

B2 - Chapter 44

"Senior—" William cut himself off. She hadn't introduced herself yet. "Are you part of the Jade Healing Sect?"

The looks he received from Xiu Jing and Wang Xiaoling said enough of how they felt about the question.

"You may call me Senior Xiu," she noticed how she was addressed awkwardly. "And yes, I am indeed part of the sect. I am a probationary elder."

"I see." William didn't see. He didn't know that position existed. "Do you have to be in that position long, Senior Xiu?"

"I wouldn't say so, but it depends on the individual's expectation, Disciple Wei."

He narrowed his eyes in confusion. He had never introduced himself, nor did he think he was important enough for his name to be well-known…unless that was indeed the case.

Xiu Jing led them to a compact building that couldn't have been larger than a storage shed. Of course, with this being the Jade Healing Sect, it would have been the most aesthetic-looking storage shed ever created.

"Enter," Xiu Jing motioned to the door. "Elder Yu is waiting."

This was another one of those teleportation doors unless Elder Yu liked to be in pathetically small spaces.

"Thank you, Senior Xiu," William bowed. He opened the door to confirm that it was indeed a door that led to another area, likely one of the buildings higher up the mountain.

He let Wang Xiaoling enter first before following her, closing the door behind them. They were transported to a well-furnished office.

A beautiful white desk sat in the center, surface covered in documents and small jade tokens, yet it was somehow organized. The shelves that covered most of the wall behind the desk were just as busy, with manuals leaving no space unfilled.

As for the rest of the office, it was minimal yet tastefully designed. The centerpiece was the small seating area consisting of a two-person couch and two single seats that exceeded the quality he had seen on the Red Floor.

Xiu Jing was wrong. Elder Yu wasn't waiting for them.

"So, Wei Liang, is it a hobby of yours to make a terrible first impression?"

"Huh?" William replied dumbly.

"Oh, Senior Xiu, how long will you be stuck in that powerless position?" Wang Xiaoling mocked in a deeper voice.

"I didn't say that!" William defended himself. He truly didn't.

"It sure sounded like it, brat. I warned you to watch your words when we first met, and yet you clearly do not," Wang Xiaoling shook her head. "You are in safe territory, so it matters little, but be more careful outside."

"I would have to agree with those words," Elder Yu's voice made both flinch in shock. "However, I would say the same applies to you, mortal."

William's eyes darted between Elder Yu and Wang Xiaoling. Whatever the latter was, Elder Yu couldn't sense it. There was no other reason Elder Yu would have called her mortal with such disgust.

"Before you lecture my disciple, perhaps you should consider your own words. Be careful when you aren't in a safe territory."

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This was a disastrous exchange. It was like Wang Xiaoling had personally offended Elder Yu. Whatever it was, he needed to stop it before the plan truly fell apart.

"It's fine, Elder Yu. Sister Xiaoling has known me from the start. She could be considered family."

"This one?" Elder Yu asked with disgust that William started to think he was missing something. Otherwise, this was a severe overreaction.

"I apologize for any disrespect I may have shown, Elder Yu," Wang Xiaoling bowed deeply. "I never intended any."

His knowledge of her personality meant that she must have been pained to give an apology where none was needed. Still, there was no sign of that unwillingness in her expression. She was trying.

Elder Yu didn't care and looked ready to express how much she didn't care if William hadn't interrupted.

"Er, Elder Yu, is this really about how Sister Xiaoling spoke to me?"

He fidgeted when she put her full attention on him.

"That mortal is a reason I lost a promising talent," Elder Yu's glare somehow grew stronger. "You think Li Xinyue is the only one from her family that had potential?"

William blinked owlishly as he realized who she was talking about. "Li Jie?!"

"You know him?" Elder Yu's rage was thrown, but only for a moment. "No matter. That's the name. The boy who refused to cultivate to follow this mortal."

"Elder Yu, I had no idea he made such a decision. Nor did I know he even had the opportunity!"

"Now, I see you next to her," Elder Yu ignored Wang Xiaoling. "What has she been whispering in your ear, Disciple Wei?"

William's comfortable future was getting increasingly out of reach the more Elder Yu spoke. Fatty Xu's cooking. Owning part of a prosperous merchant house. Access to plenty of Spirit Stones.

All disappearing.

A glance at Wang Xiaoling let him know she was at her limit too. It was possible for her to still throw him around like it was nothing, but that definitely didn't mean she could do the same to a nascent soul realm cultivator.

"Elder Yu, could we speak in private?" William didn't get a reply, but the door behind them opened. Xiu Jing was on the other side.

"The mortal can wait out there until I call her back."

"Of course," Wang Xiaoling bowed with an apologetic smile. "I hope any misunderstandings are cleared up."

William stared at her as she walked out until the door closed, leaving him alone with Elder Yu. He had never seen Wang Xiaoling with such dead eyes. As if all her emotions were suppressed to nothing. It made her look like a different person.

"Elder Yu, Sister Xiaoling has been of great help to me, and I can be sure that she has nothing to do with Li Jie declining the sect."

"I don't care for Li Jie," Elder Yu narrowed her eyes. "That is in the past. What I'm concerned about now is her presence around you. As unlikely as it might be, your will to stay on the path of cultivation cannot be disturbed."

William paused. "… That's the reason for your anger? Nothing else about Sister Xiaoling?"

"You make it sound trivial."

"Sister Xiaoling just gave me three thousand five hundred Spirit Stones to buy a martial skill from the auction," William said bluntly. "If anything, she is actively helping me to become a better cultivator."

That technically wasn't the truth, but it was close enough. Worth it when it stopped Elder Yu in her tracks.

"… Fascinating," a smile formed on her lips. "What martial skill is it?"

"Heavenly Thunder Scripture."

The smile grew larger. "A martial skill to negate your weakness."

"Er, yes."

Elder Yu tilted her head, staring at him for a long second. "What does she want in return? I'm assuming this must be why you came here."

"Well, it just so happens that she started a new merchant house. With the sect having close ties to Qingyun City, it would help greatly if the merchant house was given assistance to grow there," William didn't want to say more with Wang Xiaoling's warning in mind, but the frown on Elder Yu's face made him throw out the consideration. "I'm also a part owner. So Sister Xiaoling isn't the only one being helped!"

He thought there was no chance when the frown didn't disappear. It grew even more severe. He was frantically trying to decide what else to say before Elder Yu suddenly chuckled.

"This day wasn't so terrible after all."

"Elder Yu?" William's hopes rose. He didn't even have to mention Fatty Xu and his miraculous cooking. Though that had always been a last resort. Using him as a bargaining chip didn't feel right… not that he wouldn't resort to it if needed.

"I'll listen to her proposal, Disciple Wei."

The door opened immediately after she finished the sentence. Wang Xiaoling looked at Elder Yu warily before stepping into the office.

B2 - Chapter 45

"It seems that you have something of interest for me."

William stepped back when Elder Yu spoke, letting the two discuss what they needed without him right next to them. He also wanted to minimize the chance of another conflict starting because of him.

"Little Liang, you're involved too," Wang Xiaoling stopped him. "Stay."

So much for not being involved.

"Little Liang, was it?" Elder Yu almost sneered. "I heard you call Disciple Wei a brat. Unless I misheard?"

And so much for thinking she would tone down the strangely aggressive way of talking.

William recalled that Elder Yu implied that the day had been terrible so far. Still, believing she couldn't compartmentalize her emotions as an experienced cultivator was hard for him.

More importantly, Wang Xiaoling had a look on her face that meant nothing good. It was usually followed by insults or the like, and that would be a death sentence here.

"Sister Xiaoling! Why don't you talk about your intentions in Qingyun City! And the help the merchant house can give to the sect! You went over this on the way here—"

"You're right. I called him a brat. So what? I knew the kid since I almost ran him over with my wagon! Before he ever met anyone from your sect!" Wang Xiaoling lost her temper, likely not having even heard William.

He let out an audible groan and buried his face into his hands.

"You were doing so well," his voice was muffled. "Why did you ruin everything now?"

"So what? I don't want help from someone like her anyway!" Wang Xiaoling continued to dig herself into a deeper hole. "I'd rather let the merchant house die than stomach this any longer!"


William's heart skipped a beat when a subtle weight pressed down on his body. His hands fell away from his face to see the room dimmer than before. Elder Yu was giving Wang Xiaoling a death glare, and it was far too effective.

Wang Xiaoling was trembling as she struggled to stay on her feet. Clearly, she was feeling far more pressure than he was at the moment. Likely Elder Yu's intention.

It felt like a significantly diluted version of what he experienced when Sophia made him fall unconscious with her sheer presence.

The plan was no longer a concern. He needed to save Wang Xiaoling's life. He wouldn't stand by and let her be killed like Cao Rui was by Lan Yin.

As terrible as it was to think about, he didn't have much attachment to Cao Rui. It was strangely easy to gloss over his death and put it in the far reaches of his mind. That would not be the case with Wang Xiaoling.


"You are acting," Elder Yu interrupted William and looked curious as she walked to the trembling Wang Xiaoling.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"This," Elder Yu motioned her hand at her, the pressure in the room increasing drastically.

