
Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)

A Ruler died and his soul transmigrated to the world of DxD. What journey will his second life be? Should he pursue greatness again or be an ordinary person in this second life? AN: I do not own the original High School DxD story. Cover photo is not mine. I just want to write a version of my own MC. I am new to writing and English is not my primary language so bear with me.

ZyC0 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 10: ATTACKED!!

(Lucas POV)

I woke up and found myself on a strange room. I sat up the moment I realize what happened. "Hmm" I touched the back of my neck as it tingles a little. I also checked my arms and seems not broken, just hurts a little. I look around and saw Koneko sitting on the sofa chair next to me. 

Koneko: "you are awake." She stood up and approach me. "I am sorry for punching you." She apologized with an expressionless face but I can see the sincerity in her eyes.

My mouth twitched upon hearing her. "Nevermind". I said. I fixed my self up and sat properly. " So, care to explain?" I questioned.

Koneko: "Buchou will explain everything tomorrow for you. I will take you home first." Koneko answered.

Lucas: "Buchou??" I asked confusingly.

Koneko realized her words and clarify it.

Koneko: "It is Rias Sama. This is the Occult Research Club building." She said. "Rias Sama is the President of the ORC and this building is our base." She added.

Lucas: "Rias?" I was surprised and looked at my surroundings. it seems like the interior is old. I looked back at her and nodded. "Let's go home then". I did not further questioned as Koneko told me that Rias will tell me everything tomorrow. I also took note of the word "Occult" on its name as it seems these people including Koneko are extraordinary people. Even in my past life, these people would be the top of the food chain.

We went outside and I was surprise that it is actually the Old Building that I always see. I did not stay long and just went outside the school. I was escorted by Koneko and we did not speak for the whole journey until I was in front of my apartment. 

Lucas: "Thank you Koneko for accompanying me." I said as I look at her.

Koneko nodded and said. "See you tomorrow Lucas".

I was surprise to hear my name from her mouth and it seems she is happy?

Lucas: "Okay see you tomorrow too Koneko." I smiled and said. I went in to my apartment and she also left.

I came inside my apartment and lay down my bed. I recalled all the events that happened today. The two girls, Rias and Sona, mentioned some agreement and if I guess correctly, I may have some involvement. "Hmm, it seems this world is not as simple as I think it is." I also recalled the fight with Koneko and analyzed the fight. I can tell that she is just holding back and did not even sweat when fighting me. And it seems it is Akeno who attacked me from behind, even with my senses fully heightened , I did not even have the time to react and defend. What is more, it seems they are subordinates to Rias. 'How strong is Rias or even Souna?'

I always thought that I reached the pinnacle of human physique because of my memories and skills obtained. But I am one of those who are called "A frog in the well". I will need to reevaluate things in this world as I may get involved. Something in me must have attracted those two girls. I will think of my next step when I learn some things tomorrow. I stood up to cook for myself but it seems I have nothing on the fridge. 'Ah, I forgot that I should pass by the grocery to buy." Without changing my clothes, I went outside heading to the grocery store.

It was already dusk and I can see the sunset. I can also see the abandoned church from afar. While I was walking alone, I saw two figures, a man and a woman, walking the opposite way I am going. The man wears a gray trench coat and the woman wears maroon, trench coat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. "Dam*, those are huge". I thought but did not ogle too much as it may offend the person. I looked straight up and passed by them. 

When I passed by, the man and woman suddenly stopped. My senses heightened as I can sense killing intent from behind me. I moved side ways and rolled down the ground as I can sense something going to stab me. As I stabilized myself and look at the person, I was stunned because the man is holding some kind of light spear in his hand. 'This is bad'.

The man seems surprise that I dodged his attack. "hmm, you have some reflexes kid". He sneered while saying. "Well this is unfortunate, I can smell that disgusting scent on you. You seem to be Human. Are you a Devil worshipper.?" He added.

Kalawarna: "Make it fast Dohnaseek, Raynare Sama ordered us to discuss things with that priest about the owner of the Twilight Healing". The women beside her said with impatience.

Dohnaseek: "Don't worry, we still have a a lot of time." he said with a smile.

