
Rude, Yet Still Owns The CEO's Heart

"Leo, don't you love me again?" "I don't, so stop." Leo said, stealing glances at the woman in the driver seat, who doesn't seem to care about the fact that another woman was with him. He was stunned when the woman beside him took advantage of his distraction and sealed his lips with her own. "Don't you miss this?" She asked. "Get out!" He screamed. After getting rid of his ex that kept pestering him, he swallowed hard before, "I'm sorry you had to see that." He said. "What's my business with that?" She fired back. ......... "You know I can't be killed by humans, except you right?" She asked. "I know." "Then what are you doing here? What if this was a trap?" She felt so pissed right now and couldn't get the feeling of his racing heart off her mind. Could it be that he has been in love with her, all these while? She wasn't ready to face the truth and seeing the determination in his eyes before opening his mouth to talk, "let's just leave." She said. She couldn't face his response. ......... "You know, I just feel like kissing you right now." She said and his eyes went huge. Did he hear right? The woman that hated him so much and didn't bother hiding it, actually said that? "Well... umm." He was still searching for a reply, because he refused to believe this is real, but Clara wasn't asking for permission. She just let him know what she felt like doing. She limited the space between their lips to nothing and took his lower one in between her lips, while his lashes fluttered continuously. "Don't let that woman touch you again. I don't like it!" She declared, claiming her man. join the server link: https://discord.gg/Q7tY3F8

May1st · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
312 Chs

A kiss go wrong

Meanwhile, Sharon and Angela who had left the wedding scene sneakily could be seen.

Sharon's face already looks all red and fingers digging into her palms out of annoyance.

She breath heavily and looked like she would murder someone. 

They got to where her car was parked and settled down, before she erupted. Everything she had been starting to keep in bursted out.

"That should have been me!" She screamed and held her head like she had gone insane.

The sight of Leo getting married to someone else. The way he looked so happy and content with Clara.

The happiness in his eyes.

The fact that if things didn't turn the way it did, that should have been her in that wedding dress, being pronounced his bride.

Everything felt like a nightmare. She lost him.

Before Angela could speak up…..

"I should be the one he is getting married to right now. He should have been mine. That woman is so dumb…. A freaking dumb ass.