
Getting Dumped By My Ex Husband

"Surprise to see me, Delilah?"

Hearing this familiar voice confirmed to Delilah that it was indeed her ex-husband standing before her. "No, you're supposed to be dead. This can't be real!" Delilah went into a nihilistic realm as she tried gaining some distance between her and Smoke Pac.

"Get back here." Smoke Pac dashed ahead and grabbed her slender body firmly. He pressed her up against an open dumpster that was there to show her he mean business. "I'm not playing games with you bitch. You better don't try that shit with me again or you will regret it."

"Alright Chris. Please don't kill me." Delilah began pleading for her life to be spared. "I didn't have anything to do with what Sharp Stepper did to you that night. I didn't even know what was going down. It was afterwards I found out what happened and went in shock. A part of me still had love for you, Chris. I even went to where you were buried and offered a sunflower."

"Cut the shit, Delilah." Smoke Pac knew she didn't mean a word she was saying. "You're just saying shit for me not to kill you. I know you wanted me dead. I did some digging before coming here and found out that you now reside in my beach house by Summer Spring. That's where we spent a week during our honeymoon. You were always fond of that place. It is no surprise that you had Sharp Stepper give it to you after he ripped me off!"

Smoke Pac's anger bled through his physical strength. Just a slight miss coordination of muscle contraction made him crack one of Delilah's ribs.

"Ouch!" She cried softly when the pain hit her gut. Not wanting to incur any more damage she tried her best to calm down her oppressor. "I'm sorry, Chris. I know that I am a greedy bitch ok. Please don't hurt me anymore. If you want the beach house I can give it back to you."

"You think I came back from the dead for something so petty?" Smoke Pac clarified to his ex-wife his true goal. "Vengeance is what drives me!"

"But we had an official diverse years ago. Why would you wait now to get your revenge on me? Besides, both of us cheated during our marriage." Delilah misunderstood the situation.

Smoke Pac had to clarify, "I'm not talking about you, you stupid bitch. I want my vengeance on that shitty boyfriend of yours and all who helped him to betray me. Where the fuck is, Sharp Stepper?"

Delilah fessed up, "I don't know where he is. He left Clown City a couple of months ago to tend to some business. He didn't tell me what and I haven't heard from him since."

"You liar!" Smoke Pac refused to believe what this duplicitous woman was saying.

"I'm telling the truth." Delilah insisted. "I've tried calling him several times but he never answers my call. I'm not even sure if he and I are even still a couple. You can use my phone if you still don't believe me. His last known number is at the top."

"You better not be lying." To confirm what Delilah said to him, Smoke Pac took her phone, searched for Sharp Stepper's number then dialled it. It went straight to voicemail.

"See, I told you he wasn't picking up." It turned out Delilah had spoken the truth. She really had no clue where Sharp Stepper was or what he was up to.

"Where is that elusive shit stain hiding?" Smoke Pac's anger skyrocketed. He hated having so much vengeance to unleash and no outlet to send it to.

Identifying that she might end up being killed by this man, Delilah tried extending her life expectancy by using her feminine charms and plots. She forced a smile to manifest, moreover, graced Smoke Pac's face with her dainty fingers and said, "Chris I can help you locate Sharp Stepper."

"How?" Smoke Pac awaited a damn good answer.

Delilah responded, "If he contacts me then I can give you a call. Do you have a number I can reach you by?"

"A number?" Smoke Pac just now remembered that he didn't own a phone. The moment this thought entered his head, a message popped up on his interface.

<New Item Available In Rubik's Store>

He checked to see what the new item was. It turned out to be a Rubik's Phone. It wasn't an expensive item so he purchased it without a second thought. He could materialize it or operate it entirely from within the System's interface and this was what he did. He didn't feel comfortable revealing his powers to his blabbermouth ex-wife.

Smoke Pac opened the phone internally and checked the assigned number. He entered the number into Delilah's phone before he handed it back to her. "Here is your phone. My number is inside. If you hear anything about Sharp Stepper make sure you inform me, you got that?" He gave her a threatening glare which made her comply with his request.

"I understand Chris. You will be the first person I contact if I hear from him." Although she was playing it cool, Delilah feared for her life. She knew Smoke Pac would kill her if she didn't come through on her word. Also, if she were to reveal Smoke Pac's identity to Sharp Stepper then he might get mad and butcher her. Either way, she was in a bind that required careful deliberation and approach.

"Fuck this shit!" Smoke Pac cursed an expletive because he was fed up that he had to be on the waiting list until Sharp Stepper showed himself. He began reflecting on what transpired with the Red Ants Gang leader. "If Big Red hadn't died so quickly I could have asked him about Sharp Stepper's whereabouts. Goddammit!"

Smoke Pac released his grasp from Delilah's body. "I'll allow you to live for now. The moment you ceased to be useful, you'll die."

This came off as a shocking statement to Delilah's psyche. Her survival instincts compelled her to grab hold of Smoke Pac's arm and brought him closer to her. She adopted a seductive persona to try and stimulate Smoke Pac's sexual appetite.

"Don't go yet, babe." She whispered in his ear, "How long has it been since you've been with a woman? The reason I ask is because I can tell that your muscles are really tense. I can help relieve some of the stress."

Like a master seductress, Delilah traced her moist tongue across Smoke Pac's jawline while directing his hand below her skirt to fondle her buff region. She continued to speak dirty to him to try and get his python to rise but Smoke Pac wasn't feeling all that into her, especially when he remembered that Sharp Steeper had already sharpened his tool inside her slick holes.

"You fucking disgust me." Smoke Pac abruptly ended Delilah's sexual charade by telling her how awful she was. Next, he pulled his hand from beneath her skirt, swatted away her hand from off his junk and removed her tongue from his face.

"What's wrong, Chris? Don't you find me attractive?" Delilah had never been dissed by a man like that before. Her salacious advances shrunk Smoke Pac's dick instead of extending it.

"Don't ever put your filthy self on me again." Firmly telling this to Delilah, Smoke Pac picked her up and tossed her ass into the dumpster where many gutter rats were lurking. It closed automatically as he walked away with his gangster swag.

"Rubbish belongs in the trash." Smoke Pac materialized a lit cigarette between his lips to try and distract himself from thinking about Delilah.

'Inhale… exhale…' The soothing fumes permeated Smoke Pac's lungs then vacated his body through his nostrils. The vapour formed an image of Sharp Stepper that gradually dissipated in the atmosphere.

While Smoke Pac made his escape from there, Delilah was stuck in the dumpster screaming until someone from within the salon heard her voice and came to her rescue.