
Destruction And Wailing In The City

"Help! Somebody help us over here! My daughter has been injured!" This hectic cry came from a father who was rushing with his daughter to safety. He tried to get her to the paramedics who were on the scene but he had to wait his turn since there were other injured folks ahead of him.

"We're coming sir! Just stay where you are and don't cross the border!" One of the paramedics told him.

"Please hurry!" His impatience was getting the better of him and no one could blame him due to the current terror of the situation.


The heart of Clown City was in rising chaos. Smoke and screams poisoned the air as a crazy person, possessed by the Chaos Rubik's Cube, indiscriminately massacred anyone in his path. He was literally steaming with bliss as he continued his savagery. So far, he had killed 7 people, including women and children, and wounded several bystanders and CCPD officers who were trying to contain the situation.