
Fingers Brutally Getting Snipped!

This professional lawyer chick kept on pressing me to do her bidding as if she had no idea who she was dealing with. I wasn't some pushover on the street who any woman or man could bully.

'I am goddamn Smoke Pac. The big bad gangster of Clown City.' I've made grown-ass men piss themselves whenever they smelled the scent of my cigarette drawing near. I've brought many crime bosses to their knees. I've made countless hot women bow before my junk and yet this lawyer thought that I would yield to her orders? What a stupid little piece of ass.

"Mr Smoke Pac, hurry up and sign these papers. I don't have all night to wait on you. And while you are at it, please ensure not to make a mess of things. These documents need to be presentable to my client."

"Get this shit out of my face, bitch!" I grabbed the pen from her and was about to fulfil my fantasy by stabbing her eye out but then Sharp Stepper brought something unimportant to my attention.

"Hold it!" He had a wire clipper positioned over my so-called daughter's left hand. Her authenticity had yet to be proven. So I stood there and dared him to do what I suspected he was about to do.

"Go ahead and do it. You can't trick me with your little games."

"So you want to know if I'm serious, eh? You and I both know that I don't play around." He shifted his attention to the girl. "Trish my dear, this is all your father's fault for refusing to comply with my demands. Blame him for allowing this to happen to you."

Sharp Stepper positioned the girl's index finger between the pliers and didn't bat an eye as he clamped down and cut it off. Her severed finger fell onto the floor with a distinctive thud. Observing it closely I identified that it was cut from the first phalanx. That bastard made sure to snip it all off.

"Mhm! Mhm!" The little girl wanted to scream out in pain but the gag had her annoying voice suppressed. All I could hear coming from her as her blood was spewing all over the place was her terrible moans. I could tell that she was experiencing immense pain based on her twisted facial expression.

What slightly got me off balance was when I recognized where her eyes were staring. They weren't staring at the detestable culprit who had just cut off her finger. No, she had her baleful eyes fixated on me as if I was the cause of her suffering. Her gaze was so fierce and penetrating that I could feel them briefly stabbing me in the eyes.

I swear to God that girl hated me. I thought that my hatred for Sharp Stepper was extreme but that little girl's hatred was top-notch. For a second there I was almost proud of her being my real daughter, but of course, she was not. Despite all the evidence, I refused to accept that there was a child in this world born from my semen.

"Smoke Pac…" Sharp Stepper looked at me sharply and asked, "Are you going to sign the papers now?"

"I refuse!" I wasn't going to bend to this fancy asshole.

"If that is how you want to play it then fine. Let's see how much longer you can hold out for." Sharp Stepper directed the pliers to the little girl's pinkie. "Trish blame your uncaring father for this as well."

That shit stain looked at me with an amusing smile as he placed pressure onto the pliers. He did it slowly this time to make me feel the girl's pain. Seconds later, another finger of hers caressed the floor. She was losing so much blood that her face began to pale. Still, she maintained that look of intense hatred at me.

"What about now, Smoke Pac? Will you sign the papers?" Sharp Stepper aimed the pliers at me while the girl's blood was still dripping from its sharpness. "You know this would have been you if I didn't require you to sign those documents. Why don't you save yourself the hassle of picking up more of your daughter's fingers from the ground?"

This bastard's voice pissed me off. "For the last goddamn time, that girl is not my daughter!" I became so livid that I had to fire a shot at the ceiling. As I lowered my arm, I aimed the gun at the lawyer chick before me. I saw this as an opportunity to threaten Sharp Stepper. "Why don't all of you just piss off before I put a bullet between this lawyer's eyes?"

Laura Thotinton didn't even blink as I pointed the gun in her face. She just gave me a look of disdain and said, "Huh, are you being serious right now? This is the best that you could come up with? I'm disappointed in you, Mr Smoke Pac."

Before I knew it, Laura's figure vanished from in front of my gun. This lawyer wench wasn't as simple as I previously judged her to be. She must have studied some mad Kung Fu skills because I felt a harsh knee poking into my spine and moments later, I was kneeling on the ground with my arms being stretched behind me.

