
I’m Naked For The Sun, Not You Bitch

Author's POV:

A new day dawned on Clown City, yet it wasn't bereft of its regularly increasing crime rates. The law enforcement officers were early risers who hardly get any sleep because of their busy schedules.

Many superlative divisions were active participants in mitigating criminal activities in their designator sector. Yet despite all this manpower, Clown City still retained its title year after year for being central for unlawful operations.

Aside from the strict enforcers who tried their best to maintain balance, the various media outlets were profiting greatly from the mass spread of crime. They were never short of negative news to feed the public.

These busybody reporters were currently present at an active crime scene early in the morning at a public park nearby Plug Lane. A civilian had come across the corpse of a man and an unconscious boy during his routine jog. He immediately reported his findings to the local authorities who arrived not so long after.