William could feel his throat constricting as breathing became a chore, and talking was practically impossible. Wang Xiaoling was experiencing far worse. She had collapsed in a heap on the floor.

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For the first time, he felt a hot anger pierce through his body, all directed at Elder Yu. He already knew it was likely that Wang Xiaoling's life would end today. There was only one choice left now, and all it would do was delay her death.

Escape was impossible. Not when they were inside the Jade Healing Sect. Not when they were on the Administration Peak, where there was no doubt multiple elders always had a presence. Especially not when Elder Yu, a nascent soul realm cultivator specializing in combat, was the opponent.

No, escape would be the worst thing to attempt. Appealing to Elder Yu's mercy was the only way, and that required him to have the ability to speak.

"Still an act," Elder Yu commented. She was standing over Wang Xiaoling's trembling body. "How is this possible?"

[-200 Spiritual Energy]

Qi burst into existence around his body, flickering like blue flames.

Activating [Force Multiplier] let him move his body, but he could still feel a slight pressure surrounding him. William's body blurred as he used every bit of his enhanced strength to move between Elder Yu and Wang Xiaoling, an already unwise move that became terrible at the unimpressed look he was receiving.

Still, he tried to defend Wang Xiaoling. "Sister Xiaoling is just stressed, Elder Yu. There's no reason to hurt her. Exile her! Or fines! Or both!"

William tensed when Elder Yu poked at his forehead. Dodging wasn't an option since it was done before he could react. It didn't hurt him, but [Force Multiplier] immediately deactivated, leaving him helpless once again. Before he could even think about giving it another try, he felt his Qi slow to a crawl inside his spiritual pathways.

It was a familiar feeling. One that he despised. Instead of the Baleful Star Medallion, Elder Yu caused it.

William's body collapsed like a string was cut, but instead of hitting the floor, he stayed afloat.

"Do you know what I demanded of Prince Yuan?" Elder Yu asked casually, eyes locked on Wang Xiaoling's body with interest. William couldn't speak, so he said nothing. The question was rhetorical. "I took Mei Lingxi away from him, but I originally asked for his life. A reasonable request after he disrespected me by not showing me respect."

William shuddered when Elder Yu looked at him. "What do you think I'll do to a mortal that doesn't put me in her eyes? A mortal that courts death by insulting me in my sect?"

This was the end of Wang Xiaoling. If she had just gone to the auction like she had planned, nothing of this would have—

"If you care about Disciple Wei whatsoever, you will stop your act right now. He is already resigned to your death. Unless your so-called relationship with him is worth less than nothing."

William thought he was seeing Elder Yu's sadistic side for the first time, but when Wang Xiaoling stopped trembling and sighed, his mind went blank. She stood up, the frown of her lips growing larger when she looked at his floating body.

"So there was some truth in your affection, at the very least," Elder Yu tilted her head. "I never thought I would see one of your kind in my lifetime. You should be dead at this age."

"Well… I'm alive," Wang Xiaoling motioned at her own body, "as you can see."

"Hmm," Elder Yu looked her up and down as if she had never seen anything like her. "You truly are courting death by coming here."

William's heart picked up speed, making Elder Yu raise a brow. "Calm yourself, Disciple Wei. She will not be harmed."

That gave visible relief to both William and Wang Xiaoling.

"How do you survive—" Elder Yu cut herself off. "That can be discussed later. You wanted my help. Very well, you have it."

He was so stunned by the about-face that he barely registered that his Qi was no longer slowed, nor did the pressure around his body as he was let back on his feet.

"Really?" William's body might not have realized it was free, but his mouth certainly did.

"Indeed," Elder Yu replied. "If you think of her as a close relative, then it is only right that I do my best to help."

He doubted that was the reason but wouldn't dig for the truth. They got what was needed.

"What do you want in return?" Wang Xiaoling asked with suspicion. William found it foolish. It was like asking a predator why it was letting them go.

"You will know after I speak to the Sect Master," Elder Yu paused, heading to her desk and picking out an inconspicuous jade token. She handed it to Wang Xiaoling. "Keep this on your person at all times. You will never be discovered as long as you do."

William saw something unexpected as Wang Xiaoling pocketed the jade token.

[Name: Wang Xiaoling | Level: 10]

That had previously shown her level as three. The level now at ten reminded him of Prince Yuan, who he suspected to have possession of something that confuses the system.

"Step out once more," Elder Yu ordered. "I must speak to Disciple Wei in private."

Wang Xiaoling looked at William quizzically, and with a little… suspicion? He wasn't sure why, but there was no other option here. He nodded. It was enough for her to exit the office.

B2 - Chapter 46

There was nothing said for a few seconds after Wang Xiaoling left. The sudden reversal of expectations, while preferred, still rattled William, so he appreciated the time to gather himself.

"What did you expect to achieve by using Force Multiplier?" Elder Yu didn't look offended, just genuinely curious.

"I needed to be able to speak, and that was the only way possible," William replied. "I didn't know you had no intention of harming her, Elder Yu. I apologize for assuming you would."

"Hm," Elder Yu crossed her arms. "I'm not sure if I should commend your bravery or not. What would you have done if there was another cultivator in my place with a similar cultivation realm?"

He opened his mouth, intending to say that he wouldn't be so rash… but that might not be true. There was no way to know for sure without that actual situation happening.

"So it wasn't bravery, but stupidity," Elder Yu frowned.

"No," William shook his head before pausing. "Well, not completely. I would have tried to help Sister Xiaoling, but instead of immediately putting myself in harm's way, I would offer something in exchange."

"Not the best plan, but better," Elder Yu seemed mollified. "I would still prefer that you retreat from such a situation, but that isn't always realistic."

He watched her go to her desk and pick up two jade tokens similar to the one she had given to Wang Xiaoling.

"You'll be holding on to these," Elder Yu returned, offering the tokens to him. "Merchant Wang will need them for her continued life."

[Equip Detected]

[Calculating cost per use]

[Cost | 1 Spiritual Energy per day]

[Equip has use limit | 100 days]

William glanced over the system messages, quickly understanding why he was given these after seeing the time limit. It was to provide him with more control over Wang Xiaoling. If he was really paranoid, it was also to let him know that Elder Yu had more of these to give if necessary, and it would depend on her grace.

It just so happens that William was really paranoid. He didn't think that she meant him any harm, but he also wasn't naive enough to assume that extended to Wang Xiaoling.

"What are these, Elder Yu? And why would Sister Xiaoling's life be in danger?"

"Those are concealment tokens. Expensive to make and even harder to buy without knowing the right people. As for Merchant Wang, do you know what a living furnace is?"

William's expression froze in shock. He shouldn't know anything about them since he never bothered to find any details while at the library. Mainly because he had no intention of doing anything so savage.

However, they were commonly seen in cultivation novels. Tragic figures that were exploited from childhood, groomed to high cultivation before it was all ripped away to benefit someone else.

He put that on the same level of savagery as the trash who used souls to cultivate.

"Ah, so you know," Elder Yu said with a raised brow.

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"… It was something that I learned a little about in the Shard," William lied, using the secret realm as a convenient excuse again.

"Then you know the Empress outlawed the use of living furnaces long ago."

"So why would her life be in—"

"Because the benefit is just too great," Elder Yu interrupted. "Even the Empire will not enforce that law. Not when some in the imperial family use it to great effect."

William clenched his fists in worry. He had assumed there was something special about Wang Xiaoling, but not like this. It wasn't something that ever passed his thoughts when he wondered what it could be.

She had been too comfortable around cultivators, and her presence at the heart of a powerful sect meant she was either careless or stupid. If he had to guess, her greed for money made her both.

"How will this help her?" William asked, lifting the token in his grip.

"Merchant Wang's acting was excellent, but I could sense that she was not affected by my Qi pressure. The concealment token will obscure a cultivator's ability to sense her."

"Why wasn't she affected?" He frowned. "Is that something related to her being a living furnace?"

"So you don't know much about them. Good, I was a little concerned," Elder Yu chuckled before going to the shelf. "There are different levels of living furnaces. Their quality, if you will."

She sounded disgusted, which William was glad to recognize. He felt dirty just talking about this.

"Most living furnaces can get to the Nascent Soul Realm with their inherent talent," Elder Yu pulled a manual from the shelf before returning. "Some are cursed to do more than that. This will explain what you need to know."

William took the offered manual before storing it in his ring, doing the same for the tokens. He wondered why it was so thick. Were there so many variations? If there were, how many living furnaces were used to fill such a manual. "So, which one is Sister Xiaoling?"

"She is the kind that wouldn't live to see the next minute if a cultivator discovers her, even if the cultivator is usually kind. There are a few reasons a cultivator could be resistant to external Qi, but Merchant Wang is a mortal. With her, there is only one explanation. Not only is she a living furnace, she is also a perfect living pill furnace. She is one of the few ways to create an Ascension Pill."

"Ascension as in the immortal realm?" He blinked at her stupidly when she nodded. "… Is she safe in the sect?"

"Truthfully? Not until I gave her the token. But it's unbelievably hard to detect someone like her, and I only did so because of chance."