"What the hell?" I made sure to get a good look at the gangsters to see if any of them had moved from their spot. It turned out they were still in their idle positions. So who the hell brought me to my knees? It was none other than the lawyer whore who had my arms pinned behind me. Before so many witnesses she had made a mockery of the great Smoke Pac by woman-handling me.

I tried turning my head to face her as I shouted, "Woman unhand me this instant!" Laura refused to release her tight grip. For such a slender woman she had mad strength.

"Shut up and watch." She kicked my head to face her employer and I perceive that shit stain placing the pliers over another one of the defenceless girl's fingers.

"So is that how you want to play it, Smoke Pac? Fine, you've caused this little girl to lose another finger."


That ruthless bastard didn't hesitate to cut off the girl's finger and while he was doing it he tried to make me out to be the culprit. I couldn't stand it anymore so I lashed out the way I could in that situation by using my brusque tongue. "Just stop already you insane sack of shit! Can't you see that she's fainting? If you keep this up, she is going to die."

"I thought that you said you didn't care about what happened to your daughter." Sharp Stepper licked the blood off the pliers as he spoke, "Anyway, I am not the one who is doing this to her, you are. At any moment you can save the rest of her fingers by signing the documents that my sweet adorable lawyer provided for you."

"Piss off, you cruel piss ant! I'm not signing shit!"

"That outburst of yours just cause Trish another finger." Sharp Stepper cut off another one of the girl's fingers. This time he did it so quickly that the blood hit the ground before the finger did, moreover, the cut off finger landed directly before me. I could literally taste the iron in the blood from that distance.

"You cruel sick bastard!" I lowered my head because I couldn't stand watching the little girl's suffering. But the intellectual thot behind me made sure that I paid close attention by kicking my head several times.

"Don't look away now, Mr Smoke Pac. This is all you're doing. Raise your head and watch." Laura forced me to witness another brutal cutting off of the girl's finger. This time it was her thumb that splashed onto the ground.

"God, I'm going to be sick." I was trying my best to prevent myself from barfing my stomach out. I had no idea how Laura Thotinton, Sharp Stepper and his men were able to stand such a disgusting sight. It was too much for my eyes to handle even though I was trying my hardest to maintain my tough-guy façade.

As I knelt there in anguish trying to keep my digestive system in check, I observed a pack of rats scurrying in the corner of the warehouse. Those furry pests were so brave that they eventually revealed themselves to everyone by crawling into the light. The scent of freshly cut flesh and raw blood attracted them, moreover, gave them the courage they needed to approach the little girl's severed fingers and started chowing down on them. One of them came over to where I was and picked up the finger in its mouth. It didn't even bother running away with its food, instead, that stinking gutter rat planted its hairy behind in front of me and brazenly continued nibbling on the finger.

I became so disgusted that I had to shout, "Get out of here you disgusting sewage rats!"

'Squeak! Squeak!'

The pack of rats were scared off by my rough voice. They took the fingers with them as they fled. Now even if the little girl managed to survive that warehouse debacle, she had no hope of reattaching her fingers. They were already digesting in the stinking bellies of a few gutter rats.

None of this was my fault, none of it. As much as Sharp Stepper and his accomplices wanted to pin it all on me. I had nothing to do with that little girl losing all of her left-hand fingers. It was not my fault! All I did was refuse to sign some papers, that was all.

While I was arguing with my thoughts, trying to make the occurred event seemed less heart-rending, I overheard Sharp Stepper saying, "Now on to the next hand." I watched this piece of shit child torturer directing the pliers to the little girl's right arm. He wanted to make her completely fingerless and blamed it all on me for not complying with his ridiculous demands.

What would you have done in my situation? If I had consented to sign those papers then I would have become broke as a wine bottle. I love my damn riches too much to let that happen. Should I have given it all up just to save the life of some poor girl I didn't know? I mean look at the logic, how many of these girls die each day? I had nothing to do with their deaths nor did their deaths affect me. So why should I start caring about this particular poor sap in question? I valued money more than I valued her life. Who wouldn't choose riches over poverty?

Many thanks to all the readers who are supporting my story with stones. This shows me that you want more chapters.

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