
RSSG: Reincarnation + Almighty System???

Writing for fun. As an avid fan of system & op mc novels, I thought it would be fun to add my own twist to one of my favorite novels thus far. Be advised, as I will be utilizing some of the ideas from the original novel and adding my own twists to it. Keep in mind this is my first time, so please don't expect too much. Any input is appreciated. Novel Synopsis: Starting over once more, he has entered the “living game” in order to control his own fate. No longer will he be oppressed by others! His enemies shall know true despair! None shall contain him! As the former Level 200 Sword King, he will ascend once more & make the impossible possible. Money Making? Dungeon Conquering? Questing? Equipment Drops? Peerless Battle Techniques? Follow our MC, as he bulldozes his way through, no matter the obstacle! >: I do NOT own this novel, the characters described in this novel, or any mentions made in this novel. All rights belong to the original author. No copyright infringement is intended. Cover Image does not belong to me, Original link: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/swordsman-standing-on-cliff-digital-wallpaper-warrior-digital-art-wallpaper-zse

RedTauros · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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10 Chs

CH3: New Beginnings Of A Sword King

Shi Feng passed through the all-familiar multi-colored tunnel and arrived at a golden temple. The palm-sized angel Gabriel started talking to him.

"Hello Adventurer, welcome to God's Domain. I am the Navigation Angel, Gabriel. I will be introducing to you the--"

Suddenly Gabriel's voice was cut off and everything froze. Out of nowhere...


{Almighty System has detected a higher intelligence system!}

{Would Host like to bind the Almighty System to the Main God System?}

"..." Shi Feng's jaw nearly went through the floor when he heard this. "Yes" he exclaimed hurriedly.


{Binding Complete}

{Warning! Due to certain restrictions on the Main God System, some limitations have been set through the binding process of the Almighty System.}

[Hey Host, You did great by binding the system to the Main God System. With this, you'll have fewer problems and will get stronger faster.]

Shi Feng was still in a state of shock and couldn't even move. He didn't notice a trace of drool dripped to the floor in the temple. Hopefully, Gabriel won't mind. Time then resumed and Shi Feng regained his composure.

"...four main categories and twelve main jobs. Please choose the job that you like most." finished Gabriel.

These twelve jobs were categorized into four main classes.

Warrior: Shield Warrior, Guardian Knight, Berserker.

Weapons Specialist: Swordsman, Assassin, Ranger.

Healer: Cleric, Druid, Oracle.

Mage: Elementalist, Summoner, Cursemancer.

Warriors specialized in defending against monsters; weapons specialists focused on physical damage output; healers focused on healing; mages focused on magical damage output. Every job had its own style of battle, which was one of the main selling points of God's Domain.

Shi Feng did not hesitate and chose the Swordsman class.

"Job selection complete. Please designate a name for your character."

"Ye Feng."

Shi Feng chose the same name he had in his previous life.

"Naming successful. Do you wish to adjust your appearance? Adjustment rate limited to 100%."

"Wait what?. Isn't it 15%?" asked Shi Feng to nobody in particular.

[The Almighty System is now bound to the Main God System, giving it control of certain parameters of the Main God System. You can't expect a system as great as this one to just half-ass everything...] replied the system in an arrogant tone.

"Alrighty then… I guess I have to stop acting so surprised every time something like this happens, or I might die of a heart attack one day" Shi Feng facepalmed with a grin on his face.

He adjusted his appearance completely so no one would recognize him. This would ensure his safety in the long run.

"Please select your birthplace."

"No constraints here either eh?. I can literally choose one of the strongest Empires in the game and develop faster, but what would be the point of me reincarnating then?. I'm still familiar with the Star-Moon Kingdom so ill just choose White River City. There will come a point when I'll be able to branch out to numerous Kingdoms and Empires."

"City confirmed. Player will arrive in Red Leaf Town of White River City in three seconds. We wish you happy gaming."

Everything then blurred and suddenly Shi Feng found himself surrounded by gray and white buildings, neatly spaced out. The Players and NPCs were rushing about, giving one the impression of a successful hub of commerce. Before Shi Feng did anything, he pulled up his Attribute Panel, but what he saw surprised him.

