
Unleashing The Terror Of Vapour!

Sharp Stepper was unable to catch his breath, so he remained flat on his back. His face was contorted in pain and his body twitched periodically. Smoke Pac approached him slowly; his hand darted forward and grabbed Sharp Stepper by his neck.

Sharp Stepper struggled to speak, his voice was strained, "Who do you think you are!?"

"I am Smoke Pac!" He tossed a fist at his face to deliver the finishing blow, however, before his fist could reach his target, Sharp Stepper separated into thousands of smaller snakes that were quickly wrapping themselves around Smoke Pac. He was trapped under the mountain of snakes; they constricted his arms, legs, and torso. Smoke Pac screamed in agony as he was getting strangled to death; a dose of his own medicine.

In the midst of the chaos, the snakemen army attacked the captured Smoke Pac. They were targeting the Rubik's System inside his chest cavity.