"Thank you, Elder Yu," William bowed deeply, thinking of Wang Xiaoling's outburst as even stupider than before. All she had to do was keep herself calm and this would have never happened. The only good thing that came out of this were the tokens.

Even if the tokens were a form of control over Wang Xiaoling, it was acceptable. She would likely have a fate worse than death without them.

He wasn't sure how Wang Xiaoling had survived until now, but he was confident it had something to do with her undeniably high luck, plus the likelihood of not being around powerful cultivators.

That would no longer be the case with her starting the Rising Merchant House. If she entered the wealthiest sect in the Tianxia Empire to do business at such an early stage, it was likely it would be a common occurrence to be around high-level cultivators in the near future.

Even Wang Xiaoling's high luck, destiny, or whatever was helping her, it would have been inevitable for her to be discovered.

"It was a simple fix," Elder Yu waved him off. "Aside from your friend being the equivalent of a peak treasure to cultivators, what are you planning on doing with the merchant house? You mentioned you own part of it."

William had been thinking about that but hadn't really come to a decision. He was ill-suited for management, and with Wang Xiaoling's skill at it, he didn't think it would be wise to do so anyway.

Still, with the need to help establish the merchant house in Qingyun City, he would need to be involved somehow, even if it was indirectly.

"Sister Lingxi!" William blurted out. "She was a manager at the treasure pavilion. It's not the same, but surely her experience will help with the merchant house."'

"That's an option, one I approve of. I was a little concerned you would waste time on this," Elder Yu smiled. "Speaking of Attendant Mei, where is she?"

"Ah, she's exploring the common grounds while I'm at the auction." William kept Lan Yang out of his answer. He wasn't sure if it was an issue for Mei Lingxi to be away from him.

"I see," Elder Yu raised her hand and extended her pointing finger. "Let's see what she had to say about this."

William's eyes bulged in surprise when she swiped down, the air ripping along her finger to create a portal with Mei Lingxi staring at them from the other side.

B2 - Chapter 47

"Young Master!? Elder Yu!?" Mei Lingxi said in shock.

"Beauty Mei, who are you—an elder!" An unknown cultivator commented from out of view. William's lip twitched in amusement at hearing the male voice.

It was nice to feel something else after being in a constant state of concern. Even if it was at the expense of whoever the poor man was.

"Attendant Mei, your presence is required. Step through the portal."

"Yes, Elder Yu," Mei Lingxi quickly gathered some manuals and papers on the desk behind her before doing as ordered.

The portal closed behind her.

"Greetings, Elder Yu," Mei Lingxi smiled sweetly. "And to you too, Young Master. You left me to wander around the common grounds for a few days. Can I assume you were at the auction?"

"Ah, right," William flushed with embarrassment. He had forgotten she wasn't aware. "Senior Lan took me there without warning."

"I see. I had so much fun the past fewdays, and it would be a shame if you didn't experience the same," Mei Lingxi's tone was so sarcastic even a fool could recognize it.

"This can be discussed when not in my presence. Attendant Mei, you were called to take on a task. Disciple Wei now owns part of a merchant house that the sect will soon support from a distance. To avoid distracting him with such matters, you will be the ones to make decisions on his behalf."

Mei Lingxi's sour expression immediately brightened.


"Indeed," Elder Yu pointed at the door, which was getting a lot of use. "The majority owner is past that door. Discuss with her about the best way you can help. Remember that this is still secondary to your duties to Disciple Wei."

"Of course!" Mei Lingxi chirped and looked eager to leave, but she addressed William first."Young Master, these are notes I took during a lecture about formations. I also had help from Doorma—er, a kind disciple who gave me manuals that a beginner should focus on learning first."

William took the handwritten notes and manuals she had in her hands with a surprised expression. "Thank you, Sister Lingxi."

"You're welcome! We can talk later!" Mei Lingxi rushed to the door, opening it to see Wang Xiaoling and Xiu Jing on the other side. "Greetings! Which one of you owns the merch—"

The door closed, cutting off Mei Lingxi's sentence.

"She had gotten more comfortable," Elder Yu commented.

"Sister Lingxi was always eager with her new role, but that has increased since Zheng Tao revealed himself as a traitor." William stored what Mei Lingxi gave him in his ring. He had a starting point with learning formations, but everything must be double-checked.

He doubted that it would be necessary, but there was no way he would risk learning the wrong information again, not after his experience with Zheng Tao.

"Good. Attendant Mei will be an asset to you if she is invested," Elder Yu chuckled. "With all the miscellaneous issues out of the way, tell me, have you made good use of the Qi refining room at the auction house?"

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William was a little taken aback, but it didn't take more than a moment to understand Elder Yu's focus. She likely didn't care much about Wang Xiaoling being a living furnace or about the merchant house. Not when compared to his progress in cultivation.

He hadn't been blind to how much attention he received from the sect. It's too bad he would have to disappoint her about what he had done in the Qi refining room.

"I mastered martial arts at the novice level," William revealed, quickly adding his reasoning when Elder Yu's expression changed. "I attempted to cultivate, but my progress was too slow for the short time I had with the refining room."

"It was slow for you," Elder Yu repeated with some disbelief. "… I suppose I can see why you would choose to learn martial arts. Your Force Multiplier would be helped slightly if you are proficient. However, I ask you to stop going further until you learn Heavenly Thunder Scripture."

William nodded, though reluctant. "Senior Lan warned me that gaining a higher mastery will be exponentially more difficult."

"Indeed. It is only worth your time if you have no other skill to perfect," Elder Yu confirmed what Lan Yang said. "Make sure to have Disciple Yang help you with Heavenly Thunder Scripture. I want you to master the Human-Tier before you venture out of the sect. Even better if you start to learn the Earth-Tier. Fixing your weakness is mandatory."

"Yes, Elder Yu," William agreed. He intended to do that anyway. He didn't plan to be helpless if close combat wasn't an option.

"Do you have any other questions? If you do, this is the time to ask. I'll leave the sect soon for an undetermined amount of time."

He stared in surprise. He did have some but felt they were best saved for a later time when he knew more about Elder Yu's motivations.

Then again, what had transpired in the office told William more than he could have ever hoped. He already had trust in Elder Yu when she kept his secrets after returning from the Shard; now, that trust was heightened. She didn't blink an eye at keeping Wang Xiaoling's situation a secret.

Elder Yu might not have been able to use this Ascension Pill for herself, but there was no doubt a flailing Dao Seeker would have rewarded her with riches that boggled the mind if Wang Xiaoling was handed over.

William didn't fool himself by thinking Elder Yu was doing all of this out of the goodness of her heart. Still, whatever her goal was, it seemed that it was near impossible to move her from it.

"I need help choosing a Heaven-Tier martial skill."

"… Choose?" Elder Yu frowned. "Who is offering you a choice between Heaven-Tier skills?"

"When I said I gained a Heaven-tier Martial Skill from the Shard, it wasn't a lie, but there is more to it. I have a choice between five martial skills, and I get to choose the one I prefer."

Elder Yu stared at him silently. Long enough that he felt the need to break the silence.

"Elder Yu?"

She shook her head slightly. "That's… hard to process, Disciple Wei. Heaven-tier martial skills are best chosen when you know what you specialize in. That involves understanding Dao, which is still far out of your reach. In fact, it could even be fatal before the Core Formation Realm."

William already assumed most of that, and as for the last sentence, he had personally experienced it. There was a reason he refused to think of regaining access to Perception Dao.

Daoist Chen had outright told him that his life wouldn't be saved a second time, and he didn't want to take a gamble on it. The most frightening part of previously gaining access to Perception Dao was that he had no idea why it had happened.

It was buried in the deep recesses of his mind, but there was a constant fear that the same thing would happen again. If a regular observation of the food market was enough to trigger it, anything could cause its reactivation.

"Is there a way to prevent understanding Dao?"

Elder Yu stared at him again. She was doing that frequently. "… Prevent? Do you think it is so easy to understand? Most cultivators don't touch a Dao until they reach the Nascent Soul realm."

It should be good to know he was an outlier here, but unfortunately, it happened to be fatal to be too good.

"Still, is there a way to prevent it?" William pressed.

Elder Yu narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Your reluctance will be enough to prevent you from ever understanding Dao. It requires acceptance, not wariness. Remove such an unnecessary fear, Disciple Wei. You are only going to hold yourself back in the future."

He forced himself to nod solemnly and not show his relief. "Yes, Elder Yu."

"Good. Tell me of the Heaven-Tier skills you can choose from. Maybe we can rule out some that are blatantly ill-suited for you."

William doubted it would be so easy since Sophia had told him all the martial skills would suit him. Still, Elder Yu was right. She could help him prioritize the skills.

B2 - Chapter 48

[Name: Divine Dragon Claw]

[Description: A swipe of the hand that summons a dragon claw made of Qi, which can grab and crush enemies from afar. The claw can also be combined with the user's Dao, creating unique variations that increase the effectiveness of the skill. Overuse of the skill will cause the user to take on draconic traits.]

[Name: Celestial Lotus Palm]

[Description: A palm strike that creates a large lotus flower made of qi, which can envelop and trap targets inside. The lotus flower can also release a fragrance that can calm the mind and heal the body or a poison that can corrode the soul. Using either fragrance or poison will cause the user to experience the reverse of the targets inside the lotus flower.]