Character: Ye Feng

Race: Human

Affiliation: Star-Moon Kingdom

Title: None(Almighty System Wielder) [This is a sub-title, Host. This will not intervene with your main title]

Almighty System Wielder: The system will regularly make adjustments in an effort to help the host grow.

Job: Swordsman

Tier: 0

Level: 0

HP: 100/100

Physical Attack Power: 13

Defense: 4

Attack Speed: 3

Movement Speed: 4


Strength 5, Agility 3, Endurance 4, Intelligence 2, Vitality 2,

Concentration: N/A, Stamina: N/A, Fortitude: N/A, Physique: N/A, Luck: N/A

Free Attribute Points: 4

Realms of Refinement: None

Realms of Truth: None

Weapon Mastery:

One-handed Sword Mastery + 5 (Apprentice Rank - Increases One-handed Sword Damage by 5%)

Two-handed Sword Mastery + 5 (Apprentice Rank - Increases Two-handed Sword Damage by 5%)

Free Mastery Points: 0

Job Talent:

Swordsman Talent 1: Sword-related Mastery + 5

Swordsman Talent 2: Obtain 8 Free Mastery Points every 5 Levels.

Swordsman Talent 3: Sword-related skills proficiency increased by 50%.


[Swordsman's Leather Shirt] (Gray Trash)

Level 0

Defense +2

Durability 10/10

[Novice Sword] (Gray Trash, One-handed Sword)

Level 0

Equipment Requirement: Strength 3

Attack Power +3

Durability 15/15



Chop | Requirement: Sword | Additional 8 points of Damage | Cooldown: 5 Seconds

Level: 1 | Proficiency (0/300)



_= Almighty System Repository=_

{Teleportation Skill(The host can teleport himself and/or anyone, to any previously visited location, at any time, at no cost)}

{Inventory Skill(Storage for the host. Infinite. Completely private. Nothing will drop upon death.)}

{Class Refinement(will refine the host's class to aid in the host's development. Will not break game balance...for now)}

{Item Refinement(will refine the host's equipment to aid in the host's development. Will not break game balance...for now)}

{Almighty Training Space(will provide the host with a training space. Capabilities include Widely adjustable gravity, a wide variety of monster simulations, simulations for sparring, and many more features. Every second in God's Domain is equal to 1 hour in this training space).}

At this point, Shi Feng wasn't even fazed by what happened in front of him. He finally came to terms with the fact that he was now destined to reach the top no matter what stood in his way. "So I guess with these rewards, most of my future problems are solved for good. I don't even need the game's inventory anymore, since I have infinite inventory. Teleportation… Refinements… and holy ****, the training space..."; Shi Feng was over the moon when he saw all these otherworldly rewards. He wasted no time and accepted everything the system offered him. 'Accept all rewards'


Acquired new skills:



[Almighty Training Space]

Acquired modifications:

Class Refinement x1

Item Refinement x∞

Shi Feng walked for a bit and found an alley. He walked in and went into the training space. He instantly disappeared. In the training space, Shi Feng was surrounded by a vast expanse of green plains, a dark blue sea in the distance, and the sun hanging above him. The sun wasn't scorching hot but felt warm and comfortable. facing a panel that showed all kinds of information.

\Gravity: 1x

\Opponent: None

\Environment: Plains #1

"Begin Refinements.." spoke Shi Feng in a calm voice.


[Beginning both Refinements]

What he did not expect was the destructive pain that assaulted his mind, body, and soul. After 5 minutes of non-stop screaming and thrashing, he lost consciousness.

6 hours later…

Shi Feng woke up and immediately felt like he had been run over by a train many times over. He lay sprawled out on the ground like a starfish, unable to move. '...ugh I really hope this was worth it.' Reluctantly, He pulled up his attribute panel.

Character: Ye Feng

Race: Human

Affiliation: Star-Moon Kingdom

Title: None(Almighty System Wielder) [This is a sub-title Host]

Almighty System Wielder: The system will regularly make adjustments in an effort to help the host grow.

