
Sharing My Vapours With A Dying Lady


"That's the last of them." The burial of Razi's deceased henchmen was completed. 2 fresh spots of dirt could easily be recognized in the yard. If a police raid was to occur then, they would have easily discovered the hidden bodies.

Razi was the happiest one among us. "Now that it is settled, can I go take a shower? I've been doing your bidding for 3 days straight. Look at how dirty I am. No lady should be walking around looking this disgusting and smelling this stink. Plus, I'm fucking starving."

I had sympathy for this brat. "Go and clean yourself up. You need to look presentable for the beneficiary meeting. You looked like a damn corpse that refuses to go under."

"Well, thank you for that, you dick." She gave me the middle finger and turned to walk away. However, she didn't get far without collapsing.

"What the hell is it now?" I motioned my feet in her direction. "Hey, stop playing dead and get the hell up." I kicked her a few times but there was no response.