[Name: Divine Phoenix Feather]

[Description: A skill that allows the user to transform into a phoenix, gaining it's attributes at a variable cost. The phoenix can also heal any wound and regenerate any lost limb, making the user virtually immortal while the skill is active. The overuse of the skill will attract the attention of the Immortal Phoenix, who will seek to claim your soul for its descendants.]

[Name: Heaven Shattering Fist]

[Description: A punch that unleashes a shockwave of pure Qi, capable of shattering mountains and cracking the sky. The shockwave can travel for hundreds of miles, destroying anything in its path.]

[Name: Nine Suns Palm]

[Description: A palm strike that emits up to nine beams of golden light, each representing one of the nine suns in the ancient legend. The beams can pierce through any defense and burn anything they touch, including the very soul of the targets. A heavy price is exacted after each use of this skill, crippling the user to a state equal to the weakest of their cultivation realm until healed.]

He glanced over the information before realizing there might be an issue. The idea of choosing a Heaven-tier martial skill. Elder Yu didn't say anything about the oddness of having a 'choice' without someone to present him with what he picked.

In his case, the system would be giving him the pick, but it's not like that was common in this world. Either Elder Yu was still rattled about him having the option to have his pick between multiple Heaven-tier martial skills, or things like this happened more often than he thought.

Whatever it was, William had no intention of bringing attention to it unless Elder Yu asked him directly. He would decide how to proceed then.

"Elder Yu, do you have something I could write on?"

She stepped to her desk and pulled out a piece of blank paper and a pen. "This isn't necessary. You could just tell me the details."

"It's better this way," William picked up the pen and started to write down the details. "Some of the descriptions of what can be done with the skills are unbelievable."

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"… So it seems," Elder Yu agreed, picking up the paper after he was finished. Her usually blank expression was anything but that. "Who did you get these from, Disciple Wei?"

She was rereading the paper, finding it more interesting than looking at him, which was fair. William would feel the same. However, the question concerned him.

"From the Shard, Elder Yu."

"Yes," she finally looked at him, "but who? I have heard of some of these, but most have been lost to time."

William fidgeted, not wanting to reveal Sophia was directly involved. However, he also didn't know if getting away with a lie that was too specific was possible. After all, he knew very little about the Shard compared to Elder Yu.

Lord Paddlington was another option, but revealing the turtle was risky since it could easily lead to its creator, Sophia.

"The Empress was involved."

Or Elder Yu would figure out where it came from without him having to reveal anything.

"No need to say anything, Disciple Wei. The lucky few who came across the treasures the Empress left behind were usually restricted in speaking of it."

William took the offered excuse as his truth. "Thank you, Elder Yu. I wasn't sure how to explain."

She had returned to reading over what he had written. "The benefit of martial skills at the Heaven-tier is that there is nothing of a higher tier until the immortal realm. They are the peak martial skills a cultivator can learn in this world."

He nodded, though Elder Yu wasn't looking at him. He hadn't been aware that a higher tier could be learned in the immortal realm, but that didn't matter much since everyone in that realm was forced to ascend. Nothing to worry about until much, much later.

"In a sense, they could be considered an equalizer," Elder Yu continued. "A talented cultivator can start to learn a Heaven-tier martial skill in the Core Formation realm, and there have been instances where such cultivators fully mastered a Heaven-tier martial skill to kill someone at the peak of the Nascent Soul realm."

William's heart skipped a beat. He wanted to have that type of security.

"There is one issue here that can't be fixed, Disciple Wei. Finding the corresponding lower-tier skills for most of these will be nearly impossible. You will have to take on the task of creating a Human-tier and Earth-tier skill that is perfectly compatible, which is a near impossibility."

He had forgotten to include that part. "Er, that won't be an issue. Whichever skill I pick, I will get all the three tiers."

Elder Yu glanced at him for a moment before she chuckled. "Of course you will. Very well, in that case, the choices here are fairly straightforward. There is one there that I can rule out immediately. Divine Phoenix Feather."

"Why is that?" William frowned. It was actually one of his favorites. The idea of transforming into a phoenix and becoming immortal for the skill's duration sounded like the ultimate safety card.

"Anything that attracts the attention of a divine beast is to be avoided. What I dislike the most is how vague the requirements are to draw its attention. What if 'overuse' in this context means using it a few times?"

He grimaced before reluctantly agreeing. "… That makes sense."

"Next, I would suggest that you discard Celestial Lotus Palm. This reeks of the Karma Dao. You will be toeing a fine line to prevent the heavens from punishing you; that is not a metaphor. An imbalance will attract Heavenly Punishment, which will erase your soul."

William nodded rapidly, throwing that skill out of consideration without hesitation.

"That leaves three," Elder Yu hummed in thought. "Nine Suns Palm is a well-known martial skill with historical records detailing its advantages and disadvantages. In short, it is a skill that usually ends in pyrrhic victory. However, this skill will also allow you to kill cultivators above you by a major realm."

"Are the other two skills too weak for that?"

"All Heaven-tier martial skills have the potential to let you fight above your realm. The difference with Nine Suns Palm is that you do not need full mastery over it to do so."

Elder Yu ruled out Divine Phoenix Feather and Celestial Lotus Palm, then spoke about Nine Suns Palm. He hoped it was the worst of the three that weren't eliminated because the skill was overpowered in his perspective.

It would be a dream to have two martial skills which were better.

B2 - Chapter 49

"What about Divine Dragon Claw?" William brought attention to the one he was most interested in out of the two left. "The penalty for that is vague, just like Divine Phoenix Feather."

"That it is," Elder Yu nodded, "and in some ways, it's barely better than attracting a divine beast. Draconic traits might mean mannerisms or their physical form, which would turn you into something other than human. Before I say anything else, did you write down every detail you know of the skill?"

"It's all there," William promised.

"Then even with that penalty, Divine Dragon Claw is a martial skill you must seriously consider. I have only heard of a few that would incorporate Dao into the martial skill, and all of them have been used by peak existences that have long since ascended. Empress Sophia was one of them."

"… Shouldn't that automatically make this the martial skill to choose?" William asked unsurely. There was a lot of praise associated with it that the others couldn't compare with.

"It should," Elder Yu agreed. "Let's take myself as an example. I have some understanding of Space Dao. Although the skill's attack description seems mediocre, incorporating Space Dao could make it monstrous. Think of the possibility of manipulating the space around the claw to make it unpredictable. With enough understanding of Space Dao, you could also store the claw in a pocket dimension to use as an ambush. Maybe even pulling your enemy into the void."

William felt she could go on for a while with the possibilities, but a question was sticking out in his mind. "Er, shouldn't I be able to do that with any martial skill? Why would I be stopped from using a Dao to enhance the others?"

"You would think so, but no," Elder Yu shook her head. "It would depend on how the skill was created. Something like the Divine Dragon Claw is unheard of. Your description implies that every Dao is applicable. If this wasn't from Empress Sophia, I would question its existence."

He nodded slowly, mind going in another direction altogether. If the only thing special about [Divine Dragon Claw] was its compatibility with Dao, his interest in it was significantly lowered. As awesome as creating a dragon claw made out of Qi would be, he thought he already had something even better.

[Force Multiplier] could have real potential if he could take it all the way to Heaven-tier while also incorporating whatever Dao he eventually specialized in. The issue was he had no idea of how to do it and the difficulty involved.

"Elder Yu," William started thoughtfully, "would it be possible for me to make Force Multiplier a comparable martial skill to Divine Dragon Claw?"

She made to reply before stopping herself, frowning as she studied him. "… I would usually advise against it, but it's not out of the question. Remember, even though you created that martial skill, making it an Earth-tier skill is exponentially harder. Again, when trying to make it a Heaven-tier. This is without considering the issue of incorporating the use of Dao."

"So not impossible," William replied with hope.

"No, it's not," Elder Yu fell silent, pursing her lips in thought for a few seconds before sighing. "I can see why you wish to go this route. However, this is not something I feel comfortable advising you on since I have no experience with it."

"I understand, Elder Yu," William nodded. Even with the minimal information, he was already leaning toward rejecting [Divine Dragon Claw]. The penalty was simply not worth it if there was an alternative he could create himself.

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As if reading his thoughts, she added another warning. "One more thing to consider. While the penalty of the Divine Dragon Claw might—no, is harsh, there is no guarantee that yours will be less severe if you manage to succeed in creating it. It will depend on your skill."

He winced, somehow having forgotten that [Force Multiplier] had its own undesirable overuse side effects. "Right, I'll keep that in mind."

"Hm, moving on to the last martial skill, Heaven Shattering Fist. This one is the most recognizable, with numerous records detailing the effects of the skill. I would have ruled this out for you since you are not a body cultivator, but for reasons beyond me, you have somehow made yourself into a pseudo-body cultivator."

"It wasn't on purpose, but that does seem to be the case," William chuckled awkwardly. "Where would you rank this, Elder Yu?"

"It would depend. Do you intend to continue with your current path? Or are you going to pivot to traditional cultivation techniques?"

