
Ruler of Winter's Edge (Moved to another account)

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BoredIdler · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

RoWE - Chapter 42

Chapter 42: A New Beginning


As the legacy of Eddard Stark's example endured, the North had grown accustomed to showing respect and warmth towards the Night's Watch. Yet, as Aeg and Yoren ventured further south, the climate grew warmer, but the reception they received chilled. In the villages and settlements near the Neck, the locals and minor lords greeted them with indifference and perfunctory courtesy. By the time they left Greywater Watch and entered the Riverlands, their black garb elicited no more than a passing glance. Further south, it escalated to disdain and contempt. a stark departure from the Northern hospitality.


Despite this, the Night's Watchmen remained unfazed. Yoren, a seasoned traveler, was no stranger to the varying attitudes of the realm. Aeg, on the other hand, had braced himself for such reactions. He understood that if the black cloak alone could command respect and favor throughout the Seven Kingdoms, the North would have no need to conscript men for the Wall. His own aspiration was to one day lay down his black cloak, and without the constant reminders from those around him, what would drive him to pursue this goal?


Yet, he couldn't shake the concern that improving the Night's Watch's image might be an uphill battle.




Every journey, no matter how long, comes to an end. After weeks of fine dining, merrymaking, and leisurely travel with the Lannisters, their destination loomed on the horizon. Aeg's worries dissipated. He had seen Catelyn Tully remain at Winterfell with his own eyes, but it wasn't until now, with the Winterfell incident truly behind them, that he felt a sense of closure. Despite the twists and turns, he had successfully altered the course of events.


No unforeseen incidents occurred, and no "mysterious force" conjured a stand-in for Catelyn Tully to impede their progress. Tyrion returned to King's Landing unscathed.


While this event might seem minor, for Aeg, it held profound significance. It confirmed that in the world of Ice and Fire, human actions could change the major events of the original narrative. Anything was possible with courage and action!


King's Landing, perched on the eastern coast overlooking Blackwater Bay, was where Aegon the Conqueror first set foot, the home of the Red Keep and the Iron Throne, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and the heart of Westeros's political, economic, and cultural life. Now, a time traveler with the power to reshape the future had arrived.




The journey's anxieties were swept away, and Aeg's excitement surged like a shot of adrenaline. Had it not been for reason and restraint, he would have galloped his horse down the King's Road.


Miles from the city walls, makeshift huts and tents lined the road, accompanied by a faint, unpleasant odor.


"Ah, the scent of King's Landing," Tyrion mused atop his horse, "After months of fresh air, it's rather jarring to return."


Aeg had heard tales of the city's stench before his time travel, but he never imagined it would be detectable from such a distance. If it was this potent outside, what horrors awaited within? The Wall, with its cold and peril, at least offered clean air. In such frigid climes, any stench would be frozen solid.


"How can the capital of the Seven Kingdoms reek so? Is it because no one tends to the sewers or collects the refuse?"


"Both, but there's simply not enough manpower," Tyrion smirked. "First, they have to ensure the cleanliness of the noble residential areas, then the wealthy districts, and as for the common folk, they just have to make do. Tsk, there are 500,000 people living within the walls, how much excrement and garbage is produced daily?"


"No brilliant ideas. If there's not enough manpower, just recruit more. I see so many poor people living outside the walls, barely able to eat. Give them a good meal and a few coppers, and they'd be happy to do some cleaning, wouldn't they?" Aeg suggested.


"A simple and crude solution, but the question is, who pays for it?" Tyrion said with a smile. "Our good king owes a mountain of debt to the Iron Bank and my father, and there's no sign he can pay it off."


"How can he stand living in such a stinky place?" Aeg wondered aloud.


"Sorry, the Red Keep is on Aegon's High Hill, the high elevation and strong winds blow away the smell of excrement. The dignitaries inside don't have to worry about the stench," Tyrion explained.


Aeg was truly speechless this time. Even though he was from the modern world, he had no solution for the problem of a ruler who didn't strive for improvement.


Even more so. he had a pile of things to do himself, so why bother with whether King's Landing smelled bad or not?


As they talked, the group approached the northwest gate of King's Landing. The entrance was crowded with people, horses, and carriages. both entering and exiting. Among them were knights and freeriders, bards with harps and drums, wagons loaded with hops, corn, and barrels of honey, as well as merchants, craftsmen, and prostitutes. The surging crowd made the gate of the Godsway congested, and dozens of gold-cloaked City Watch soldiers were struggling to maintain order.


"The Hand's tournament," Yoren said coldly with a smile. Born in the North, he knew the temperament of Duke Stark better than most people in Westeros. "The Hand must hate this tournament."


"Tournaments are a good thing in themselves. It's events like these that make the kingdom prosperous. Nobles can show off and seek glory, commoners can join in the fun and temporarily forget their hardships, and businessmen can take the opportunity to make some money," Tyrion lowered his voice but did not hide the sarcasm in his tone. "The only problem is that our good king holds them too frequently. A festival, a prince's nameday, a new Hand's appointment, a good mood. Tournaments don't charge entry fees, and both participants and spectators are happy, but the hosts end up in debt. And he borrows money in the name of the Iron Throne, not as an individual. Tsk tsk. I don't know if he's smart or."


The group discussed the recently concluded tournament as they rode through the streets, gradually approaching the center of King's Landing.


The stench was worse than outside, but human adaptability was powerful. In just a few dozen minutes, they were already able to endure the smell. not because their noses couldn't detect it, but because their minds could ignore it and focus on other thoughts.


"My ass has had enough torture these past two months. Let's find a place to settle down first before considering what's next," Tyrion changed the subject. "I know an inn halfway up Rhaenys's Hill. It's higher than most places in King's Landing, and the stench is much fainter. You'll like it."


"Don't you live in the Red Keep?" Aeg was puzzled. The other was the Queen's brother, even if his relationship with his sister was ordinary, he was still qualified to live in the royal family's stronghold. or at least in the noble district at the foot of the Red Keep.


"The Red Keep is too far from my favorite brothel," the dwarf gave the answer. "And being with a bunch of ambitious, scheming, and foolish people makes me sick."


"My lord, you've spent a lot of money on us this journey. Let us handle the accommodation ourselves," Yoren said, unaware of the debates and deals between Tyrion and the Night's Watch leadership. He really thought Aeg had been sent to King's Landing to gather supplies, and using someone else's money for the journey had made him uneasy.


"Seven gods above, have some sympathy for this short and pitiful dwarf, will you? Do I have to ride my horse across half the city to find you two Night's Watch friends when I want to chat?" Tyrion pretended to be angry. "No more arguing, follow me."


A/N: Today We have 2 chapters instead of one.

Unfortunately the next update will be on Monday. But fret not, it's because I am working on a new FanFic which also will be out on Monday.

If you can't wait for the updates, feel free to read advanced chapters on my Patreon.
