
Unlocking Empire’s Chart Ability

The CCPD arrived at the warehouse where the war went down, their eyes wide with shock as they surveyed the devastation. The floor was slick with blood, and the walls and ceiling were pocked with bullet holes. Gangsters lay scattered about the room, their bodies twisted and broken with huge holes in their chests. One of them, the man known as 2Chin, was particularly grotesque. He had been flattened like a pancake, his massive frame reduced to a splatter of blood and flesh on the ground.

"What the hell happened here? This place is a mess. How could such a thing occur under our noses?" Detective Sleuth, uttered as she looked around the scene.

Her partner, Rebecca, shook her head. "It looks like the aftermath of some kind of war. And judging by the way these guys died, it was a brutal one." Her analysis was spot on. The war was truly vicious; a one-sided massacre.