"Er, shouldn't you guide me with that?"

"Do you feel unsatisfied? Or have a sense that you are in danger of experiencing disaster with your current path?"

"No," William denied firmly. He felt that everything had been going well for him so far.

"Then I will not tell you what your path should be. Nor should you listen to anyone else who tries to do so. Even if well-intentioned, they will not know what is best for you, nor do I. It will just be a guess. Think of me as an option of last resort."

"Yes, Elder Yu," William nodded. With that being the case, he quite enjoyed using his fists to solve his issues. "Where would you rank Heaven Shattering Fist if I continued my current path?"

"It would be interchangeable with Divine Dragon Claw," Elder Yu looked pained to admit that. "Heaven Shattering Fist has little to no downsides but comes at the cost of having a simple effect. The description you wrote down isn't wrong, technically, but it's not as impressive as it sounds. Especially against other cultivators."

William thought over it silently as Elder Yu walked to her shelf and searched the manuals. "… Wouldn't this be replicated by Force Multiplier if I can create a Heaven-tier version?"

"It would," Elder Yu agreed as she pulled out two manuals of a smaller size. "Again, this assumes that you will be able to succeed. Here."

William once again found himself accepting manuals. Just like the others, nothing told him what it was about. "What are these for?"

"Records of Nine Suns Palm and Heaven Shattering Fist. Witness accounts of the times they were used and the confirmed details of the skills. I gave you my opinions, but you must decide which martial skill suits you best."

He stored the manuals in his ring before bowing deeply. "Thank you again."

"Hm, it is what I should do," Elder Yu smiled. "I'm happy you were comfortable asking me, Disciple Wei. I know it could not have been easy."

William returned the smile. "You have been nothing but helpful to me, Elder Yu."

"As I said, it is what I should do," Elder Yu repeated, though she was clearly happier than before. "Shall we see if Attendant Mei has figured out her new position? I'm sure you must be eager to return to the auction and claim your winnings."

He blinked in surprise as he followed her to the door. It brought up something that completely passed his mind.

"Elder Yu, would it be possible to use the Qi refining room at the auction house after the auction ends?"

"I was wondering if this would come up," she laughed lightly. "Unfortunately, no, it's not possible. The way they are built requires all the formations at the auction house to be active, which is far too expensive for the sect to bear for one disciple."

"Oh," William's shoulders slumped. "I hoped otherwise."

"The rooms at the auction house are excellent but not the best the sect has to offer," Elder Yu said in consolation. "For a fee, you can rent a Qi Refining room on one of the peaks. Of course, this requires a good relationship with a peak member."

"… So I would get access to one on the Sentinel Peak?"

"Perhaps," Elder Yu smirked. "But that will be up to you, and so will the costs, unlike in the auction house. I'm sure you wouldn't want other disciples to view you as privileged."

William privately thought it was already too late for that.

"Any more questions?"

He thought about it seriously before shaking his head.

"Then let's get you back to the auction house." Elder Yu opened the door leading to the base of the mountain.

B2 - Chapter 50

William followed Elder Yu out to see Wang Xiaoling and Mei Lingxi getting along like old friends. Xiu Jing didn't seem nearly enthused as she stood to the side with a bored look on her face.

"—the city council. The sect will be able to get us a favorable meeting."

"Attendant Mei, please refrain from making promises that you might not be able to keep," Elder Yu reprimanded dryly.

"Elder Yu!" Mei Lingxi had been so engrossed in her conversation that she hadn't realized a new audience was listening. "The sect can't help?"

"It doesn't matter if the sect can or cannot. Confirm with me before you make Merchant Wang any assurances."

"Of course," Mei Lingxi acquiesced. "However, arranging a meeting with the Qingyun City's council is necessary for most of our plans to be effective. Preferably with the support of a near majority of the sitting members."

"Any sect dealings with outside organizations must go through the sect master or the elder council. Minor matters such as this can be done under my name, so avoid any connection with the sect to be safe."

"As you say, Elder Yu!" Mei Lingxi agreed happily, turning to a far less exuberant Wang Xiaoling. "Sister Wang, looks like we can get started immediately."

"So it seems," Wang Xiaoling nodded with a slight smile.

William assumed the conversation with Elder Yu was still weighing on her mind. Wang Xiaoling's expression had become reserved the moment she saw them walk out. He decided to save her.

"Sister Xiaoling, I was going to head back to the auction. Why don't you and Sister Lingxi come with me? We might catch the end of it."

Mei Lingxi perked up. "That sounds like an excellent—"

"You must pass on that, Attendant Mei," Elder Yu interrupted. "I'll need the details of your plan of action."

"Ah," Mei Lingxi, to her credit, didn't get flustered. "I'll join you soon, Young Master. Sister Wang, may our cooperation be fruitful!"

William waved at them before they entered Elder Yu's office and noticed that Wang Xiaoling was visibly more relaxed.

"Follow me,"

Xiu Jing didn't seem to be in the mood to make small talk as she led them back to the mountain's edge.

"Thank you, Senior Xiu," William offered as a farewell when they reached.


He blinked at Xiu Jing's retreating back. That was rude.

"Sister Xiaoling, did we somehow offend her?"

"Hm?" Wang Xiaoling stared at him, clueless. "What was that?"

"… Nothing," William let it go. He wanted to speak with her about her being a living furnace, but that wasn't wise with them walking through the common grounds.

That was for the best since Wang Xiaoling clearly wasn't in the mood to talk in the first place. He would give her some time before bringing it back up. It wasn't like she would be far from the sect… he didn't actually know that for sure.

"Will you be staying for a while?" William asked, expanding when Wang Xiaoling looked at him curiously. "You were talking to Sister Lingxi and seemed to have come to an agreement."

Wang Xiaoling finally seemed to regain the spark she had while speaking to Mei Lingxi. "Maybe for a month or two until it's time to move into Qingyun City."

System alerts popped up immediately, but he was experienced enough by now to know he couldn't just stare at them in the middle of a conversation.

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"That's great, Sister Xiaoling!" William smiled. "You'll be safer here anyway."

"Hm." She didn't look enthused at the idea. The uninterested reply also told him that she preferred not to speak.

William took that the sign to read his alerts.

[Side Quest Completed | Fatty Xu makes delicious food with miraculous effects. Keep him nearby]

[You now have access to Fatty Xu's cooking]

[+3000 XP]

[Level Up! | 10 Stat Points Added]

He had completely forgotten about that side quest, and he was surprised that such a small amount of experience points could push him to the next level. Come to think of it, he couldn't remember the last time he had looked at his stats.

William supposed the safety of staying in the sect played a large part. Still, he was curious about it now.

Name: Wei Liang (William)

Age: 14

Level: 117

Experience: 248/14625

Cultivation: Foundation Establishment (Early Stage)

Health: 2100/2100

Spiritual Energy: 1080/1080 (20% per Hour)

Spirit: 216

Strength: 110

Stamina: 110

Agility: 120

Luck: 150

Points: 232

Most of what he saw didn't surprise him. He had been vaguely aware of where his stats were at, even if the exact numbers were unknown to him.

However, the thing that shocked him wasn't something he generally paid attention to. After all, it had never changed since he came to this world.

His age.

At some point during the time William ignored his stats, he turned fourteen. He mentally queried the system about the exact time, but as was typical, he was ignored.

"Something wrong?"

He glanced at Wang Xiaoling, seeing that she was asking the question with no real interest. He never thought that he would miss being called 'brat' or whatever other slightly insulting thing she deemed fit, depending on mood.

William had to remind himself she was likely going through an upheaval. Time would let her recover.

"It's nothing," he waved off her show of concern. With how easily Wang Xiaoling accepted it without grilling him like she usually would, he could confirm she didn't really care.

He pressed his lips together and turned into a smaller street leading out of the residential area. He would need to find a place where she wouldn't be disturbed while she was out of it. The hotel wouldn't do. Maybe the dwelling he would be assigned in the common grounds.

William shoved that out of mind, resolving to deal with it when it came up. There was one more thing he had ignored in addition to his stats. The quests that he had active. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been surprised by completing one of them unintentionally.

Side Quests (6):

1. Daoist Chen has challenged you to become a Nascent Soul cultivator in ten years for a reward

2. Mission: Investigating Strange Occurrences

3. Kill Zheng Tao and the cell he belongs to

4. Visit the Jade Cauldron Peak

5. Become a martial arts expert

6. Help Rising Merchant House gain a foothold in Qingyun City

Of all the quests, the first two could be put on the lowest priority. The first was a quest that wouldn't be completed for years, so nothing to pay attention to. As for the second, he still wasn't sure if completing it was worth the effort.

The reward was only a hundred points, an equivalent of the same in Qi stones. If William ever did the mission, it wouldn't be for the reward since that amount was far too little. His eyes had been opened during the auction to what real wealth was… and he had been given numerous Spirit Stones by Xu Feng.

He didn't think much of measly Qi Stones anymore.

As for the other four quests, two were more long-term. Becoming a martial arts expert looked like it would take him a while to accomplish, and killing Zheng Tao, as good as it would feel, might take even longer.

