
I Will See This Through With My Full Nakedness!

<Vapours Ready To Be Deployed>

This message that popped up in my interface confirmed that it finished modifying my vapours to the requested output. "Good, it is ready now. Stand back the rest of you."

As I opened the cavity in my chest, aside from Nikurga, I told the others to stay at a safe distance where they wouldn't come into contact with my vapours by accident. The type of vapour I was preparing to release was an aggregate pre-programmed to bring out the monster within Nikurga. Additionally, this vapour was capable of impacting regular humans negatively. Razi was the only person in the group who fit this bill which was why I had her go further than the others.

As for Himeko, Rodent and Tom, they too needed to be at a safe distance from the vapours, otherwise, it might force their transformation back into Smokepires and their behaviour was yet to be analysed.