Job: Swordsman

Tier: 0

Level: 0

HP: 1000/1000

Physical Attack Power: 63

Defense: 24

Attack Speed: 9

Movement Speed: 11


Strength 35, Agility 25, Endurance 30, Intelligence 20, Vitality 20,

Concentration: N/A, Stamina: N/A, Fortitude: N/A, Physique: N/A, Luck: N/A

Free Attribute Points: 48

Realms of Refinement: None

Realms of Truth: None

Weapon Mastery:

One-handed Sword Mastery + 100 (Advanced Rank - Increases One-handed Sword Damage by 30%)

Two-handed Sword Mastery + 100 (Advanced Rank - Increases Two-handed Sword Damage by 30%)

Free Mastery Points: 0

Job Talent:

Swordsman Talent 1: Sword-related Mastery + 100

Swordsman Talent 2: Obtain 40 Free Mastery Points every 5 Levels.

Swordsman Talent 3: Sword-related skills proficiency gain increased by 100%.

Swordsman Talent 4: Obtain Sword Intent


[Swordsman's Leather Shirt] (Bronze)

Level 0

All Attributes +5

Defense +6

Durability 10/10

[Novice Sword] (Bronze, One-handed Sword)

Level 0

Equipment Requirement: Strength 7

All Attributes + 5

Attack Power +14

Ignore Levels +2

Ignores Defense

Durability 15/15



Chop | Requirement: Sword | Additional 25 points of Damage | Cooldown: 2 Seconds

Level: 1 | Proficiency (0/300)

Sword Intent || Requirement: Swordsman Class || Can manifest into physical form and be used to hinder your foes. Opponent's attributes -15%, Sword Skill Damage +50%, Induces Fear. || Cooldown: None

Level 1 | Proficiency (0/1000)




[Almighty Training Space]

_= Almighty System Repository=_


"..." if Shi Feng could move, he would be laughing and jumping around in jubilation. To say that he was the strongest Level 0 at this point in the game was an understatement. Considering not that much time has passed since the start of the game, Shi Feng could be suspected of hacking the game itself. The refinement boosted all of his attributes and granted him another free 48 attribute points. He wouldn't be surprised if he started getting reported for cheating.

'I'll rest for a bit before testing out my strength. The new fluids should help me recover quickly' With that, he closed his eyes and dozed off.

30 minutes later...

"Alright, let's give this a shot" Shi Feng tinkered with some parameters in the training space so he can test out his strength. In front of Shi Feng, appeared another swordsman in a red cloak and a black mask.


Level 15

HP 2550/2550

Without warning, the swordsman rushed at Shi Feng. With his new heightened Attributes, Shi Feng could follow the movements of the swordsman clearly. With a Sidestep, he dodged the swordsman's slash and quickly closed in behind him. Simultaneously, he aimed Chop at the swordsman's neck. His sword started glowing with a light blue hue and struck the swordsman.


He slashed at the swordsman in quick succession, dealing quite a substantial amount of damage.







In 3 seconds, Shi Feng had taken almost 2000 HP off of the swordsman's HP. The swordsman tried to counterattack by suddenly thrusting his sword at Shi Feng's neck. With a grin, Shi Feng dodged and used Chop on the swordsman's neck once again.



With that, the swordsman disintegrated into nothing."Nope, no surprises here heheh, this system is too damn good!" exclaimed Shi Feng with a mysterious smile. He then left the training space and found himself back in the alleyway. He walked out, allocated his attribute points, and took a look at his attribute panel.

Character: Ye Feng

Race: Human

Affiliation: Star-Moon Kingdom

Title: None(Almighty System Wielder) [This is a sub-title Host]

Job: Swordsman

Tier: 0

Level: 0

HP: 1950/1950

Physical Attack Power: 69

Defense: 24

Attack Speed: 12

Movement Speed: 14


Strength 44, Agility 37, Endurance 39, Intelligence 29, Vitality 29,

Concentration: N/A, Stamina: N/A, Fortitude: N/A, Physique: N/A, Luck: N/A

Free Attribute Points: 0

Realms of Refinement: None

Realms of Truth: None

Weapon Mastery:

One-handed Sword Mastery + 100 (Apprentice Rank - Increases One-handed Sword Damage by 30%)

Two-handed Sword Mastery + 100 (Apprentice Rank - Increases Two-handed Sword Damage by 30%)

Free Mastery Points: 0

Job Talent:

Swordsman Talent 1: Sword-related Mastery + 100

Swordsman Talent 2: Obtain 40 Free Mastery Points every 5 Levels.