William didn't forget that a Core Formation realm cultivator personally retrieved him. To be safe, it would be better to assume there were multiple cultivators at that level around Zheng Tao. He might feel a burning hatred toward the boy, but that didn't mean he was also suicidal in that hatred.

That left the side quests for Rising Merchant House and the Jade Cauldron Peak. The former was already in progress with Elder Yu's help, and he intended to visit the latter as soon as the auction ended.

William skimmed the rest of the system screens to see if he missed anything else. There wasn't.

However, one thing did bother him a little.

Main Quest:


It wasn't like he could force something to be a main quest, but being without one for so long made him feel like a rudderless ship with no clear direction.

William knew that wasn't true, of course, but with the system playing such a significant role in this life, it still made him feel anxious. The problem was that he couldn't fix it with a snap of his fingers.

Perhaps a visit to the mission hall would help. Something to do after visiting Jade Cauldron Peak.

They turned into another mostly vacant street to see a familiar building in the distance.

"We're almost there, Sister Xiaoling."

"Hm." Wang Xiaoling sounded like she couldn't care less.

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B2 - Chapter 51

William frowned as he entered his private room. It didn't feel right to split from Wang Xiaoling. However, she pushed him away, insisting she be alone with collecting the payment for the items she had put in the auction.

He hoped this was another one of her peculiar money-grubbing habits, not wanting him to see how many Spirit Stones she would receive. Unfortunately, he suspected that wasn't the case, not with how honest she was when her business was the topic.

No, William was starting to think that Wang Xiaoling was trying to put distance between them. He wasn't sure if it was over him finding out she was a living furnace or if she thought he was now suspect. She clearly disliked Elder Yu, and having that private talk couldn't have helped his image in her eyes.

Whatever it was, he needed to avoid any misunderstanding before it was too late.

"Was there a problem, Junior Wei?"

William's frown disappeared when he saw Lan Yang staring at him with a raised brow. "No, everything's fine."

"Is it?" Lan Yang walked closer. "Then why do you look like someone stole your martial skill? The one that you paid far too much for."

William blinked in surprise at the jade token dangling between Lan Yang's fingers. Then he realized what the older cultivator said.

"What do you mean by stolen?" The frown returned with a vengeance, now with a glare.

"The look on your face!" Lan Yang burst out laughing. "Here."

His eyes widened in shock when the jade token was thrown at him. He instinctively caught it, getting system alerts that he hadn't seen in what felt like ages.

[Martial Skill detected]

[Multiple tiers available. Accessing Human-Tier martial skill]

[Heavenly Thunder Infusion]

[Calculating compatibility]

[Displaying information]

Heavenly Thunder Infusion - (0% Compatibility)

Accumulate and infuse your body with Lightning Qi and Thunder Qi to prepare for the next tier of the martial skill. Additional effects include passive increases in the Strength, Stamina, and Agility attributes. The passive effect will vary based on the amount of Lightning Qi and Thunder Qi infused in your body.

William only gave the system alerts a short glance, but it wasn't short enough to stop his face from showing too many emotions at what he read.

Not only was the name different from [Heavenly Thunder Scripture], but it also seemed to be a martial skill that focused on his physical attributes. It was as if the world was telling him to give up and be a body cultivator.

"Good comprehension skills, Junior Wei!" Lan Yang praised, seeing the realization of his face. "I didn't expect you to understand the details of the martial skill so quickly."

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He chuckled awkwardly but accepted the praise as if that was what he did. He was used to it anyway. "Thank you, Senior Yang, but did you know about this? The name of the Human-Tier skill isn't the same."

"I knew about it once they delivered the token. It might be bad etiquette to take a peek, but it is necessary to guide you through the basics—" He paused. "You do want me to do that, right?"

William wasn't bothered by Lan Yang's assumption. "Yes, I do. But really, why is the name different?"

The immediate thought that his mind wanted to go to was a scam, but this was sold in the auction, known for its supposed fairness. Even if that wasn't the case, Wang Xiaoling was the person who put it in the auction in the first place.

"It's not common, but there are times that every tier on a martial skill could have its own name. Heavenly Thunder Scripture must be the overarching name of it."

"I see," William felt some amusement. "So Human-Tier is basically a movement skill."

"That was my first thought, too," Lan Yang laughed. "Seems like we both had a good auction."

He had forgotten about the bracelets. "Congratulations, Senior Yang! So you won it easily, then? No trouble from the Wei Clan member?"

"I did!" Lan Yang patted the ring on his finger. "And no, I didn't have much trouble at all. It also ended up selling for a slightly lower price than I expected. Don't you love it when everything works as it should?"

Before William could extend their self-congratulation talk, the door to the Qi refining room opened.

"Oh, Senior Lan, Brother Wei," Xu Feng greeted, looking slightly unhappy. "The room shut off and asked me to leave."

"Hm," Lan Yang nodded. "The auction is over."

"I assumed so," Xu Feng sighed, giving a longing look at the refining room before shutting the door. "I should leave immediately. My seniors at the sect will expect me to return in a week."

"That doesn't leave you with much time to waste," Lan Yang commented. "They really gave you such a timeframe?"

"Yes, Senior Yan."

"I see. You're right. It's best to start now. We won't hold you."

William felt a little ignored when Xu Feng bowed to Lan Yang, but that didn't last long. He wasn't going to be treated as invisible after all.

"Brother Wei, I invite you to visit my Heavenly Sword Sect," Xu Feng said solemnly. "It's the only way I can repay your generosity in picking me as your guest."

"I would love to visit, Brother Xu," William replied, primarily out of politeness. It was a shame he couldn't get to know Xu Feng better, but he wasn't about to travel to a remote sect to do so. "As for repaying me, what do you call that? You owe me nothing."

He pointed at the Spirit Stones still piled up on the seat where Xu Feng originally left them.

"That is just material things," Xu Feng backed away slowly. "That has nothing to do with what I truly owe you."

William tilted his head in confusion, wondering why there was a need to exit the room in such a rush.

"I hope to see you soon, Brother Wei!" Xu Feng got in the last sentence before he escaped the room.

He had no idea what that was about, but one thing was confirmed by Xu Feng's exit. The Spirit Stones could be stored in his spatial ring.

"You didn't see me, Junior Wei?"

"What?" William looked at Lan Yang, alarmed at the amused expression he could see. "Did I get tricked into something?"

"I wouldn't say tricked. After all, you did agree to it," Lan Yang smiled. "So, when are you giving sword boy a visit?"

"A visit?" He repeated. "What do you mean? That was just an empty promise."

"Not to a sword cultivator, it isn't," Lan Yang's smile grew wider. "To them, a promise is an oath. If you break it, you can forget having a cordial relationship with the Heavenly Sword Sect, let alone sword boy."

William blinked stupidly, realizing what he might have locked himself into. If it was just Xu Feng, it might have been acceptable to stomach a soured relationship, but he didn't want to be on the wrong side of any sect, even if it was a minor one.

"You're in luck, Junior Wei," Lan Yang chuckled. "I will be going to the border near the Heavenly Sword Sect. If Elder Yu says you're ready to leave the sect, I'll take you with me."

He pressed his lips together before nodding reluctantly. It would have been better to explore on his own to find a sorely missing main quest, but maybe it could be a boon to visit Xu Feng instead of a waste of time.

… William didn't have many hopes for that.

"I'll look forward to it."

B2 - Chapter 52

"Very convincing," Lan Yang laughed, clearly too giddy to care about his displeasure. "Alright, let's leave and finish the tour of the common grounds. I delayed it long enough. I'm sure Elder Yu is cross with me already."

"She did mention that," William took pleasure in dimming Lan Yang's smile. "A few times, actually."

"Right," Lan Yang cleared his throat. "You walked in with a long face. Did something go wrong with your meeting with Elder Yu?"

Plenty of things went wrong. Or right, if it was viewed from another point of view. Still, he wasn't going to explain most of those details.

"It actually went well. Elder Yu was happy to help," William simplified it to the extreme.

"Interesting, that must be a first," Lan Yang said with doubt. "Elder Yu is never happy about anything… in fact, I've never seen her have emotions for anything."

"I'm sure she would be happy to know your thoughts, Senior Yang."

"… Have you never heard of brotherhood? You don't go running to the elders and tell them everything," Lan Yang narrowed his eyes.

"Who said I would say anything? Elder Yu seems to know these things naturally," William commented as he transferred the Spirit Stones left on the seat to his spatial ring.

He counted how many Xu Feng had left for him. Eighty-two Spirit Stones. Far more than he had assumed. He approximated Xu Feng's time in the Qi refining room and quickly understood why.

Around thirty of the Spirit Stones were for the fees the auction house charged for the Qi refining room.

"You're right about that," Lan Yang looked around as if Elder Yu was in the walls. "Let's go. I'll take you to the library. You'll likely spend most of your time there at the start."

"I do want to visit the library, but you told me we could visit the Jade Cauldron Peak first," William replied as he followed Lan Yang out of the room.

"… That's right, I did say that," Lan Yang said slowly. "Why did you want to go there? If you need any elixirs, we can get them from the market."

"Not that—Well, maybe that too, but I have corpses of spirit beasts that needed to be rendered into something useful."

