
Rule Of Unity (Dropped)

Introduction - Follow the adventures of John Lennard. With his skills and wits he will overpower his opponents one at a time and submit to his Rule Of Unity. --------Information-------- Evil Mc Update Schedule - 2 Chapters/ 1 week Word Count/ !.5k - And above depends on how I'm feeling I've put a lot of thought into the novel, so far the beginning is probably my downfall, since I'm not very good at starting off novels but please give it a try and tell me what you think.

VengefulClitorous · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

John Lennard

Chapter 1 - John Lennard

Vines sprang up from the ground, flying straight towards me, "Shit Shit Shit, HOW THE FUCK DID I GET HERE!?" I said

I was a university student; I was studying the amazing art of biology when suddenly I was hit by a truck in the school laboratory.

For some strange reason, my body has shrunk tremendously. I get the feeling that I'm an insect, but I can't be sure

Suddenly a huge sunflower with a mouth and face popped up from behind the vines. "Strange, an insect on Desolate Thistle Island," the sunflower monster muttered. Manipulating, the vines to come up front under the ground in front of the insect, successfully trapping it.

"You're trapped on both sides, there's no escape, just accept your fate," the sunflower monster said, inching closer and closer to the helpless insect

The sunflower plant in truth was as small as a common dog, but in front of the tiny insect, it was a giant among giants. Its figure was truly intimidating in front of something as insignificant as an insect.

The sunflower plant had been chasing this nimble insect on the tree branches, having to jump from tree to tree to catch up to it. Because of this, its mood was very sour.

The only way the tiny insect could escape is if it jumped off from the sturdy and thick tree branch.

Wasting no time any longer, the sunflower plant launched its body instead of its vines at the little insect

As soon as it did that, a giant mouse-like creature clad in thick skin similar to that of an elephant sprang from its hiding place from above them.

Seeing this, caused the insect to think of a quote from his old world "the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind". He muttered, using his hind legs similar to that of a flea to jump away, into the leaves of another tree branch.

While the sunflower plant could only curse its luck and run, while getting chased by the thick-skinned rat, also known by its other name, the leather back rat, known for its skin being as thick as leather.

------Few minutes later------

Looking over his shoulder, making sure he wasn't chased by any enemys, the tiny insect slowly came to a stop, 100% sure he was safe where he was at

At the moment, he was in a hole at the bottom of a tree. The hole didn't seem to house anyone, so the tiny insect went into it

"Let me remember what happened correctly," the tiny insect muttered, letting out a sigh of relief that he was still alive. "I, John Lennard, have been transported to another world!" John said to himself slowly, taking it all in

"This world is 100% not my world, unless of course sentient sunflowers always existed, and I'm just really retarded, either that or I'm just a boomer that doesn't know what's going on these days" John said in lamentation.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from his stomach. In other words, John was hungry.

"Fuck, there's nothing here to eat, but that green shit I call leaves. They might even be toxic, like weed or marijuana," John sighed. Mustering up all the courage he could, he walked near the exit of the hole in the tree and started surveying the area, in case of any predators that were hiding in the nearby shrubs and bushes.

"*sigh* it's called hiding for a reason," John muttered. Across from him was a delicious-looking clump of grass. If it was John before, he would be disgusted at the thought of eating wild grass that hasn't even been cleaned yet, but now he's extremely hungry, and as an insect his instincts aren't that of a human, and they were shouting at him to go and eat!

Using his hind legs that were similar to that of a flea's, he quickly jumped out of the hole, jumping a few more times till he reached his destination, the clump of grass

Looking at the grass up close, John noticed the whiteness at the foot of the grass. Not taking it to mind, he bit into it

All of a sudden, John felt like electricity was coursing through his body, causing him to spasm a few times before completely collapsing.

Luckily for him, there weren't any predators in the vicinity. Before collapsing, John made sure that he fell in the clumps of grass, since it would do a better job of hiding him while he's unconscious.

------Few Hours Later------

Slowly opening his droopy eyes, John realized something, "I'm still alive!" He smiled. If his insect mouth was capable of smiling, then he'd do so. For now, all he did was a little victory dance.

"I feel a little different though," John said, realizing that it was nighttime now, its common knowledge in any world that the night is where the top predators of the jungle come out to play.

Turning around, John noticed a strange-looking bird perched on a tree, staring at him intensely. The bird had big eyes like that of an owl, but it was smaller and thinner than one.

Clearly, this bird was one of the predators of the night John described. What really stunned John was its silver colored feathers that seemed to blend in with the moonlight shining above him.

It was mesmerizing, but John was a biologist. There was a saying his teacher always told him, "The most beautiful things in nature are usually the most dangerous." At that moment, John took the quote to heart.

Immediately making a run for his safe haven, the hole in the tree, but something was different this time

He felt lighter, not only that, he also felt taller and bigger than before. He was even jumping longer distances.

But that wasn't what caught John's attention. It was the Giant Silver Bird. It flew into the sky, specifically flying towards John.

Who was already inches away from the hole before the Giant Silver Bird, As John made his way into the hole in the tree, going to the very back of it

He could see the feet of the bird outside, thanks to the hole. Suddenly the bird stuck its fat beak through the hole, squirming around John's humble abode.

For some reason, John felt a strange sensation emerge in his body, confidence. Because of this he charged at the beak of the bird, by jumping, turning sideways in midair, making his feet face the beak.

Like the speed of a bullet, he flew through the air, smacking the Bird right in the beak, leaving a few cracks on it

Causing the bird to let out a few caws of pain before backing off and flying away. "Hahahaha, I got the powa!" John said, making a fist pump of victory with his tiny insect hand.

"All of this is because of that grass," John muttered in realization, turning to look at the grass many feet away from him before contemplating a plan.

