
The Crime Lords Assemble

The night was dark and quiet, the only sound being the faint hum of the overpass above. Beneath it, a group of cops were trying to detain an addict who was wildly parading about, shouting incoherently about tripping on Bliss Vain.

It was clear that the man was high on the drug, his eyes wild and his movements jerky and erratic. The cops were having a hard time trying to detain him without using lethal force, as he was flailing about and lashing out.

Suddenly, the addict made a move for one of the cop's holsters and managed to grab the officer's gun. The cop tried to hold onto it, but the addict was too strong in his drug-induced frenzy.

Panic set in as the addict waved the gun around, screaming maniacally. The other cops quickly tackled him to the ground and wrestled the gun out of his hands. It was a tense moment, but they were finally able to subdue the addict and detain him.

Breathless and sweating, the cops dragged the man to their vehicle and radioed the station for backup.