"Ah, that makes more sense," Lan Yang nodded, stopping at the short line that William hadn't noticed. A staffer was scanning the cultivators' passes leaving the Red Floor.

"What's this?" William asked, drawing some eyes at the question. He didn't pay any mind to them after seeing they weren't from the sect.

"There must be something wrong with the scanning jade in the lobby," Lan Yang replied. "They are finicky things."

William's lips twitched in amusement. He didn't expect bugs to exist in cultivator-made items just like they did in electronics.

Unlike lines in the mortal world, there was no such thing as 'stuck in line' when cultivators were involved, not in a traditional sense. It didn't take longer than a minute for them to reach the front.

"Your pass, honored guest," the staffer said with a smile.

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William pulled out his Inner Court pass and wordlessly handed it over. The staffer was similar to the others he had seen deal with guests. Young and still with a bit of hope for advancement.

He wondered again at what point the sect considered that hope low enough to transfer the staffers out to something like the Garden.

"Ah, I see you have a waiver for some of the fees here," the staffer commented. "Your remaining balance comes to thirty-two Spirit Stones and forty Qi Stones. How would you like to pay?"

The staffer might have presented that as an option, but with the way his pass was being returned and the glance at his spatial ring, it was known there weren't enough sect points to cover the cost.

"With Spirit Stones," William replied.

"Wonderful," the staffer smiled. "Please touch your storage item to the tablet and allow the automatic withdrawal."

William stared at the offered tablet in surprise. It seemed like it had many uses. Interesting. He pressed his ring against the blank tablet, which pulsed a dull white.

He immediately felt a faint pulling sensation on his ring. It was weak enough that he could break it without effort, but after he confirmed the amount being retrieved from the ring, he allowed it.

The staffer pulled the tablet away with a slight bow. "Thirty-three Spirit Stones have been paid, and sixty points have been added to your sect account as change. Thank you for your patronage!"

William quickly stepped to the side, allowing the cultivator behind them to move up before following Lan Yang into the main chamber.

"The Jade Cauldron peak is best reached if we follow the edge of the common grounds," Lan Yang commented as they walked to the exit. "You won't see much, but it saves us the hassle of navigating the grounds. The end of the auction will occupy the teleportation formations for the next few hours."

"Teleportation?" William asked in surprise. "Is it really that far away?"

"No. It's a benefit for members of the Sentinel Peak," Lan Yang smirked with pride. "We have direct access to any of the peaks. Within reason, of course. It saves a lot of headaches by letting me skip the entry procedures."

"That does sound useful," William was thinking about Xiu Jing at the Administration Peak and how she could be avoided. "That would have helped Sister Xiaoling—"

He stopped, wondering how he had forgotten about her.

"Junior Wei?"

William saw Lan Yang staring at him with furrowed brows. "I need to get Sister Xiaoling. Where do the sellers go to collect payment?"

A look of frustration passed by Lan Yang's face. "Follow me."

They turned around, returned to the lobby, weaved through the crowd, and entered a hallway just beyond the reception. A guard let them pass after glancing at Lan Yang.

William stopped abruptly in unison with Lan Yang when the hallway opened into a large room that might be the most concentrated area of power he had seen in this world. Of course, that was without considering the happenings in the Shard.

Nascent Soul realm cultivators lined the wall like common guards, only several feet from each other. The room was large, but not enough to accommodate twenty or so powerful cultivators to have enough space as they probably wished.

But they weren't the focus. It was the trio in the middle. Two was which were deep in a conversation while the other looked bored out of his mind. The latter was the one who brought attention to their arrival.

"Oh, look who wandered in," Wei Ming grinned. "Looks like you're in luck, Brother Yun. You get to meet your sister's savior before we leave."

"Junior Wei?"

"Little Liang?"

Wang Xiaoling and Rong Yun looked at each other for a moment before chuckling in unison.

"Of course, Little Liang knows you," Wang Xiaoling chuckled maturely. "He's surprising me more and more."

"And I should have known Junior Wei was connected to you," Rong Yun agreed with a smile. "He has already shown his character by saving my sister. Now I see he's resourceful enough to know such a fantastic merchant."

William could barely watch. He didn't know if Rong Yun was faking this, but he knew Wang Xiaoling was.

She couldn't be this... he wasn't sure how to describe it, but it didn't feel right. Though, it did feel good to be called 'Little Liang.' Maybe she wasn't angry at him and had just needed some time to think alone.

"Alright, we all get it. Wei Liang is the best. Very good. You two can keep patting each other on the back. I'll be talking to Yang."

William wasn't the only one who couldn't watch silently, even if they both had different reasons. Honestly, he preferred the painful conversation over being in the presence of Wei Ming.

It's too bad he wouldn't get his wish.

B2 - Chapter 53

"So, Yang," Wei Ming smiled, which somehow looked mocking. "You didn't thank me for letting you have those bracelets."

"I didn't fight for that egg you wanted," Lan Yang shrugged. "We're even."

"That egg turned out to be trash," Wei Ming sneered at the mention of it. "I wish you had so I could have dumped it off to you. And don't think I forgot how you made one of my retainers pay more than he should have for that Soul Tempering Pill."

"We never had any agreement for anything other than the headlining items," Lan Yang pointed out. "Besides, I wanted to gift that pill to an elder."

"Did you? I doubt—"

William tuned out Wei Ming's voice and looked to escape the constant snipes. The best way to do that was to complete the goal he came here for.

He approached Wang Xiaoling. It didn't escape him that she somehow knew an imperial prince from the main branch of the ruling family. However, he had to assume that they were aquatinted recently.

If she had known the prince for longer, there would likely be no need to use the Jade Healing Sect to get a foothold in Qingyun City.

"Sister Xiaoling," William interrupted, "we were about to leave. Will this take long?"

Come to think of it, why was she alone with the prince in the first place? There should be a staffer close by—Oh. He hadn't noticed the old man in green sect robes mixed in with the many guards lining the wall.

At the very least, the old man also seemed to be in the Nascent Soul realm. It was still strange to see so many cultivators at that level. It made the nascent soul realm seem insignificant, which it obviously wasn't.

Still, that was barely of any comfort. Elder Yu might have given Wang Xiaoling a concealment token to hide what she was, but who knew how effective that was with so many high-level cultivators around.

"What's the hurry?" Rong Jun asked with a smile. "The auction's over, and Merchant Wang and I are having a good discussion. Also, I'm insulted that you seem to be in a rush to get away, Junior Wei."

"I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it," Wang Xiaoling interjected before William had a chance to answer. "Little Liang has tunnel vision, and he sometimes forgets himself."

"Ah, I was joking," Rong Yun laughed. "But I really would like to speak more with you, Merchant Wang. Partnering with your merchant house will be mutually beneficial."

William was ecstatic that Wang Xiaoling seemed to defend him. Being addressed as 'Little Liang' could be just for show, but surely she wouldn't try to ward off potential trouble if she had doubts about him.

"I'm not in a habit to decline such deals, but I have to ask, why my Rising Merchant House? We are new, and surely someone like you will be able to find better," Wang Xiaoling questioned.

"Better, as in more established? I have no doubt about that, but as I mentioned, you caught my attention with the number of rare items you brought to the auction. That ability is the key to establishing yourself in the capital. You need backing, of course, but that can only take you so far."

William raised a brow at that. Rong Jun spoke as if there were far more than the two items he knew of. So maybe it was her need to hide how much money she was collecting that made her insist on being alone.


Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings.

"That makes sense," Wang Xiaoling replied. "Will you be in the sect for longer? I would like to have a few days to discuss this with my partners before making a decision."

"I am leaving for the capital today." Rong Jun frowned. "It would have been ideal to get an answer as quickly as possible, but I can appreciate a well-considered response. And let me sweeten the offer since you are close to Junior Wei. I'll allow you to have full control over management decisions in the capital."

William didn't think that was much of a sweetening. Still, with the way Wang Xiaoling's eyes flashed with greed, this was something significant.

"… That is generous," she replied carefully. "I still need a few days, but I don't see my partners pushing back on this. How can I get in contact with you?"

Rong Jun pulled out a jade token and handed it to her. "Just break that, and I'll know you are willing to go forward. If you don't, then I will assume the opposite. If you need to revise any details, have Junior Wei send a message through the sect."

Wang Xiaoling glanced at William as she nodded. "Very well. Thank you, my prince."

"No thanks necessary," Rong Jun waved her off. "This will also be beneficial to me."

She smiled before addressing William. "Little Liang, hold this for me. It'll be safer with you."

He blinked in surprise as he instinctively took the offered jade token and put it in his spatial ring. It was completely unnecessary to have him hold something like this… or so he thought until he saw Rong Jun.

The smile on the prince's face as he watched their interaction said more than words ever could.

Smart. Wang Xiaoling was using their relationship to its full potential. Well, if it gets concessions in the merchant house he partly owed, he was more than happy to play along.

"Just let me know when you want it back, Sister Xiaoling," William said seriously. "It'll be safe with me until then."

"Thank you, Little Liang," Wang Xiaoling smiled sweetly.

