
Royal Princess: Doted on by the Mafia King

A man who traveled through time to save his first love has given up everything he had just to help her get her birthright. A Princess who is scared of fighting for that which belongs to her finds someone willing to help her. She however believes nothing comes for free and when he tells her what he wants in return, she finds the deal she is offered reasonable and accepts. She trusts no one and when her walls began to crack open to give way to the handsome man who made himself a terror for her sake, things go south. About the characters: The fashion designer who is a princess and tasked with the mission of getting what belongs to her and saving her people. How long will her walls last high up protecting her? How large will the crack in her walls be and when she faces hardships because of love will she close up her cracks or will those cracks further open? The time traveler who wants her by all means because time is short for him has a fearful reputation so he could be strong for her. How long his patience will last when made to await love for so long and when it runs out, what will it be like? Warning: Slow love Slow vengeance Don't stop reading Enjoy the story and leave a comment Don't expect the love to begin from the first chapter and don't expect a cruel villainess.

temiyemi354 · Thành thị
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239 Chs


Rose face turned a light shade of pink. She opened her mouth to talk but she closed it at the end of the day as she glared at her sister. That was really not what was on her mind.

She truly hard a crush on the young man but it was just a crush she had no reason to keep thinking about someone who probably does not know about her existence. She felt too busy to dwell on unnecessary things and issue.

"A crush never last for long," she finally said something with a frown. The pink tint on her skin disappeared long ago now replaced by an indifferent attitude.

"Oh," Anna said after pausing for a while watching her sister. It was good to know. She was glad her sister did not dwell on the crush she had on the man.

"I have never even seen him before," Rose said shaking her head. "He doesn't matter."

"Yeah right. You only saw his picture on the internet. Oh I'm happy."


"I saw him in a restaurant and he is definitely not your type of guy. He looks like he could crush anyone with his aura. I was so scared I ran away," Anna narrated and shuddered at the memory.

"Oh. That is definitely not my type," Rose immediately agreed with a nod.

The teacher spoke with the couple for a while before leaving. Rose and her sister could finally release a breath of relief the both felt something weird about the teacher but they could identify what it was.

The couple also had the same feeling about the man they invited for dinner with their family to appreciate his life-saving intervention but just like their daughters, the could not find what it was.

Justin shook his head thoughtfully as he headed towards the elevator with his wife and Valerie squinted with a slight tilt of her head but shook her head. It could not be, right? He could not be the one, right? Perhaps it was just a random resemblance. Or at least she hoped so.


"I saw your text. Do you think it is possible for us to get into the Hart's family home easily?" Wayne asked.

"Yes. My father is Mr. Hart's friend," Anna answered confidently.

"Oh," Wayne ohhed in a dramatic manner shaking his head. "I want to see Jace but just as it is hard to get in to the palace like visiting a friend, it is hard to get into the Hart's home," Wayne said unwilling to take the risk.

"Jace is our friend right?" Rose had to ask when she saw them all hesitating.

"Yes he is our friend and we should visit him," Debby answered although visibly hesitating but she wanted to see Scott through Jace.

"So, we are going," Anna agreed too.

As though the Harts were expecting their visit, they were welcomed warmly by the head of the family. The four friends were nervous before this man who had very intimidating aura.

Anna fiddled with her fingers, Wayne gripped the fabric of his trouser tightly through the pocket, Debby tightly held her lips and right her best to minimize the frequent slight movements she made with her feet. Rose who knew this man before her knew she was the princess gulped as a lump formed in her throat.

She wore a confident appearance maintaining her elegance as best as she could. She met his eyes fearlessly although she was scared. He knew her secret and could kill her in his living room or anywhere else and Bry her body and no one will be aware of her death. No body will know a princess was killed.

Her palm began sweating. The man's brown eyes squinted but he soon raised his eyebrows are her. She glanced at around her friends and nodded her head. With every good deed she believe the doer wanted something in return.

What did he possibly want from helping her. If he tells her what he wants and it is in his power to do so, she will give to him but if he asked her for nothing, she won't be able to trust him.

"Jace told me a lot about you all," Damon began when when Rose nodded at him.

The teenagers nodded laughing nervously.

"Jace have not been to school for a while now and he have not been answering out texts," Anna said when the atmosphere became awkward with Mr. Hart staring at them and they sat down quietly with nervous smiles on their faces.

"Oh, he is not feeling fine. He went away for while to recover," Damon had to lie. It was no need in the underground world that the heir of the Hart family was now a traitor so automatically, Jace was the new heir and it will be bad for the underground world to find out about Jace's state.

"Is it very bad?" Anna asked with concern when she heard him.

"No, he intends to continue studying there. He might be away for a while," Damon replied when he moved his attention to Anna from Rose and he could easily notice that the girl was growing to look more and more like her biological father. She also had slight resemblance to her biological mother.

"How long?" Anna asked with a hint of anxiety.

"Perhaps two years," Damon answered hoping his son wakes up before the two years is over. It was just the right time for him to return go for the retreat of the heirs.

"Oh that's long," Anna murmured looking down at her fingers.

"I think we should get going then," Wayne said standing up. "We are sorry for showing up without prior notice. I hope Jace gets well soon."

"Yeah. I hope so too," Mr. Hart answered with a sad smile that none except Rose noticed because they all had their heads down.

Rose knew Jace's illness was more than Mr. Hart showed them and she hoped Jace gets better soon. She wanted to see that lovely boy.

She sighed when they got to the door. It was time to leave. Wayne held her wrist and pulled her away from the door and the Liam passed by.

She could not help but inhale deeply.