
We Finally Meet Again

He glanced at Jun Yung with her pernicious serpentine eyes and stated, "You were the coward who refused to jump into the cursed pond. Don't blame me for your own shortcoming."

"What did you just say to me?" Jun Yung couldn't believe what he had heard. Sharp Stepper had such an attitude toward him. "Listen here you! I want what is mine." He glanced at Laura and added, "You gave that smart slut a fraction of the power that we've invested in; you and me. So why deny me what is mine?"

"Watch your mouth when you address me, old man." Laura didn't like being disrespected.

Boss Yung could care less, he said again, "Shut your blowhole, little girl. If you intervene in adult conversation again, I'm going to stuff a dick in your mouth."

"I warned you!" Laura couldn't restrain her anger anymore. She flew up off of Sharp Stepper's lap and leapt towards Jun Yung.