

Our India is a land rich in sacred, lovely, and enigmatic things. Many courageous and wise people have immortalised their bravery at this place. This tale also has a courageous individual who, using his aptitude, has unravelled a number of mysteries. In addition to being a writer by trade, Rudra Roy also leads a double life. He enjoys solving mysteries and incorporating them into his writings. And this time he is going to the sandy land of India, also known as 'The Land of Kings'—Rajasthan—where a curse is waiting for him that holds many secrets with it.

Binit_kumar_Singh_3031 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


A hush fell over the room. On Rudra Roy, all eyes were focused. There was nothing anyone could say to that. After a quiet, "And yes, I do not attend board meetings because I respect middle-aged board members like you and do not wish to stand in their way or impose my will on them." Mr. Roy said in a firm tone.

"Mr. Roy, I apologise; my father didn't mean it."In an understated tone, Princess Namrita addressed Mr. Roy.

"The best justification is provided by what he has said, in fact." Mr. Roy said, "Your cuisine contains an excessive amount of oil, which I found to be unpleasant."After saying this, Mr. Roy stood up from his chair. Jaydev followed suit, and they both began to leave the table.While leaving, Mr. Roy turned back and, "And his majesty, never determine someone's aptitude based on their age; aptitude is not determined by looking at age."Saying these words with a smile, he and Jaydev left the room.

"Did you know who he truly is?"While watching them depart the room, the man in the royal attire said.

"Your pride will drag you down, dad."Princess Namrita stated as she stood up from her chair.

After entering the room, "So are we leaving from here?"Jaydev asked Mr. Roy.

"Bitter language doesn't affect me, Jaydev." Mr. Roy said.

"Yes, I just saw that. But I am happy with the things that happened at the table."

"Of what things?"Mr. Roy said while rolling up his shirt sleeve.

"At least you remember who you are."Jaydev said with a smile, "You also informed him that his cuisine contains a lot of oil; perhaps this is the time for him to change it." He continued.Then the door of the room opened softly and, "Can I come in?"Princess Namrita stood at the door with a slight smile.

"Maybe this palace is yours, and how can I have the audacity to stop the princess."While fixing the collar of his shirt, Mr. Roy spoke.

"However, Mr. Roy, there is such a thing as decorum.Anyway, these walls are not loyal to me."Upon entering the space, Princess Namrita said.

"I wish your manager also had this decorum."Mr. Roy said.

"He just knows how to order the servants in the name of decorum.But Mr. Rajiv is a decent man, and I have no doubt that he will quickly realise this."Princess Namrita said as she perched in a chair, "So are you leaving?" Perhaps this was the question that she wanted to ask because, while asking it, a mixed feeling of uneasiness and fear was clearly visible on her face.

"I have no reason to leave right now."Mr. Roy walked up to the window and sat down in the chair he had left there the day before.Her facial expressions showed satisfaction as she heard these words.

"I apologise on my father's behalf because he doesn't respect or care about many people, whether they are his family or complete strangers."She said.

"I didn't feel bad about his words because, in any case, he had unknowingly uttered all of this.And Jaydev keeps repeating many of these phrases to me constantly, so I have developed the unpleasant habit of hearing them."Mr. Roy said this while spreading the curtains on the window to block out the scorching sun.Her face glowed as she cracked a small smile and, "Mr. Jaydev is your...?", She asked this question with her smile.However, Mr. Roy was not expecting that question from that lovely face.Jaydev's eyes were also fixed on Mr. Roy, there was a glimmer of hope in those eyes.But looking at Mr. Roy, it seemed as if he did not have the answer to this question.His expressions suggested a little worry.Looking at Princess Namrita, it seemed as if she was regretting asking this question.

"I'm just a butler, ma'am" While saying this, he was trying to hide the disappointment that was visible on his face.

"Ohh... " Princess Namrita said softly, but that's when, "No, he's not just a butler. He is... he.. ahh... "He searched for a phrase that would adequately convey Jaydev's significance, but he was unsuccessful.

"Everything" Princess Namrita said softly.

"No, he's more than everything...for me."Mr. Roy exhaled deeply after finishing his words. Jaydev's face wore a mixed expression of compassion and affection, while Princess Namrita's face wore a masterful smile that reflected joy and trust.Mr. Roy's soul was finding comfort from this smile. Jaydev observed Mr. Roy beaming as he watched Princess Namrita smile.

That's when the room's door opened again.