"Good! It's a good thing we met before I had to leave, Junior Wei," Rong Jun smiled widely. "Brother Ming! Hand it off now. I'll head out first."

William stared in confusion at Rong Jun's retreating back as he abruptly left the room, around half of the Nascent Soul realm guards leaving with the prince. He shared a looked with Wang Xiaoling to see that she was as puzzled as he was.

"Ehh, I swear his plans are so convoluted," Wei Ming grumbled as he motioned for a guard to come closer. "Consider this a token from someone that may or may not be your distant relative."

"… What?" William narrowed his eyes when he saw the guard approach with a chest in his hands.

"You know, a greeting gift," Wei Ming rolled his eyes. "Something about wishing you—Alright, I don't care enough to pretend. Brother Jun saw you look and told me to give it to you. My part is done. Let's go!"

Though this was much less rushed, Wei Ming and his guards copied Rong Jun's exit. Wei Ming's stride almost looked annoyed… somehow.

The lone representative of the auction house waited until the outsiders were gone before giving them a brisk nod and doing the same.

William was left frowning at the chest the guard had placed on the floor.

"I never saw something like that before," Lan Yang chuckled. "An ambush, but one for giving a gift. The prince must have wanted to leave no chance for you to refuse."

"Wait a minute, you refused a gift?" Wang Xiaoling asked incredulously. "Why?"

And she was back to normal. Good. He was getting shivers with the sugary voice she was speaking in.

"He's an imperial prince. From the main branch." William said that as if it explained everything, and it really did.

"So? Brat, you have imperial princes giving you gifts, and they have to resort to pulling away before you can refuse? How rich do you think you are?"

"Let's not fault Junior Wei for doing the correct thing. Gifts between cultivators have far too many implications. Mortals like you are exempt from this price, so you wouldn't know."

William winced at the not-so-hidden insult and spoke up before Wang Xiaoling started an argument. "I have a feeling I know what's in here."

"Obviously," Lan Yang said dryly. "I'm not sure if I should envy you, Junior. The final bid on it was over ten thousand Spirit Stones."

"What?!" Wang Xiaoling exclaimed. "That pretty boy gave you the egg?! Oi, brat, give it to me. I can sell it for you and get a fortune."

Honestly, that wasn't a bad idea. Owning the egg would be a gamble, and getting that many Spirit Stones would let him buy other necessities that would be of sure help.

Unfortunately, it wasn't an option, even if he wished to do that.

"Do you think it's wise to sell off a gift an Imperial Prince gave me?" William asked rhetorically.

The silence he got in return told him she knew it wasn't. He knelt on the floor and unlatched the chest to make sure the egg they were talking about was in there.

There were no surprises. The egg was sitting securely in the middle of a plush interior.

B2 - Chapter 54

"Even knowing that the egg was in there doesn't stop my amazement at actually seeing it," Lan Yang commented as he stared.

"Ten thousand Spirit Stones," Wang Xiaoling daydreamed.

William was aware of what they were saying, but almost all of his focus was on the egg itself. There was no surprise at seeing the egg. However, surprise was an understatement at the status it had.

[Species: ? | Level: 1]

"Senior Yang, was something done to the egg after it was won?" William asked without taking his eyes away. This was the first time there was a question mark in the area for the name or species with the level showing.

"The auction house doesn't touch the sold items," Lan Yang disproved one of his theories. "Is there something wrong?"

He shifted to let him have a better look at the egg. However, nothing looked physically different from when they saw it on the stage before the auction started.

"… Looks fine to me," Lan Yang shrugged.

"You know, I think I see the issue," Wang Xiaoling moved closer with narrowed eyes. "I think it's damaged."

William and Lan Yang both gave her a short glance. It was an easy decision to dismiss her words.

"Let me guess, you think I should sell it because of that," William said dryly as he closed the chest and locked it.

"I thought about it, but I'm sure the prince would be fine with you getting rid of a broken gift," Wang Xiaoling advised. "Back me up, Yang."

He picked up the chest and smirked at the incredulous look on Lan Yang's face. He had to admit this was a bit far, even for Wang Xiaoling. There was a decent chance this was her way of getting back at him for whatever imagined slight she assumed he had done.

That was fine. He would be happy if small prods at his patience were her way of payback.

"No, Sister Xiaoling. I won't sell the egg," William replied before addressing Lan Yang. "Let's make a detour to my dwelling before heading to the Jade Cauldron Peak. I can leave the egg there instead of carrying it everywhere, and Sister Xiaoling can stay behind if she wishes to."

Of course, he could store the egg in the upgraded spatial stone hanging around his neck, but that would immediately reveal its existence to Lan Yang. After what Elder Yu said about the rarity of such a stone, the fewer people that know about it, the better for his continued life.

"Hm, that's fine," Lan Yang nodded. "I guess we'll have to go through the common grounds after all and deal with the rush."

"What the big deal about that, Yang?" Wang Xiaoling asked as they exited the room. "You're a cultivator. Crowds are minor annoyances at worst with your speed."

"So? Just because it is mildly annoying doesn't mean I must accept it. Merchant Wang, you need to open your mind. Being mortal has limitations, but that shouldn't stop you from trying."

William held back his smile as he followed them a few steps behind. Looked like he was wrong about assuming Lan Yang couldn't be bothered with any mortal. All that was necessary was to annoy him enough and live despite that fact.

If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.

Yet, he hadn't forgotten that just like his sister Lan Yin, Lan Yang would readily kill a mortal if given the slightest of reasons. Wang Xiaoling was protected only due to her relationship with him.

It didn't take long for them to reach the residential area, even with the increased foot traffic due to the end of the auction. Most gave way when they saw Lan Yang increasingly irritated expression, though that was more the responsibility of Wang Xiaoling.

"Is it the same entry system as in the Outer Court?" William asked as he stared at one of the more utilitarian buildings in the area. It was still a step above anything in the Outer Court, but there was much to be desired compared to the others around it.

"Yes," Lan Yang confirmed.

William nodded, holding his purple jade pass over the blank slate beside the door. It pulsed a dull green.

"The door will now lead to your dwelling. Do you want me to come in with you?" Lan Yang didn't seem too interested in doing so. "Dwellings without any upgrades are slightly better than those in the Outer Court because of the quality of the Qi refining room. You'll find nothing else new in there."

He glanced at Wang Xiaoling and realized this was an opportunity to get her to air out whatever concerns she might have.

"Sounds like you have something to do, Senior Yang," William commented. "I can do this alone, but how do I give Sister Xiaoling access? And what do you mean by upgrades?"

"I assume she's staying due to whatever happened during the talk with Elder Yu?" Lan Yang asked rhetorically. "If she's staying there, a pass will be assigned to her. I will ask them to include access to your dwelling. As for the upgrades, use the catalog and browse your options."

Right, the catalog. He kept forgetting about that. In his defense, he spent most of his time out of the sect, and even when he was, he was penniless until, well, now.

"Sounds good," William nodded before opening the door and motioned to Wang Xiaoling, who had been patiently waiting. "After you, Sister Xiaoling."

She glanced at him and entered. He had a feeling she knew what was coming.

"Would an hour be enough to finish whatever you're being secretive about?" William asked, not forgetting that Lan Yang hadn't answered one question.

"Nothing secretive. It simply isn't any of your business."

He wanted to comment that was just a longer way of saying secretive, but let it go. The time from Lan Yang's death threats to now was still a little too close to push his luck.

"That's fair," William shrugged. "I'll see you in an hour, Senior Yang."

"Hm, we'll go to Jade Cauldron Peak then," Lan Yang smiled, walking away in good spirits. If he had to guess, whatever the older cultivator was going to do had to deal with the bracelets.

"That's your mentor, right?"

William turned in surprise to see a boy who looked a few years older staring at him. It looked like he was leaving the building next to his. The most eye-catching thing about him was his bald head.

William's eyes immediately went to the sleeves.

The circles weren't important. The two red stars were. The disciple was a budding alchemist, though he actually didn't know the specifics of what those stars meant. All he knew for sure was that a practical test had to be passed with near perfection.

"Yes, he is. I'm Wei Liang." William smiled, resisting the temptation to see the boy's basic status. He wanted to get into the habit of learning names normally when there was no danger. "I'm guessing we're going to be neighbors?"

"Looks like it."

They stared.

"So, what's your name?" William spoke when it seemed there would be nothing else from him.


They stared.

"… Alright," William nodded carefully, unsure why Kae spoke to him in the first place if he was this uninterested. "Uh, I'm going to head inside."

"Okay. I'll be training."

They stared.

William was getting tired of it, to be honest. And of the useless conversation. This is what he got when he tried not to use the system.

[Name: Kae | Level: 133]

He hadn't thought Kae was the boy's entire name, but it was fitting. A strange name for a strange kid.

William resolved to put this encounter out of his mind and was about to enter his dwelling.

"Do you want to come train with me?"

He stopped to look at Kae again with confusion. "... Maybe later, I'm a little busy right now."

"I'll remind you tomorrow," Kae replied before leaving the stilted conversation abruptly.

"What was that?" William asked himself as he shook his head. Xu Feng was still the only normal one around his age. Or maybe he just attracted the crazies.