
Big Ass Dinosaur Shotgun!

Main Character's POV:

'Inhale… exhale…'

I was enjoying the ocean view on the horizon while standing on the rooftop of Big Red's mansion, having a smoke to refresh my system. That part of the Valley was closer to the sea. The roads were cut alongside the upper cliff that overlooked it.

"Hmm, looking good." My mind was still as I continued to drink in the fantastic scenery afield.

"So this is what it feels like to be at peace." So calm was my nerve that I wasn't worried about a thing. This moment lasted until I was rudely interrupted by Razi who garnered my attention by shouting at me from below.

"Hey! Down here!" Razi was jumping up and down while waving at me. "Hey! I know you hear me! Stop ignoring me and get your ass down here!"

This woman wasn't going to stop flapping her lips. Because I didn't want to be annoyed any further. I hopped down from the roof and joined her in the yard. "What do you want?"