Stepping outside the hole in the tree again, this time he didn't check for any predators because he was sure there weren't any, besides the bird, which just so happened to be right back in its place before, perched on a tree branch close to the grass.

The bird, seeing John coming out, saw this as provocation, but this time it learned from its mistakes, and didn't get too excited. That crack in its beak made blood drip out of its nose.

John noticed some dry blood stains on the bird's beak, making him giddy with joy. This let him know that his seemingly normal attack caused more damage to it than he had expected. Why would he not be happy?

John walked towards the tree the bird was perched in, as if he owned the forest, with no worries of danger at all

Jumping from one tree branch to another, he was a few meters a way from the bird, a suitable distance for running away. "Hey bird brain! Weak piece of shit, why are you hiding up there?!" John yelled, taunting it relentlessly. The bird looked at John with confusion. Although it didn't understand what that pesky little insect was doing, it found it very vexing.

"Screeeeeeeeesch!" the bird responded. Getting off from its perched branch, revealing a nest with eggs in it, 'So that's why it chased me' John thought in realization, even though he understood that the bird was hunting him for a good cause, but he still didn't care, he was going to get his revenge on this bird for cutting his time short with the grass!

Jumping off the tree, and onto a vine next to him, in response, the white bird followed, like a heat-seeking missile

This game of cat and mouse continued for a long and enduring 30 minutes. Looking back at the bird that was slowly tiring itself out, John decided to make his way towards the bird's nest of the bird.

Knowing that the bird has a weakness, made John very happy. You see John has a very vengeful personality. No one in his previous life knew about this because well, that was his previous life. If he did anything out of line it was straight to prison for him, but in here he could let loose, this is the Jungle, only strength matter's

There was a saying in a manhua from John's previous life, "When faced with absolute power, all tricks and schemes you come up with will be rendered futile"

Remembering this quote, John made a promise to himself, to never be bullied again!

Unbeknownst to John, he'd come to accomplish much more in this world than he could have ever imagined

Landing in the birds nest, John saw the egg's, they were gigantic, at least half the size of the sunflower plant, as for the bird itself, it was the size of a monkey, and as for John, he is around the size of a small baseball

Before, though, he was as small as a cockroach. The eggs were white with black polka dots on them. Rubbing his head, thinking of what to do with them. John suddenly realized something, he had antennae. As a biology student, John knew very well what these antennae were. They were the insect's sensory organ.

Most insects, besides him, lack taste buds that humans have, so the insect's antenna makes up for that. They can sense sudden changes in the atmosphere, for example, they can tell when it's going to rain, or when a dangerous animal is approaching them, because of the sudden change in the environment, or the strong odor that animal gives off.

"This will help me a lot in finding hidden predators that are out to get me," John muttered happily, using his antennas. He smelled a sweet aroma in the air, and it wasn't the aroma of the flowers in the jungle, but the sweet smell of a female bird.

The scent of any woman is the sweetest. John used to say that in his previous world, he knew very well that it was the silver bird. Looking over his shoulder, he could see the tired birds' slow beating wings

He still had a few more minutes of alone time with the eggs before the bird came to get him, so he struck. Jumping up, he fell onto the eggs. The bird in the distance let out a cry of hate and anger, but John didn't show any pity.

Completely crushing the egg, John fell inside the egg's yolk, walking out of it soaking wet, with green egg yolk on him

"Strange, green egg yolk, as expected of another world" John muttered in fascination. If he were to take these eggs to his other world, he might make a great discovery, and judging from that sentient sunflower monster that attacked him a few hours ago, John can deduce accurately that there is some kind of supernatural energy in this world.

Just like chakra, nen and ki of those anime worlds, John is certain there must be a supernatural force in this world.

But that was besides the point, right now there is an angry mother coming his way, leaving behind the remaining 2 eggs. John jumped high in the air, the bird was under him.

Seeing the broken egg, the bird's eyes turned blood-red. But before it could do anything, John, who was in the air above the bird, landed on its back.

Taking this golden opportunity, he bit into the bird as hard as he could, causing a few drops of blood to come out of it. John, of course, hungry, drank these droplets of blood. After all, if you only took a small bite of grass, would you not be hungry?

As John finished digesting the blood, information that he had never known before came into his mind, 1 being the species of the silver bird, its species is called the Silver Skies Sparrow.

That wasn't the only piece of information, the second piece of information were almost like instructions, not on how to build something, but on how to activate something, something dormant, inside of John himself.

As for what the dormant thing was, that's for John to discover. "I have a pretty good idea what it is," John said, riding on the sparrow's back. The sparrow was trying to shake off John from its back, doing violent twists and turns in the air

John remembered when he ate the grass, he passed out and grew bigger. John suspected at first that his sudden growth spurt had something to do with the grass, but now after receiving that information thanks to the drop of blood, he can be sure that his body reacted to that grass in some way, positively in fact.

As a biologist, John knows that most plants have a common trait in them, and that is to grow, such as trees, plants, Venus fly traps etc.

And even grass, as a person that watches anime and reads tons of Asian literature, he is very accepting of supernatural changes in his life. John also knows he's the protagonist. In most novels written by Chinese people, the main character either has insane luck or some kind of cheat. John chooses the latter.

"This must be my cheat, that proves it, I'm the protagonist" John said triumphantly, "Now as for my cheat, I think it has something to do with stealing the property's of living organisms as well as non-living ones as well" John deduced, continuing

"Either that or anything I eat contributes to me getting stronger" John shrugged, latching onto the feathers of the bird so that he wouldn't fall from the sky and become minced meat.

The reason I put this in the Fan Fiction category is because it references Anime Alot

Also the mc will get some of his ideas for his abilities from anime

He'll do other things aswell that is like practically fusing anime with this world but that's it for now.

VengefulClitorouscreators' thoughts