
Stabbing 2Chin In His Fat-Juicy Back

After reaching a consensus on the price of the goods, Madam Plastic veered off-topic. "You know, 2Chin, this garbage truck isn't as simple as it seems." Madam Plastic took him closer to the truck still maintaining her cunning composure and aged sex appeal.

2Chin raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what makes it so special?"

Madam Plastic gestured to Himeko, who stepped forward and pulled a lever on the side of the truck. The door to a visible compartment swung open, revealing a hidden space inside.

2Chin's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, I've never seen anything like this before!" he exclaimed. "Masterful craftsmanship. I've been seeing these garbage trucks around town recently. Who knew they had something like this."