Swordsman Talent 3: Sword-related skills proficiency gain increased by 100%.

Swordsman Talent 4: Obtain Sword Intent


[Swordsman's Leather Shirt] (Bronze)

Level 0-10

All Attributes +5

Defense +6

Durability 10/10

[Novice Sword] (Bronze, One-handed Sword)

Level 0-10

Equipment Requirement: Strength 7

All Attributes + 5

Attack Power +14

Ignore Levels +2

Ignores Defense

Durability 15/15



Chop | Requirement: Sword | Additional 25 points of Damage | Cooldown: 2 Seconds

Level: 1 | Proficiency (0/300)

Sword Intent || Requirement: Swordsman Class || Can manifest into physical form and be used to hinder your foes. Opponent's attributes -15%, Sword Skill Damage +50%, Induces Fear. || Cooldown: None

Level 1 | Proficiency (0/1000)





[Omniscient Map]

[Almighty Training Space]

_= Almighty System Repository=_


Blackie picked up immediately. "Brother Feng, where are you?. I was sent to Falling Moon Town. I picked the Cursemancer class"

"Oh I'm in Red Leaf Town, I'll go ahead and bring you here since Falling Moon Town isn't that far from here." Shi Feng said matter-of-factly.

"Wait, bring me there?. What are you talking about?. Isn't Red Leaf Town quite a ways away from Falling Moon Town?. If you're telling me to go there, you're asking me to waste time, allowing other players to leave us in the dust. Wouldn't be better for us to level up on our own and meet up once we reach level 10?" explained Blackie with veins and wrinkles covering his forehead. He was raging extremely hard right now.

"Don't worry, ill bring you here in a little..." he cut off the call. Shi Feng added Blackie's name, Black Cloud then pulled up his Map. On it, were all kinds of dots moving around, as well as stationary. He zoomed out and saw a plethora of dots and symbols. Dark Red dots symbolized enemies. Yellow dots symbolized unaffiliated NPCs. Green dots symbolized players, he also saw various chest symbols, fire symbols, and an overwhelming amount of symbols that looked like their respective items. Be it weapons, materials, treasure chests, amazing items… the map showed it all. Shi Feng scrolled the map over to Falling Moon Town and found a blue dot that was flickering between blue and gold. He took the dot and chose to teleport it next to him. 3 seconds later, a dumbfounded Cursemancer appeared out of thin air next to Shi Feng. "..." Blackie looked like he saw a ghost. The first thing he saw when he literally blinked and appeared in front of Shi Feng. But he didn't know that Shi Feng had completely changed his appearance. "Who the hell are you?!. Did you just teleport me?!!" he thought this guy was an NPC that wanted him dead for some reason. "Brother Blackie, I think you should stop that now..." said Shi Feng, trying to calm an agitated Blackie down. The surrounding players were starting to notice Blackie's odd behavior.

"Wait… Brother Feng? You can--"

"Okay stop there, don't talk too much. Can't have you giving us away now." Shi Feng went ahead and transported Blackie into his training space in an instant. The surrounding players thought they just logged out so they paid them no mind. "Okay, now we can talk. What was your question?. The fact that I can teleport?. The fact that I have my own personal training space?"

"...ehm yes…?"

"Yeah, it would be better if you don't question it too much. From this point forward, know that I'm in possession of abilities that shouldn't even exist in this game. You will experience many things that barely make sense. Try not to be too surprised, and it'll just make things easier. As we encounter more allies and start growing, I'll repeat this explanation process for them so they aren't as surprised as you are." explained Shi Feng in a serious tone.

