I am fine. Yes, I'm hurt, but I don't feel any of it right now because Calum gave me some pain meds. You didn't hurt me." I could visibly see him relax, and then his eyes went hard. What the hell did I say? Then out of nowhere, he jumped up and headed for the door. "Where is Calum? I am going to kick his ass." Oh, hell, no. Calum saved me. This mother fucker is about to see my darker side. "You will do no such thing. You will get your ass back over here and sit down with me." His body froze mid-step, did the Alpha just listen to me? He turned and stared at me for a moment, and at that moment, I thought he was about to go back to the old days and hit me. But to my surprise, he walked back over to me and sat down on the bed. His long arms reached out, wrapping themselves around my waist, he pulled me closer to his chest. "I am sorry. I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. You don't deserve any of it. You deserve the world, and from now on, that is what you are going to get. I am sorry. As of now, you are going to get treated like a princess. I know I have a lot to make up for, but Melanie, if you give me a chance to show you what kind of mate I truly am. You will not regret it. Please give me another chance."

Bro, I was not prepared for this sharing of feelings or anything. Imma bout to cry. Damn you, mother nature. 'Melanie, please forgive him, let him treat us like royalty. Trust me, he will make it up to you.' 'I dunno Maddy, he hurt me pretty badly, Maddy, he rejected us. I just thought he was about to hit me a minute ago.' 'Yes, Melanie, I know I hear your thoughts. But just trust him, he came looking for us, he's hugging you right now. You were the first thing that crossed his mind when he woke up. Just give him a second chance, please.' Fine Maddy, he has one chance, if he blows it, we will leave. ONE CHANCE.' Maddy yipped in happiness, her tail wagging back and forth. "I will give you a second chance, but I am leaving the second you mess up. We were hurt too much. Please prove to me that you have changed." The smile that graced Justin's lips would be one I will never forget. As the world started to fade around me, Justin leaned forward, and his lips touched the top of my head, and let's just say it was like the fourth of July. Fireworks everywhere.

*Time Passes*

Screams. Shooting up in bed, I heard what seems like a thousand screams right outside. Not thinking twice about it, I jumped top, grabbing my crutches, and headed for the door. When I opened it, I was stopped by a guard. "Please move." He placed his hand out in front of me. "Sorry, Luna, be the Alpha's orders are to keep you inside here." What the fuck. I swear to god imma kill Justin. "Well, the Alpha is not here right now, and I am your Luna, and you will obey me when I say let me pass." This guard looked torn. He wanted to obey Justin, but seeing me right there in front of me, he slowly moved out of the way. But as soon as he did, a wolf ran up and tried to lunge at me. The guard quickly pulled out a gun and shot it right in between the eyes. Slowly turning back to him, I looked at the gun. "Let me have that." He handed it over to me and then just stood there, shifting his feet slightly. "Shift right now, you are going to let me ride your back, and I will shoot. We both know I can't shift right now, but I need to be out there." Nodding, he shifted into his wolf, a simple light brown wolf with dark brown, almost black edges. He lifted his pants to me. I quickly tied it around my waist and jumped on his back. My hands slid along his back till I had a tight hold. "Go. Be careful and find Alpha Justin." Nodding, the wolf took a giant leap forward, bursting through the front doors of the Hospital. Let me just say, holy fucking shit.

Chaos. Wolves everywhere, some fighting, some running, and some... Dead. I shifted up and pulled out the gun, shooting at any wolves that tried to come close to us. As I was doing that, I searched for one wolf pure black except for one white ear. As I found him, his eyes met mine, and for a second, everything stopped. That did not last long. A wolf jumped at him from behind, and I screamed. "JUSTIN!" The brown wolf saw Justin and started running towards him. I immediately shot the wolf and got off of the brown one. Justin stood up, and I saw his eyes clouded over. 'Melanie, stand by me, I have the pack make a circle around us to protect you.'

As I heard this, about ten wolves surrounded us, all facing outwards, defending off wolves as they ran up. One broke through and lunged at me. I got tackled to the ground. FUCK, the stitches on my back ripped open. As it was going in for a kill, Justin tackled the wolf off but not before it raked its claw against my leg. I felt the blood start to pour down my body. I pushed myself up onto my feet, swaying as I did, but the brown wolf was right beside me and held my body up. "Melanie, come here." I looked up and saw Justin right in front of me. I stumbled forward and landed in his arms. He laid me back down, he lifted his arms and bit into it. Blood started to drip off his arm. Lifting my head, he placed the wound to my mouth. "Drink, you need my blood to heal you. Please. I know this completes a part of the bond, but you need it." I wanted to refuse, but I couldn't. He was right; I needed the blood.

It was as if I was never injured. Everything started healing, and my strength was returning to my body. I stood up, pushing back everyone that was around me. I moved out into the middle of the fight. "Mela-." Justin tried to stop me, but I turned and glared at him. He immediately shut up and took a step back. "EVERYONE STOP!" My voice was so loud it shook the ground. This is a time you do not want to fuck with me. Every wolf on the field stopped fighting and stared at me, some in awe and some in fear. "Alpha Daemon, you will take your warriors back to your land and leave. Right now." Daemon looked at me, he looked as if he was about to refuse, but he turned and walked away at the last second. His pack slowly started to follow. Some waited behind, deciding whether or not it was real. "GO!" The rest of his group ran away, tails tucked. With that, I turned around and addressed Justin's Pack. "If you are wounded, go to Calum and get healed up. If not, you will help clean the dead and help some of the wounded get inside."

Everyone started moving, not wanting to disobey me. I looked at Justin, and he had a smile on his lips. walking up, I slapped his across the cheek. "You completed apart of the bond. You are on edge." But then I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed the cheek that was throbbing red. "But, thank you for saving me." I started heading for the packhouse but stopped when he wasn't beside me. I reached out my hand and smiled at him. "Come on, let's go home." His eyes lit up, and he trotted forward, slipping his hand inside my own. We both walked together towards the packhouse, maybe I can trust him again. Just maybe.