I watch there conversation and formulate some plan in my mind. I looked around but I can't see people around. it's impossible not to see at least 2 or 3 people walking so I guess they must have done something. 'Sh*t!!, is this area sealed or something.' I was cursing inside as I realized that I am in a dangerous situation.

As I was thinking, I suddenly saw the light spear thrown at me. I dodged it to the side and saw the spear penetrate the floor. "Atleast he does not have a weapon anymore". But the spear suddenly disappeared and appeared on his hand again "F*ck, you can do that too!!." I don't know how many time I cursed today. The man suddenly dashed forward and thrust his spear at me. I heightened my senses and tried to dodge but I still got grazed on the face. I saw him thrust again but with a faster momentum. My reflexes can't keep up and I got stab on the left shoulder. I did a push kick in to his chest so I can make some distance to recover. I felt pain in my shoulder and also felt a tingling sensation. I tried to check my left arm if it can still move but it was paralyzed.

"How dare you touch me you lowly human." he said angrily and throw the spear at me. I moved to the side as I calculated the trajectory. I successfully dodged it but unexpectedly the Light spear exploded and I was sent flying then rolled a few times on the ground. I tried to stand up as fast as I can because he might launch another attack. But I saw him just standing there grinning at me. He seems to enjoy seeing me like this.

Dohnaseek: "Hehe you got some talent, but sadly you are just a lowly being." he said with a grin.

I looked at him for a while. I tried to formulate tactics and so on but...'F*ck, what tactics, what schemes, in front of absolute power, everything is meaningless". I thought about it but did not continue to think more. I did not prepare in advance like the person in a batlike suit that I watched when I was a Kid.

'There is only this chance that can save me.' I concentrated my mind and shouted in my mind 'System come out!!". nothing happened. 'Medicine Master, Old Man Come out!!... Goddess come out!!...' I tried a few times maybe I have a golden finger like those I read in novels. 'F*ck my life!!'. I cursed inwardly. I wondered what Rias and Souna saw into me, maybe I have something in me that I possess that is why I tried to summon it but nothing happened.

'Okay there is one more thing that can save my life.' I stood up and look at the man from a distance with calmness.

Dohnaseek: "Ohh, do you still have some tricks?" Dohnaseek asked as he saw my calmness. "Or did you give up?" he added. The woman also noticed my expression.

Lucas: "I am waiting for something". I answered mysteriously.

Dohnaseek: "Oh, are you waiting for allies? Sorry but we sealed this place." he replied.

I did not answer him and just stand there. The man curiously stared at me. 

After awhile, nothing happened. The man got impatient and ready to attack me. 

I reacted and look at the direction behind the man and woman. "Finally you are here." I said it with relieved expression.

The man and woman became wary and look behind them as they did not feel any presence. When they look back, they saw... nothing. They turned back their heads and saw me sprinting like a Gold Olympic Athlete.

'F*ck, where is my plot armor!!?.' I tried all possibilities that a protagonist in a novel should have but nothing seems to work. the only option I have is to "Run like the wind" with my left shoulder injured.

As I was running, I saw a shadow in the ground that flew past me and suddenly a figure appeared in front and stabbed directly at my heart. I reacted and tried to deviate the spear from stabbing my heart, resulting for my left chest to be impaled. I knelt down because I felt my strength is fading and look at him, I can see black feathered wings behind his back. I tried to hold the spear for him not to withdraw the spear or else I will die of blood loss and complication to the lungs. But I am powerless to do so, He kicked me in the shoulder while withdrawing the light spear. I fell to the ground and tried to sit up. I covered my injury to prevent Blood loss and air to enter my lungs but my consciousness is fading. 'Ahh, looks like I will die a virgin in this life'. I checked my condition and said in my mind.

Dohnaseek: "I enjoyed my time with you." He said while smiling. He raised his light spear and throw it into my direction..

As I watched him calmly without fearing death. I felt something woke up inside of me and a surge of power rising but before I can grasp it, a magic circle appeared beside me and someone rushed to my front and parried the light spear. I saw Koneko's back facing the man in front. After a second, Rias and Akeno appeared from the magic circle too.

The feeling I felt before disappeared and my body felt weak. F*cking plot armor, it always comes late!!" Before losing my consciousness, I cursed for the last time.