"If you say so, Brother Feng. So what can this space actually do?" asked Blackie with renewed interest and excitement.

"So far, I can adjust the scenery as I like, I can increase the gravity, I can spawn monsters or doppelgangers to train against, but they don't grant any exp or proficiency. I can't spawn anything now, as the system doesn't have any information on them. That's about it so far. As the game progresses, so will the capabilities of this place. Oh yeah, and one second out in God's Domain is equal to 1 hour in here. I have a few things to take care of before we start leveling up, so wait for me by the town entrance. We'll go hunting after I'm finished"

"I see, I'll be waiting."

Both Shi Feng and Blackie exited the training space and appeared back on their previous spots. Blackie immediately went off to the town entrance meanwhile Shi Feng walked towards a familiar dark alley and ignored all of the beggars asking him for money. He now stood in front of a specific man.

"Can I help you, Sir?"

"Please, I need some food. I haven't eaten in a while..."

"I can't give you any food, but if you are willing to pay the appropriate price, I can give you what you want"

With a glint in his eyes, the beggar responded to Shi Feng. "I may not have any money to pay you, but if you're willing to help me with a certain request, i will pay you. Do you agree?"

"What do I have to do?"

"Help me kill the Mayor of Red Leaf Town, Cross."

"Understood. I accept"

System: Unique Quest "Sherlock's Request" accepted.

Quest Details: Kill Cross, the Mayor of Red Leaf Town, and bring the [Mayor's Insignia] back to Sherlock. Players must not exceed Level 10.

Shi Feng then walked off towards the town hall. On the way, he stopped by a fruit stall and bought 5 tomatoes. He continued on and suddenly arrived at the town hall. He was surprised to see such a long line of people. Apparently, everyone had the same collective thought: The Mayor will offer great quests, so we go there first.

"Excuse me, newcomer. Do you mind getting in line if you want to get a quest here?. You wouldn't want to piss off all of these people, now would you?." said a kind-looking Berserker.

"Hey, come on man. He might not be here for a quest. Just leave him be and let him take care of his business." said a calm Assassin behind him. They seemed to be good friends.

"Your Assassin friend here is correct. I'm not really here for a quest. Do you two really think I'd waste my time waiting here pointlessly?" Said Shi Feng with a raised eyebrow

"What do you mean?" asked the both of them at the same time, frowning slightly.

"I like you two. So I can tell you this. It would be better to go out and kill mobs in the field at this point in the game, rather than spending time waiting here for a Quest that might not even be that good. And I don't mean going to places filled with players. I'm talking about a good starting location manageable enough for you two to handle. This area gives a good amount of money and has a great monster respawn rate. I'll give you both this information for 50 Coppers"

The Berserker looked at the Assassin for confirmation, the assassin was as eager as he was.

"You're not joking about this, are you?" asked the Berserker cautiously.

"It might seem too good to be true, but he's right. Rather than spend an hour waiting here or spend time looking for a quest, we might as well go to an area where we can get more money and equipment." the Assassin spoke.

"Alright fine. We'll give you 50 Coppers for this grinding spot." said the Berserker with a resolute tone.

"A wise choice indeed" Shi Feng happily received the 50 Coppers. "So here is the location. This place might be a little far, but there will be a mage-type Level 0 Green Gnome. They have low defense and spawn in quick succession. As I said before, money drops are quite frequent there as well." explained Shi Feng

Both the Berserker and the Assassin were dumbstruck at the amount of detail this expert had to provide them. They were now intrigued and wanted to collaborate more with this Expert Swordsman.

"Sounds great Brother Expert. Do you think I can contact you if I, or my friend here, need information on skills for Berserkers and Assassins?" asked the Berserker, acting a bit more friendly towards Shi Feng.

"I do, but that'll cost you about 2 Silver per piece of information. How about this?. Why don't we add each other as friends. You can contact me when you have enough saved up. My name is Ye Feng." said Shi Feng

"Of course, that would work perfectly. I'm Lonely Snow, nice to meet you."

"I'm Dark Prominence. Nice to meet you as well."

Lonely Snow and Dark Prominence readily accepted with ear-to-ear smiles on their faces. And with that, they were off to grind mobs. Shi Feng turned his attention to the Mayor, as he had a quest to complete.

[Cross] (Elite, Friendly)

Level 15

HP 2400/2400

MP 1500/1500

It was pretty much impossible for any player to beat Cross at this point in the game but with the insane boost of the Almighty System Shi Feng received, he can at least deal some damage before the guards take the kill. Shi Feng unleashed his Sword Intent and focused it solely on the Mayor. The Mayor suddenly felt the weight of a sharp sword bearing down on him, part of his strength leaving him instantly. He looked around and found the perpetrator. 'Why the hell is up with this kid?'. Before he turned around, he saw the kid pull out a tomato. He turned back around and left the kid to his own business.

Shi Feng rapidly chucked all the tomatoes at Cross. "Hey, you fat sack of garbage! You're a waste of space! Hypocrite! Leech! Your Mother..." Shi Feng went off on the Mayor. Hell, he even cursed his ancestors, while throwing the tomatoes.

System: Cross's favorability towards you has decreased sharply.

System: Cross is now deemed 'Hostile' towards you

Every player around Shi Feng was staring at him like he was tired of living. They all felt nothing but pity towards him. Without warning, Cross rushed at Shi Feng, with the intent of slaughtering this damnable brat. His level was now question marks, along with a red name.

Everyone thought that Shi Feng was about to die when Cross punched out with immense force.

"... He's Dead"

"What the hell?. There's no way he can survive that."

"I sure am glad that's not me over there."

All of the players thought Shi Feng was already dead the second they saw the force behind this punch. But Shi Feng was calm. To him, the wielder of the Almighty System, this punch wasn't as deadly. With a speed too fast for anyone to follow, Shi Feng jumped away from Cross. Cross, though, was slowly succumbing to rage. How could he fail to kill this bug?. After 4 more failed punches, Cross had enough and transformed into a werewolf. Cross rushed at Shi Feng once again. Shi Feng used his sword to redirect the claw attack since he had no time to dodge. The force behind the claw still managed to hit him though.


Shi Feng wasn't too worried since he had 1950 HP. Before Cross could slash at Shi Feng once again, two Level 25 Guards came out of nowhere and hit Cross with Charge attacks.



In an instant, Cross lost 700 HP. Bringing his HP down to 1340 HP. Due to Shi Feng's Sword Intent suppression, Cross was overall weaker than he had been in his previous life. Guards were the town protectors. They were specialized in protecting the town's civilians and resisting against the invasion of evil beings. At this moment, the mayor had transformed into a Werewolf; proof that he was not a human, but a spy for the evil beings. The guards would naturally kill him on the spot.

One of the Guards used [Bone Crusher], while the other used [Thundering Strike], causing Cross' Movement Speed to plummet. Just like that, Cross's HP was nearly depleted. When the other players saw Cross dying, all of them were ready to swoop in for the kill; they wanted to land the last strike on the mayor. They did not understand why the Guards were attacking Cross instead of Shi Feng but a Town Mayor who was also a Level 15 Elite. If he died, he would definitely drop a good amount of loot. Soon enough, Cross was crippled, with 50 HP left. Shi Feng rushed out before the Guards struck again, or anyone else rushed out to try and get the last hit and used Chop on Cross.


System: Level 15 Mayor of Red Leaf Town, Cross killed. Level difference of 15. EXP obtained increased by 1500%.

I'm a bit stumped here. I need to figure out multiple calculations so the story is at least logical. I can't just be throwing random numbers and call it a day. I need a formula for attributes, how does each attribute affect each stat? How much Attack Power does X amount of points in Strength add?. How much EXP can SF get if he kills a certain monster. EXP from Commons, Elites, Chieftains, etc, by level. If I find a way to bypass this or integrate a new concept, ill be writing at a faster pace. Until then, I'll slowly be writing and going along with the main story. When I have that figured out, I'll be adding quite a few twists to the story.

If anyone could offer some assistance regarding this, this is the Discord I normally use: JiMeNGeO#7871

Thank You.

RedTauroscreators' thoughts